A utility for working with Windows shortcut (.lnk) files
Usage: LnkUtils (command) [options]
Check (path to folder or .lnk file) [options]
- tests link files for bad paths
Check Options:
-r recurse into sub-folders
-v print extra information about links
-a show all links not just bad ones
Create [options]
- create a new link
Create Options:
-t (path) path to target
-n (path) name of link file (defaults to 'target file name'.lnk)
-c (text) comment
-s (path) start in path
-i (path) [index] path to .ico file or .dll/.exe. index defaults to 0
-f force create even if target doesn't exist
I came accross this gem while searching for information oniline - MS-SHLLINK: Shell Link (.LNK) Binary File Format.
Maybe a future version of this tool could expose a way to create lnk files directly using the published format instead of the win32 api.