A quickstart project is the simplest hello world kind of example, it accepts input and replies with hello message.
This example shows
- invoking scripts from within process
- Diagram Properties (top)
- Diagram Properties (bottom)
- Hello Script Task
- Update Message Script Task
You will need:
- Java 11+ installed
- Environment variable JAVA_HOME set accordingly
- Maven 3.6.2+ installed
mvn clean compile spring-boot:run
mvn clean package
To run the generated native executable, generated in target/
, execute
java -jar target/process-scripts-springboot.jar
You can take a look at the OpenAPI definition - automatically generated and included in this service - to determine all available operations exposed by this service. For easy readability you can visualize the OpenAPI definition file using a UI tool like for example available Swagger UI.
In addition, various clients to interact with this service can be easily generated using this OpenAPI definition.
To make use of this application it is as simple as putting a sending request to http://localhost:8080/scripts
with following content
"name" : "john"
Complete curl command can be found below:
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -H 'Accept:application/json' -d '{"name" : "john"}' http://localhost:8080/scripts
Response should be similar to:
"message":"Hello john"
And also in SpringBoot log you should see a log entry:
Hello john
In the operator
directory you'll find the custom resources needed to deploy this example on OpenShift with the Kogito Operator.