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This repository was archived by the owner on Aug 6, 2024. It is now read-only.

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124 lines (90 loc) · 5.38 KB

File metadata and controls

124 lines (90 loc) · 5.38 KB

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SupplyAlly helps ensure that everyone can get their fair share of items. By scanning a person's ID, you'll be able to track whether his allocated quota has been used up.


  1. Setup Sentry. Copy .env.example to .env and populate with your values. You can skip this step if you don't want to use Sentry to track app errors.

  2. Install expo-cli globally

  3. Login to Expo using expo login. Ask someone for the credentials.

  4. Install Expo on your mobile device and/or simulator and login with the same account. When using a mobile device for testing, it needs to be on the same network.

  5. Setup Auth for our private package @rationally-app-payment-qr-parser

    1. Create a new gitHub personal access token(PAT) with repo and read:packages permissions
    2. in terminal, run this commandnpm login --scope=@rationally-app --registry=
    3. type your username, followed by the personal access token created with step 1 as your password, and your email
  6. Install dependencies: npm install

  7. This step only applies if you are on a windows machine. If not, skip this step.

    • open package.json and replace the scripts object with the following:

      "start": "set APP_BUILD_VERSION=1 && set APP_BINARY_VERSION=dev && set START_STORYBOOK=false && expo start",
      "start:mock": "set APP_BUILD_VERSION=1 && set APP_BINARY_VERSION=dev && set MOCK=true && expo start",
      "test": "jest",
      "test:coverage": "npm run test -- --coverage",
      "test:watch": "jest --watch",
      "storybook": "set APP_BUILD_VERSION=1 && set APP_BINARY_VERSION=dev && set START_STORYBOOK=true && expo start",
      "android": "set APP_BUILD_VERSION=1 && set APP_BINARY_VERSION=dev && expo start --android",
      "ios": "set APP_BUILD_VERSION=1 && set APP_BINARY_VERSION=dev && expo start --ios",
      "web": "expo start --web",
      "eject": "expo eject",
      "lint": "eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx,.mdx --max-warnings 0",
      "lint:fix": "npm run lint -- --fix"
  8. Download a build mentioned in

  9. Run one of the following to start development:

    • npm run start
    • npm run start:mock: If you'd like to mock the APIs
    • npm run storybook: If you'd like to use Storybook for development


Markdown lint

We use remark for linting .md files.

npm run markdown:lint

Install the remark VSCode extension to lint your markdown files.


npm run test
npm run test:watch # If you'd like to test specific files


We use Github Actions and have supplied the .gihthub/workflows for setting it up. You will need to add the following secrets to the Github Repo:


You will also need to define the following environment variables in a .env file (please refer to .env.example):

SENTRY_ORG: the slug of the organisation to use for a command
SENTRY_PROJECT: the slug of the project to use for a command
SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN: the authentication token to use for all communication with Sentry
SENTRY_DSN: the DSN to use to connect to sentry

DOMAIN_FORMAT: to validate backend endpoints

If you're releasing this for the first time, you need to create a tag to specify the initial version of the app. This allows the changelog generator to generate the correct set of changes. A base-ref property will then need to be created in the changelog generator's with parameter. Once released, this property can be removed.

uses: metcalfc/[email protected]
   myToken: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN_SUPPLYALLY_BOT }}
   base-ref: <base-tag> # e.g. prod-0


  1. To fix the network issues on expo app in terms of backend api not reachable :

    • import deleteStoreInBuckets from src/utils/bucketStorageHelper.ts

    • to replace useEffect hook in authStore.tsx.

    • then refresh the app. it will show the login screen

    • after everything is done revert all changes in authStore.tsx.

      import {deleteStoreInBuckets} from "../utils/bucketStorageHelper";
      useEffect(() => {
      if (hasLoadedFromPrimaryStore) {
        const authCredentialsString = JSON.stringify(authCredentials);
        const prevAuthCredentialsString = JSON.stringify(prevAuthCredentials);
        // do a top level check to see if there are any changes
        if (authCredentialsString) {
          deleteStoreInBuckets(AUTH_CREDENTIALS_STORE_KEY, authCredentialsString);
      }, [hasLoadedFromPrimaryStore, authCredentials, prevAuthCredentials]);