Vector feature data represents geolocated entities including conceptual ones such as districts, real world objects such as roads and rivers, and observations thereof.
International standards [9][10][11][12] have standardized practices for the storage, access and use of vector geospatial features and geometries via SQL in relational databases.
The first component of the SQL schema for vector features in a GeoPackage is the gpkg_spatial_ref_sys
table defined in clause [spatial_ref_sys] above.
Other components are defined below.
In a GeoPackage, "simple" features are geolocated using a linear geometry subset of the SQL/MM (ISO 13249-3) [12] geometry model shown in Core Geometry Model below.
The instantiable (not abstract) geometry types defined in this Standard are restricted to 0, 1 and 2-dimensional geometric objects that exist in 2, 3 or 4-dimensional coordinate space (R2, R3 or R4). Geometry values in R2 have points with coordinate values for x and y. Geometry values in R3 have points with coordinate values for x, y and z or for x, y and m. Geometry values in R4 have points with coordinate values for x, y, z and m. The interpretation of the coordinates is subject to the coordinate reference systems associated to the point. All coordinates within a geometry object should be in the same coordinate reference systems.
Geometries MAY include z coordinate values. The z coordinate value traditionally represents the third dimension (i.e. 3D). In a Geographic Information System (GIS) this may be height above or below sea level. For example: A map might have a point identifying the position of a mountain peak by its location on the earth, with the x and y coordinate values, and the height of the mountain, with the z coordinate value.
Geometries MAY include m coordinate values. The m coordinate value allows the application environment to associate some measure with the point values. For example: A stream network may be modeled as multilinestring value with the m coordinate values measuring the distance from the mouth of stream.
A brief description of each geometry type is provided below. A more detailed description can be found in ISO 13249-3 [12].
Geometry: the root of the geometry type hierarchy.
Point: a single location in space. Each point has an X and Y coordinate. A point MAY optionally also have a Z and/or an M value.
Curve: the base type for all 1-dimensional geometry types. A 1-dimensional geometry is a geometry that has a length, but no area. A curve is considered simple if it does not intersect itself (except at the start and end point). A curve is considered closed its start and end point are coincident. A simple, closed curve is called a ring.
LineString: A Curve that connects two or more points in space.
Surface: the base type for all 2-dimensional geometry types. A 2-dimensional geometry is a geometry that has an area.
CurvePolygon: A planar surface defined by an exterior ring and zero or more interior ring. Each ring is defined by a Curve instance.
Polygon: A restricted form of CurvePolygon where each ring is defined as a simple, closed LineString.
GeometryCollection: A collection of zero or more Geometry instances. [1]
MultiSurface: A restricted form of GeometryCollection where each Geometry in the collection must be of type Surface.
MultiPolygon: A restricted form of MultiSurface where each Surface in the collection must be of type Polygon.
MultiCurve: A restricted form of GeometryCollection where each Geometry in the collection must be of type Curve.
MultiLineString: A restricted form of MultiCurve where each Curve in the collection must be of type LineString.
MultiPoint: A restricted form of GeometryCollection where each Geometry in the collection must be of type Point.
A GeoPackage SHALL store feature table geometries with or without optional elevation (Z) and/or measure (M) values in SQL BLOBs using the Standard GeoPackageBinary format specified in table GeoPackage SQL Geometry Binary Format and clause BLOB Format.
GeoPackageBinaryHeader { byte[2] magic = 0x4750; (1) byte version; (2) byte flags; (3) int32 srs_id; double[] envelope; (4) } StandardGeoPackageBinary { GeoPackageBinaryHeader header; (5) WKBGeometry geometry; (6) }
8-bit unsigned integer, 0 = version 1
see flags envelope contents indicator code below
The X bit in the header flags field must be set to 0.
bit |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
use |
R |
R |
X |
Y |
E |
E |
E |
B |
flag bits use:
R: reserved for future use; set to 0
X: GeoPackageBinary type
0: StandardGeoPackageBinary. See below
1: ExtendedGeoPackageBinary. See [extension_geometry_encoding].
Y: empty geometry flag
0: non-empty geometry
1: empty geometry
E: envelope contents indicator code (3-bit unsigned integer)
0: no envelope (space saving slower indexing option), 0 bytes
1: envelope is [minx, maxx, miny, maxy], 32 bytes
2: envelope is [minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz], 48 bytes
3: envelope is [minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minm, maxm], 48 bytes
4: envelope is [minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz, minm, maxm], 64 bytes
5-7: invalid
B: byte order for header values (1-bit Boolean)
0: Big Endian (most significant byte first)
1: Little Endian (least significant byte first)
Well-Known Binary as defined in OGC 06-103r4 [9] does not provide a standardized encoding for an empty point set (i.e., 'Point Empty' in Well-Known Text). In GeoPackages these points SHALL be encoded as a Point where each coordinate value is set to an IEEE-754 quiet NaN value. GeoPackages SHALL use big endian 0x7ff8000000000000 or little endian 0x000000000000f87f as the binary encoding of the NaN values.
When the WKBGeometry in a GeoPackageBinary is empty, either the envelope contents indicator code SHALL be 0 indicating no envelope, or the envelope SHALL have its values set to NaN as defined for an empty point.
A GeoPackage SHALL store feature table geometries with the basic simple feature geometry types (Geometry, Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, GeomCollection) in [geometry_types] [geometry_types_core] in the GeoPackageBinary geometry encoding format.
A GeoPackage with a gpkg_contents
table row with a "features" data_type
SHALL contain a gpkg_geometry_columns
table per Geometry Columns Table Definition and [gpkg_geometry_columns_sql].
The second component of the SQL schema for vector features in a GeoPackage is a gpkg_geometry_columns
table that
identifies the geometry columns and geometry types in tables that contain user data representing features.
Column Name | Type | Description | Null | Key |
Name of the table containing the geometry column |
no |
PK, FK |
Name of a column in the feature table that is a Geometry Column |
no |
PK |
Name from [geometry_types_core] or [geometry_types_extension] in [geometry_types] |
no |
Spatial Reference System ID: |
no |
FK |
0: z values prohibited; 1: z values mandatory; 2: z values optional |
no |
0: m values prohibited; 1: m values mandatory; 2: m values optional |
no |
The FK on gpkg_geometry_columns.srs_id
references the PK on gpkg_spatial_ref_sys.srs_id
to ensure that geometry columns are only defined in feature tables for defined spatial reference systems.
Views of this table MAY be used to provide compatibility with the SQL/MM [12] [sqlmm_gpkg_geometry_columns_sql] and OGC Simple Features SQL [9][10][11] [sfsql_gpkg_geometry_columns_sql] specifications.
The gpkg_geometry_columns
table SHALL contain one row record for the geometry column in each vector feature data table (clause Vector Feature User Data Tables) in a GeoPackage.
Values of the gpkg_geometry_columns
column SHALL reference values in the gpkg_contents
column for rows with a data_type
of 'features'.
The column_name
column value in a gpkg_geometry_columns
row SHALL be the name of a column in the table or view specified by the table_name
column value for that row.
The geometry_type_name
value in a gpkg_geometry_columns
row SHALL be one of the uppercase geometry type names specified in [geometry_types].
The srs_id
value in a gpkg_geometry_columns
table row SHALL be an srs_id
column value from the gpkg_spatial_ref_sys
The z value in a gpkg_geometry_columns
table row SHALL be one of 0, 1, or 2.
The m value in a gpkg_geometry_columns
table row SHALL be one of 0, 1, or 2.
The third component of the SQL schema for vector features in a GeoPackage described in clause Simple Features SQL Introduction above are tables that contain user data representing features. Feature attributes are columns in a feature table, including geometries. Features are rows in a feature table. [5]
A GeoPackage MAY contain tables or updateable views containing vector features. Every such feature table or view in a GeoPackage SHALL have a column with column type INTEGER and 'PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT' column constraints per EXAMPLE : Sample Feature Table or View Definition and [example_feature_table_sql].
The integer primary key of a feature table allows features to be linked to row level metadata records in the gpkg_metadata
table by rowid [B5] values in the gpkg_metadata_reference
table as described in clause [_metadata_reference_table] below.
A feature table SHALL have only one geometry column.
Feature data models [B23] from non-GeoPackage implementations that have multiple geometry columns per feature table MAY be transformed into GeoPackage implementations with a separate feature table for each geometry type whose rows have matching integer primary key values that allow them to be joined in a view with the same column definitions as the non-GeoPackage feature data model with multiple geometry columns.
The declared SQL type of the geometry column in a vector feature user data table SHALL be the uppercase geometry type name from Annex G specified by the geometry_type_name column for that column_name and table_name in the gpkg_geometry_columns table.
Column Name | Type | Description | Null | Default | Key |
Autoincrement primary key |
no |
PK |
GeoPackage Geometry |
yes |
Text attribute of feature |
yes |
Real attribute of feature |
yes |
Boolean attribute of feature |
yes |
Photograph of the area |
yes |
A feature geometry is stored in a geometry column specified by the geometry_column
value for the feature table in the gpkg_geometry_columns
table defined in clause [_geometry_columns] above.
The geometry type of a feature geometry column specified in the gpkg_geometry_columns
table geometry_type_name
column is a name from [geometry_types].
Feature table geometry columns SHALL contain geometries of the type or assignable for the type specified for the column by the gpkg_geometry_columns
table geometry_type_name
uppercase column value [6].
Geometry subtypes are assignable as defined in [geometry_types] and shown in part in Core Geometry Model.
For example, if the geometry_type_name
value in the gpkg_geometry_columns
table is for a geometry type like POINT that has no subtypes, then the feature table geometry column MAY only contain geometries of that type.
If the geometry type_name
value in the gpkg_geometry_columns
table is for a geometry type like GEOMCOLLECTION that has subtypes, then the feature table geometry column MAY only contain geometries of that type or any of its direct or indirect subtypes.
If the geometry type_name
is GEOMETRY (the root of the geometry type hierarchy) then the feature table geometry column MAY contain geometries of any geometry type.
The presence or absence of optional elevation (Z) and/or measure (M) values in a geometry does not change its type or assignability. The unit of measure for optional elevation(Z) values is determined by the CRS of the geometry; it is as-defined by a 3D CRS, and undefined for a 2D CRS. The unit of measure for optional measure (M) values is determined by the CRS of the geometry.
The spatial reference system type of a feature geometry column specified by a gpkg_geometry_columns
table srs_id
column value is a code from the gpkg_spatial_ref_sys
table srs_id
Feature table geometry columns SHALL contain geometries with the srs_id
specified for the column by the gpkg_geometry_columns
table srs_id
column value.