Q: What are the goals of this group?
A: Knowledge sharing, making connections, advancing the industry
Q: Who can attend?
A: Anyone
Q: What type of people typically attend?
A: Software developers, data scientists and radiologists
Q: What are common topics of discussion?
A: Cloud, AI/ML, image compression, web based viewing, blockchain/crypto
Q: What if I want to present on a specific topic?
A: We ask for topics when the meeting starts and facilitate the discussion to go through each one. If your presentation
is > 30 minutes it may be better to schedule is separately and invite attendees so we have time for more than just
that one topic
Q: How do you prevent zoom bombing?
A: Attendees must register and use the link provided. Abusers will be promptly kicked and banned
Q: Can vendors discuss their products?
A: Yes, but please avoid using this meeting as a "sales activity". Talking about the technology behind your product and
how it works is most welcome