The purpose of this repository is to provide an example of how a Rule Engine can be implemented in InterSystems Caché using Object Generators.
- Code generation is an excellent way of increasing performance moving run-time calculations to compile-time.
- The intention of this example is to explain how something as complex as a Rule Engine can be modelled in InterSystems Caché.
- InterSytems Ensemble provides a very powerful Rule Engine that is way much better than this homemade example.
- Describe a rule using a human-readable XML.
- Compile the rule and generate the code to evaluate that rule in run-time.
set path="C:\Temp\cache-iat-ruleengine-master\cache"
do $system.OBJ.ImportDir(path,"*.inc","ck",.error,1)
do $system.OBJ.ImportDir(path,"*.xml","ck",.error,1)
- The example provides a patient alert rule.
- After compiling the classes of the project, we can run the example:
- Create a context to evaluate the rule: this context contains all needed data to evaluate the rule, in this case a patient object.
- Evaluate the rule.
- To run the example, simply execute ##class(IAT.RuleEngine.Test.Examples).Run() method
Class IAT.S01.Rules.Test.Example Extends %RegisteredObject
ClassMethod Run() As %Status
set ret = $$$OK
try {
// create a patient
set p = ##class(Patient).%New()
set p.MRN="1234", p.Name="John", p.Surname="Snow", p.DOB=$zdh("1975-05-07",3)
// create a rule context, set data
set context = ##class(PatientContext).%New()
set context.Patient = p
// evaluate Patient Alerts Rule
set ruleEngine = ##class(IAT.S01.Rules.Engine).%New()
$$$TOE(sc, ruleEngine.Evaluate("IAT.S01.Rules.Test.PatientAlertsRule", context, .log))
// print log
write !,"Rule log:",!
zwrite log
} catch ex {
set ret = ex.AsStatus()
do $system.Status.DisplayError(ret)
quit ret
Execute the method from a Terminal session:
do ##class(IAT.RuleEngine.Test.Example).Run()
To:[email protected]
Patient is so old!
+----------------- general information ---------------
| oref value: 1
| class name: IAT.RuleEngine.Test.Patient
| reference count: 3
+----------------- attribute values ------------------
| DOB = 49069
| MRN = 1234
| Name = "John"
| Surname = "Snow"
Rule log:
log(1)="[2016-02-22 16:29:44] Rule: Not young anymore!"
log(2)="[2016-02-22 16:29:44] Action: 1"
log(3)="[2016-02-22 16:29:44] Action: 2"
log(4)="[2016-02-22 16:29:44] Action: 3"
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This example was published in
Dmitry Maslennikov ( has uploaded a very interesting alternative approach which uses %XGEN.AbstractDocument class to process the XData.
The code is available in /pr/xgen branch.
Additional information is available here:
do ##class(IAT.RuleEngine.Test.Example).Run()
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$ git clone
$ docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f
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To open IRIS Terminal do:
$ docker-compose exec iris iris session iris
USER>do ##class(IAT.RuleEngine.Test.Example).Run()
- - - -
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