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Typed Structs via T::Struct

Sorbet includes a way to define typed structs. They behave similarly to the Struct class built into Ruby, but work better with static and runtime type checking.

Here's a quick example:

class MonetaryAmount < T::Struct
  # (1) Define mutable struct properties with the `prop` DSL
  # (like a typed version of `attr_accessor`)
  prop :amount, Integer

  # (2) Define constant struct properties with the `const` DSL
  # (like a typed version of `attr_reader`)
  const :currency, String

# (3) T::Struct constructors always take arguments via keywords
monetary = 1000, currency: 'USD')

# (4) Access the values using getters and setters
p(monetary.amount) # => 1000
monetary.amount = 2100

# (5) `const` properties cannot be updated
monetary.currency = 'GBP'
#       ^^^^^^^^^^^ undefined method `currency=`

# (6) Everything is type checked, unlike Ruby's `Struct` class 1000)
# ^ error: Missing required keyword argument `currency` 'not an int', currency: 'USD')
# ^ error: Expected `Integer` but found `String`
monetary.amount + 'not an int'
# ^ error: Expects an `Integer`, not `String`
monetary.amount = 'not an int'
# ^ error: Expected `Integer` but found `String`

→ View example on

Optional properties: T.nilable, default:, and factory:

By default, all T::Struct properties are required on initialization. There are three ways to mark a property as optional:

  1. Provide a default: ... keyword argument to the prop or const.

    The provided value will be used if that property is omitted at initialization time.

  2. Provide a proc or lambda via the factory: ... keyword argument on a prop or const.

    This is similar to default:, but the argument will be called (with no arguments) to produce a default value when needed.

  3. Declare the prop's type as a T.nilable(...) type.

    Not only will this allow the prop's value to include nil, but it also implies default: nil if no explicit default: or factory: value is provided.

class OptionalExample < T::Struct
  # All these props are optional
  prop :uses_default, String, default: ''
  prop :created, Float, factory: ->() { }
  prop :nilable, T.nilable(Integer)

x =
x.uses_default # => ''
x.created      # => 1666483572.897899
x.nilable      # => nil

y =
x.uses_default # => ''
x.created      # => 1666483576.475571
x.nilable      # => nil

Default values and references

To avoid having a default value be shared and mutated by all instances of a T::Struct, certain built-in types are deeply cloned at initialization time. Other types that are not built into Ruby have their .clone method called.

Before we get ahead of ourselves, consider this code:

class Example < T::Struct
  # The `[]` default is cloned on initialization,
  # so it is not shared by by multiple instances.
  prop :vals, T::Array[Integer], default: []

ex1 =
ex2 =
ex1.vals << 'elem'

It would be surprising if p(ex2.vals) printed ['elem'] in this example—it would mean that the default of [] was shared by reference across all Example instances, so that updating one instance's vals property simultaneously affected all of them.

To fix this, T::Struct takes measures to clone objects, so that they are not shared:

  • true, false, nil, any Symbol, any Numeric, and T::Enum values are either value objects (not reference objects) or are known to be immutable, and so are not cloned when being used as a default.
  • String instances that are frozen (according to frozen?) are not cloned, for performance. All other Strings have .clone called on them before being used as a default value.
  • Array and Hash default values are deeply cloned (i.e., Sorbet recursively calls .clone not only on the Array or Hash itself, but also on all their elements).
  • All other default values are simply cloned by calling .clone on the provided default.

These rules prevent the most common misuses of accidentally mutating default values via references, but it is still possible to construct cases where the above rules are not strong enough. In such cases, use factory: to compute the default value in whatever way necessary. The value produced by factory: is used verbatim. (This means that factory: can be used when reference sharing across default values is actually the desired outcome.)

Structs and inheritance

Sorbet does not allow inheriting from a class which inherits from T::Struct.

class S < T::Struct
  prop :foo, Integer

class Bad < S; end # error

Sorbet imposes this limitation somewhat artificially, for performance. Sorbet generates a static signature for the initialize method of a T::Struct subclass. In order to do so, it needs to know all prop's defined on the class. For performance in large codebases, Sorbet requires that it is possible to know which methods are defined on a T::Struct class purely based on syntax—Sorbet does not allow discovering a T::Struct's properties via ancestor information, like the class's superclass or mixins.

One common situation where inheritance may be desired is when a parent struct declares some common props, and child structs declare their own props:

class Parent < T::Struct
  prop :foo, Integer

class ChildOne < Parent # error
  prop :bar, String

class ChildTwo < Parent # error
  prop :quz, Symbol

This code can be restructured to use composition instead of inheritance:

class Common < T::Struct
  prop :foo, Integer

class ChildOne < T::Struct
  prop :common, Common
  prop :bar, String

class ChildTwo < T::Struct
  prop :common, Common
  prop :quz, Symbol

Another option is to define a common interface, and repeat the props in each child class:

module Common
  extend T::Helpers
  sig {returns(Integer)}
  def foo; end
  sig {params(Integer).returns(Integer)}
  def foo=(foo); end

class ChildOne < T::Struct
  include Common
  prop :foo, Integer
  prop :bar, String

class ChildTwo < T::Struct
  include Common
  prop :foo, Integer
  prop :quz, Symbol

If the code absolutely must use inheritance and cannot use composition, either:

  • Avoid using T::Struct, and instead define a normal class, with things like attr_reader and an explicit initialize method.

  • Change the superclass from T::Struct to T::InexactStruct. This causes Sorbet to no longer statically check the types of any arguments passed to the initialize method on the subclass, but does allow defining T::Struct hierarchies. This should only be used as a last resort.

Legacy code and historical context

The prop DSL used by T::Struct predates Sorbet by about 5 years. It was originally conceived at Stripe in early 2013 to form the basis for Stripe's internal object-document mapper (ODM). By the time Stripe began internal development on Sorbet in late 2017, Stripe's ODM was by far the most commonly used internal abstraction for associating types with methods. At a time when it was not clear that the as-yet-unnamed Ruby type checker project would succeed or not, we were eager to build on existing abstractions to bootstrap early type coverage.

A decision was made to factor the code for the prop DSL into a standalone library, to allow using it independently of the database-specific code in Stripe's ODM library. From this effort, T::Struct was born. A T::Struct is essentially a Stripe database model class without the database.

Unfortunately, this process left warts in the publicly-accessible T::Struct APIs that persist today. Certain parts of the prop DSL only make sense when used alongside Stripe-internal abstractions. The DSL also contains things that are technically publicly accessible that were never meant to be. This legacy makes it hard to evolve and improve the T::Struct APIs without breaking existing code.

The remainder of this documentation is presented for completeness. Use the APIs below at your own discretion. Our goal here is simply to outline the potential pitfalls that arise when using them.

serialize and from_hash: Converting T::Struct to and from Hash

It's possible to convert a T::Struct instance to and from Hash instances:

class A < T::Struct
  prop :foo, Integer

# (1) `serialize` converts from `T::Struct` to `Hash`
serialized = 42).serialize
p(serialized) # => {"foo"=>42}

# (1) `from_hash` converts from `Hash` to `T::Struct`
deserialized = A.from_hash(serialized)
p(deserialized) # => <A foo=42>

However, serialize and especially from_hash are particularly fraught (see the "gotchas" sections below). It's likely better to do manual conversion to and from Hash values:

# (1) Convert to hashes directly
class A < T::Struct
  prop :foo, Integer

a = 12)
as_hash = {

# (2) Use keyword splat arguments with `new` to convert from a `Hash`**as_hash)

Custom serializations with name:

The name: option on the prop DSL controls the field name that will be used when converting to and from Hash values:

class A < T::Struct
  # (1) The name `fooBar` will be used when converting to/from `Hash` values
  prop :foo_bar, Integer, name: "fooBar"

serialized = 42).serialize
p(serialized) # => {"fooBar"=>42}

deserialized = A.from_hash(serialized)
p(deserialized) # <A foo_bar=42>

serialize gotchas

As mentioned in the previous section, the serialize behavior was inherited from Stripe's internal ODM library, and thus has some warts to be aware of:

  • The Hash has String-valued keys, unlike Ruby's Struct#to_h method, which produces Symbol-valued keys. Even custom names provided with name: must be Strings.

  • nil properties are omitted from the resulting Hash.

  • Nested T::Struct and T::Enum values are also serialized:

    class Nested < T::Struct
      prop :bar, Integer
    class XorY < T::Enum
      enums do
        X = new
        Y = new
    class Top < T::Struct
      prop :nested, Nested
      prop :x_or_y, XorY
    p( 42), x_or_y: XorY::X).serialize)
    # => {"nested"=>{"bar"=>42}, "x_or_y"=>"x"}
  • However, union-typed properties containing T::Struct instances are not serialized:

    class Foo < T::Struct
      prop :foo, Integer
    class Bar < T::Struct
      prop :bar, String
    class Top < T::Struct
      prop :foo_or_bar, T.any(Foo, Bar)
    foo_top = 12))
    foo_serialized = foo_top.serialize
    p(foo_serialized) # => {"foo_or_bar"=><Foo foo=12>}

from_hash gotchas

As mentioned in the previous section, the deserialize behavior was inherited from Stripe's internal ODM library, and thus has some warts to be aware of.

  • The Hash given to from_hash must have String-valued keys, like the result of calling serialize.

  • The from_hash method does not do the same static nor runtime type checking that the T::Struct's new method would do:

    • There are no static type checks.
    • Required properties missing in the Hash do raise exceptions at runtime.
    • Extra or unknown properties present in the Hash do not raise exceptions at runtime unless the optional strict argument to from_hash is passed (or the method is called via the from_hash! wrapper).
    • The types provided via the Hash are not checked at runtime.
  • Because union-typed properties containing T::Struct instances are not serialized, they must also not be still serialized when given to from_hash:

    class Foo < T::Struct
      prop :foo, Integer
    class Bar < T::Struct
      prop :bar, String
    class Top < T::Struct
      prop :foo_or_bar, T.any(Foo, Bar)
    foo = 12)
    p(Top.from_hash({"foo_or_bar" => foo}))
    # => <Top foo_or_bar=<Foo foo=12>>
    p(Top.from_hash({"foo_or_bar" => foo.serialize}))
    # => <Top foo_or_bar={"foo"=>12}>

    And since there are no runtime type checks, the serialized hash value is directly set to the foo_or_bar field.

Structural vs reference equality

By default, T::Struct values compare using reference equality ("Are these two instances literally the same object in memory?""), while classes created with Ruby's Struct class compare using structural equality ("Are these two possibly-different objects both instances of the same class, containing pairwise-equal fields?").

While it would be nice if T::Struct had been built from the beginning with structural equality, it wasn't, and now quite a lot of code in the wild depends on this.

For those cases where structural equality is preferred, we recommend defining a custom module that can be included into a T::Struct to override the equality methods, providing structural equality.

Immutable property updates using with

Properties defined with const do not have setter methods, making it impossible to update these properties after construction. A common pattern when working with such classes is to "immutably update" the instance by creating a copy of an object with identical fields except with a different value for the one const property.

This is built into T::Struct, but has some limitations:

class A < T::Struct
  const :foo, Integer
  const :another_required, Integer

a1 = 1, another_required: 42)
p(a1) # => <A foo=1 another_required=42>

# The `with` method
a2 = a1.with(foo: 2)
p(a2) # => <A foo=2 another_required=42>

Added in haste, the implementation of with uses from_hash to merge the new and old properties and create the new instance. This means it suffers from exactly the same gotchas mentioned in the from_hash gotchas section above.

Legacy and Stripe-specific options

There are a number of other legacy or Stripe-internal options in the prop DSL. Those include dont_store, enum, foreign, ifunset, immutable, raise_on_nil_write, redaction, and sensitivity. Stripe employees can reference these docs to learn more.

Other users of sorbet-runtime are not encouraged to use these options.