diff --git a/src/bestmatches.f b/src/bestmatches.f index 04acccc..1f2a406 100644 --- a/src/bestmatches.f +++ b/src/bestmatches.f @@ -12,17 +12,21 @@ C C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C -C CM - Input local cost and output cumulative cost matrix -C DM - Direction matrix -C VM - Starting points matrix -C SM - Matrix of step patterns -C N - Number of rows in CM, DM, and VM -C M - Number of columns CM, DM, and VM -C NS - Number of rows in SM +C XM - Two columns matrix with 'from' and 'to' dates as integers +C AM - Matrix (P-1 x L) with classification intervals (P-1) and possible classes (L) +C DM - Vector length K DTW distance for each alignment +C DP - Vector length P-1 with classification intervals +C X - Vector length K with alignments index +C IM - Matrix to return best matches, intervals, and class labels +C A - Vector with alignment index +C K - Number of alignments +C P - Number of dates defineing classification intervals +C L - Number of classes +C OV - Minimum temporal overlap SUBROUTINE bestmatches(XM, AM, DM, DP, X, IM, A, K, P, L, OV) C 800 FORMAT('i: ',I5,' i: ',I5,' VALUE: ',F8.4,' VALUE: ',F10.4) C 801 FORMAT('Here: ',I5) -C I/O Variables +C I/O Variables INTEGER K, P, L, XM(K,2), X(K), DP(P), IM(P-1,3), A(K) DOUBLE PRECISION AM(P-1,L), DD, DM(K), OV C Internals