You work in a market research institute as a data analyst. Every day you are sent various profiles, the content of which is to be analysed by you. These profiles are stored in a public directory. The profile must be in a format specified by you so that you can read and analyse the content without further ado.
# Header
Name: <prename, surname>
Date of birth: <date of birth>
# Body
Your task is to read the profiles programmatically and extract the names and dates of birth of the individual authors, and write it into a separate file (autors.txt). Imagine the directory of the profiles is called profiles
. In this repository you will find a directory with two examples of proiles. You can use it for your exercise.
It is important that only one author is listed per line.
1. Markus Mustermann, 1986-09-01
2. Martina Müller, 1999-10-10
Goold Luck!