###RS-232 Connection Settings
Data width:8bit
Parity: none
Stop: 1bit
All commands end with exclamation point (!). All text is ASCII and is not case sensitive. ?VERSION is the only command for directly querying device. Other commands will return a status after executing the command. Some status is returned unrequested
T1! | Change resolution to 1080p | Resolution: 1080p/60 |
T2! | Change resolution to 720p | Resolution: 720p/60 |
T3! | Change resolution to 1080i | Resolution: 1080i/60 |
T4! | Change resolution to 1360x768 | Resolution: 1024x768/60 |
T5! | Change resolution to 1024x768 | Resolution: 1360x768/60 |
IN1! | Select input 1 | Input 1 select |
IN2! | Select input 2 | Input 2 select |
ONEINPUT! | Select mode QUAD | Mode: QUAD |
PIP! | Select mode PIP | Mode: PIP |
SIDEBYSIDE1! | Select mode POP1 | Mode: POP1 |
SIDEBYSIDE2! | Select mode POP2 | Mode: POP2 |
?VERSION! | Check software version | V 1.7 |
RESET! | Factory Reset | Factory Reset |
POWERON! | System power on | PowerON |
POWEROFF! | System power off | PowerOFF |
For some reason, the input status returned by the device is opposite for RxON (port active), format (resolution). This does not apply to Select status.