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File metadata and controls

327 lines (260 loc) · 10.7 KB


This guide broadly describes the necessary steps to deploy a productive Klangbecken instance. It is based on the tools and technologies we use at RaBe, but should be applicable to different but similar tools. We use CentOS (RHEL) 7 as operating system, Apache 2 as web server, FreeIPA for authentication, and Axia ALSA sound drivers.

Base Installation

On your favourite Linux distribution:

  • Install Apache including its development libraries with your package manager.
  • Install git with your package manager.
  • Install Python (at least version 3.7) with development libraries using your package manager or from the source.
  • Install Liquidsoap from our prebuilt package.

Prepare Deployment

Befor anything else, deploy your public SSH key to the root user's authorized_keys file.

Create a virtual environment for the Python code:

mkdir /usr/local/venvs
python3.9 -m venv /usr/local/venvs/klangbecken-py39

Initialize a bare git repository and create checkout and dependencies directories:

git init --bare /root/klangbecken.git
mkdir /root/klangbecken
mkdir /root/dependencies

Install a git deployment hook:

cat > /root/klangbecken.git/hooks/post-receive <<- __EOF_1__

git --work-tree=/root/klangbecken/ --git-dir=/root/klangbecken.git checkout -f
source /usr/local/venvs/klangbecken-py39/bin/activate

echo "##############"
echo "# Installing #"
echo "##############"
pip install --upgrade --no-index --find-links /root/dependencies/ --requirement /root/klangbecken/requirements.txt
pip install --upgrade --no-index --find-links /root/dependencies/ mod_wsgi
rm /root/dependencies/*
pip install --force-reinstall --no-index --no-deps /root/klangbecken

echo "#############"
echo "# Reloading #"
echo "#############"
systemctl reload httpd
if ! cmp --quiet /root/klangbecken/klangbecken.liq /etc/liquidsoap/klangbecken.liq; then
    mv /etc/liquidsoap/klangbecken.liq /etc/liquidsoap/klangbecken.liq.bak
    cp /root/klangbecken/klangbecken.liq /etc/liquidsoap/klangbecken.liq
    echo "WARNING: Liquidsoap script changed!"
    echo "Run 'systemctl restart liquidsoap@klangbecken' during an off-air moment"
echo "Done!"

chmod +x /root/klangbecken.git/hooks/post-receive

Initialize the data directory:

source /usr/local/venvs/klangbecken-py39/bin/activate
python -m klangbecken init -d /var/lib/klangbecken

Set the access rights, such that both apache and liquidsoap users can read and write the data directory:

groupadd --system klangbecken
usermod -a -G klangbecken apache
usermod -a -G klangbecken liquidsoap

chgrp -R klangbecken /var/lib/klangbecken/
chmod g+s,g+w /var/lib/klangbecken/ /var/lib/klangbecken/*/
setfacl -m "default:group::rw" /var/lib/klangbecken/ /var/lib/klangbecken/*/

# SELinux configuration
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "/var/lib/klangbecken.*"
restorecon -vR /var/lib/klangbecken/

On your local machine in your klangbecken git repository point a remote to the production system:

git remote add prod root@NAME_OF_YOUR_VM:klangbecken.git

Deploy the code (including mod_wsgi) for the first time to production:


Note: To be able to download the mod_wsgi package, make sure you have the apache development libraries installed locally.

Global Configuration

Add a file /etc/klangbecken.conf with the global configuration:


Replace the KLANGBECKEN_API_SECRET with a sufficiently long and random secret key. For example by executing dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=33 2>/dev/null | base64 -w 0 | rev | cut -b 2- | rev.

Set the KLANGBECKEN_ALSA_DEVICE to your sound card device (default:CARD=Axia when you use the Axia ALSA drivers). Optionally specify a KLANGBECKEN_EXTERNAL_PLAY_LOGGER command (see command line interface).


Add an override file for the liquidsoap@klangbecken service:

mkdir /etc/systemd/system/liquidsoap@klangbecken.service.d
cat > /etc/systemd/system/liquidsoap@klangbecken.service.d/overrides.conf <<- __EOF_1__

Make sure /var/run/liquidsoap exists after booting:

cat > /etc/tmpfiles.d/liquidsoap.conf <<-__EOF_2__
d /var/run/liquidsoap 0755 liquidsoap liquidsoap - -

Add liquidsoap user to the audio group

usermod -a -G audio liquidsoap

Enable the service:

systemctl enable liquidsoap@klangbecken.service


API with mod_wsgi

Add a wsgi file loading the API:

cat > /var/www/klangbecken_api.wsgi <<-__EOF__
from klangbecken.api import klangbecken_api

with open("/etc/klangbecken.conf") as f:
    config = dict(
        line.rstrip()[len("KLANGBECKEN_") :].split("=", 1)
        for line in f.readlines()
        if line.startswith("KLANGBECKEN_")

application = klangbecken_api(
    config["API_SECRET"], config["DATA_DIR"], config["PLAYER_SOCKET"]

Configure Apache to use the mod_wsgi module:

cat > /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/10-wsgi.conf <<-__EOF__
LoadModule wsgi_module /usr/local/venvs/klangbecken-py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mod_wsgi/server/

Make sure, that the library file (*.so) exists at the configured location.

Configure the API in your Apache VirtualHost configuration:

WSGIDaemonProcess klangbecken user=apache group=klangbecken python-home=/usr/local/venvs/klangbecken-py39
WSGIProcessGroup klangbecken
WSGIScriptAlias /api /var/www/klangbecken_api.wsgi

# Forward authorization header to API
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
RewriteRule .* - [e=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]


We use mod_authnz_pam and mod_intercept_form_submit to intercept login requests and authenticate users with PAM.

Configure your Apache VirtualHost configuration:

LoadModule authnz_pam_module modules/
LoadModule intercept_form_submit_module modules/
<Location /api/auth/login>
  <If "%{REQUEST_METHOD} == 'POST'">
    InterceptFormPAMService klangbecken
    InterceptFormLogin login
    InterceptFormPassword password
    InterceptFormClearRemoteUserForSkipped on
    InterceptFormPasswordRedact on
    InterceptFormLoginRealms YOUR_LDAP_REALM ''

Note: If you use LDAP, configure YOUR_LDAP_REALM to the correct realm. Otherwise remove the corresponding line.

Allow apache to use PAM (SELinux configuration):

setsebool -P allow_httpd_mod_auth_pam 1

Configure PAM to limit access to users in certain user groups:

cat > /etc/pam.d/klangbecken <<-__EOF__
auth    required
account required
account required accessfile=/etc/klangbecken-http-access.conf

cat > /etc/klangbecken-http-access.conf <<-__EOF__
+ : (staff) : ALL
+ : (admins) : ALL
- : ALL : ALL

Check for an alternative to PAM based authentication.

Data Directory

Configure forwarding requests to /data to the data directory in your Apache VirtualHost configuration:

Alias "/data" "/var/lib/klangbecken"
<Directory  /var/lib/klangbecken>
  Require all granted

Front End

Configure redirection rules for the front end in your Apache VirtualHost configuration:

<Directory "/var/www/html">
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
        RewriteEngine On
        RewriteBase /
        RewriteRule ^index\.html$ - [L]
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
        RewriteRule . /index.html [L]

Fork and clone the front end code from and configure the PROD_HOST variable in the deployment script

Run the script to build the project, and copy the files to production:


Systemd Services and Timers

The directory doc/systemd contains example service files for all described services. The files can be copied to /etc/systemd/system/ on production.

"On Air" Status Listener (Virtual Sämubox)

Install the Virtual Sämubox binary:

Install the virtual-saemubox.service, that sends to current "on air" status to the Liquidsoap player and enable it:

systemctl enable virtual-saemubox.service

Data Directory Consistency Check

Install the klangbecken-fsck.service and klangbecken-fsck.timer files for the fsck service, that nightly checks the consistency of the data directory, and enable the timer:

systemctl enable klangbecken-fsck.timer

Automatically Disable Expired Tracks

Install the klangbecken-disable-expired.service and klangbecken-disable-expired.timer files for the disable-expired service, that hourly checks for and disables expired tracks (mostly jingles), and enable the timer:

systemctl enable klangbecken-disable-expired.timer

Monitoring Checks

The following script checks whether the the Klangbecken had been off air for more than a day. Use it in your monitoring service.

cat > /usr/local/bin/check_off_air_status <<- __EOF__
#!/bin/env python3.9

import csv
import datetime
import os
import pathlib

if not hasattr(datetime.datetime, "fromisoformat"):
    print("ERROR: datetime.fromisoformat missing")
    print("Install 'fromisoformat' backport package or use a Python version >= 3.7")

DATA_DIR = os.environ.get("KLANGBECKEN_DATA_DIR", "/var/lib/klangbecken")
path = list((pathlib.Path(DATA_DIR) / "log").glob("*.csv"))[-1]
with open(path) as f:
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    entry = list(reader)[-1]

last_play = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(entry["last_play"])
now =

if now - last_play > datetime.timedelta(days=1):
    print("WARNING: Klangbecken offline for more than one day.")
    print(f"Last track play registered at {last_play}")

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/check_off_air_status