index 3272e0d..f2451ca 100644
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ exportMethods(show)
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ importFrom(sp,over)
diff --git a/R/class-crossValidation.R b/R/class-crossValidation.R
index ba9aaf2..cd28411 100644
--- a/R/class-crossValidation.R
+++ b/R/class-crossValidation.R
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ setClass(
   slots = c(partitions = "list", accuracy = "list"),
   validity = function(object){
     if(!is(object@partitions, "list")){
-      stop("[twdtwTimeSeries: validation] Invalid partitions, class different from list.")
+      stop("[twdtwCrossValidation: validation] Invalid partitions, class different from list.")
     if(!is(object@accuracy, "list")){
-      stop("[twdtwTimeSeries: validation] Invalid accuracy, class different from list.")
+      stop("[twdtwCrossValidation: validation] Invalid accuracy, class different from list.")
diff --git a/R/class-twdtwAccuracy.R b/R/class-twdtwAccuracy.R
index e779122..f5497a4 100644
--- a/R/class-twdtwAccuracy.R
+++ b/R/class-twdtwAccuracy.R
@@ -33,10 +33,15 @@
 #' @param id.labels a numeric or character with an column name from \code{y} to 
 #' be used as samples labels. Optional.
+#' @param labels character vector with time series labels. For signature 
+#' \code{\link[dtwSat]{twdtwRaster}} this argument can be used to set the 
+#' labels for each sample in \code{y}, or it can be combined with \code{id.labels} 
+#' to select samples with a specific label.
 #' @param proj4string projection string, see \code{\link[sp]{CRS-class}}. Used 
 #' if \code{y} is a \code{\link[base]{data.frame}}.
-#' @param conf.int specifies the confidence level.
+#' @param conf.int specifies the confidence level (0-1).
 #' @seealso 
 #' \code{\link[dtwSat]{twdtwRaster-class}}, and 
@@ -44,9 +49,12 @@
 #' @section Slots :
 #' \describe{
-#'  \item{\code{accuracy}:}{A list with the accuracy for each classified time period.}
-#'  \item{\code{data}:}{A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} with reference labels, predicted labels, 
-#'  and other TWDTW information.}
+#'  \item{\code{accuracySummary}:}{Overall Accuracy, User's Accuracy, Produce's Accuracy, 
+#'  and Error Matrix (confusion matrix) considering all time periods.}
+#'  \item{\code{accuracyByPeriod}:}{Overall Accuracy, User's Accuracy, Produce's Accuracy, 
+#'  and Error Matrix (confusion matrix) for each time periods independently from each other.}
+#'  \item{\code{data}:}{A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} with period (from - to), reference labels, 
+#'  predicted labels, and other TWDTW information.}
 #' }
 #' @examples
@@ -56,13 +64,16 @@
   Class = "twdtwAssessment",
-  slots = c(accuracy = "list", data = "list"),
+  slots = c(accuracySummary = "list", accuracyByPeriod = "list", data = "data.frame"),
   validity = function(object){
-    if(!is(object@partitions, "list")){
-      stop("[twdtwTimeSeries: validation] Invalid partitions, class different from list.")
+    if(!is(object@accuracySummary, "list")){
+      stop("[twdtwAssessment: validation] Invalid partitions, class different from list.")
+    }else{}
+    if(!is(object@accuracyByPeriod, "list")){
+      stop("[twdtwAssessment: validation] Invalid accuracy, class different from list.")
-    if(!is(object@accuracy, "list")){
-      stop("[twdtwTimeSeries: validation] Invalid accuracy, class different from list.")
+    if(!is(object@data, "data.frame")){
+      stop("[twdtwAssessment: validation] Invalid accuracy, class different from data.frame.")
@@ -71,14 +82,17 @@ setClass(
           signature = "twdtwAssessment",
           definition = 
-            function(.Object, partitions, accuracy){
-              .Object@partitions = list(Resample1=NULL)
-              .Object@accuracy = list(OverallAccuracy=NULL, UsersAccuracy=NULL, ProducersAccuracy=NULL, 
-                                      error.matrix=table(NULL), data=data.frame(NULL))
-              if(!missing(partitions))
-                .Object@partitions = partitions
-              if(!missing(accuracy))
-                .Object@accuracy = accuracy
+            function(.Object, accuracySummary, accuracyByPeriod, data){
+              .Object@accuracySummary = list(OverallAccuracy=NULL, UsersAccuracy=NULL, ProducersAccuracy=NULL, ErrorMatrix=table(NULL))
+              .Object@accuracyByPeriod = list(list(OverallAccuracy=NULL, UsersAccuracy=NULL, ProducersAccuracy=NULL, 
+                                                   ErrorMatrix=table(NULL)))
+              .Object@data = data.frame(Period=NULL, from=NULL, to=NULL, Distance=NULL, Predicted=NULL, Reference=NULL)
+              if(!missing(accuracySummary))
+                .Object@accuracySummary = accuracySummary
+              if(!missing(accuracyByPeriod))
+                .Object@accuracyByPeriod = accuracyByPeriod
+              if(!missing(data))
+                .Object@data = data
diff --git a/R/getTimeSeries.R b/R/getTimeSeries.R
index ef03a4b..131ac35 100644
--- a/R/getTimeSeries.R
+++ b/R/getTimeSeries.R
@@ -116,29 +116,15 @@ getTimeSeries.twdtwTimeSeries = function(object, labels){
 setMethod("getTimeSeries", "twdtwRaster",
           function(object, y, labels=NULL, proj4string = NULL, id.labels=NULL){
-              if(!"label"%in%names(y)) y$label = paste0("ts",row.names(y))
-              if(!is.null(id.labels)) y$label = as.character(y[[id.labels]])
-              if(!is.null(id.labels) & !is.null(labels)){
-                I = which(!is.na(match(as.character(y$label), as.character(labels))))
-                if(length(I)<1) 
-                   stop("there is no matches between id.labels and labels")
-              } else if(!is.null(labels)) { 
-                        y$label = as.character(labels)
-              }
+              y = .adjustLabelID(y, labels, id.labels)
                 y$from = as.Date(index(object)[1])
                 y$to = as.Date(tail(index(object),1))
-              if(is(y, "data.frame")){
-                if(is.null(proj4string)){
-                  warning("Missing projection. Setting the same projection as the raster time series.", call. = FALSE)
-                  proj4string = CRS(projection(object))
-                }
-                if(!is(proj4string, "CRS")) proj4string = try(CRS(proj4string))
-                  y = SpatialPointsDataFrame(y[,c("longitude","latitude")], y, proj4string = proj4string)
-              }
-              if(!(is(y, "SpatialPoints") | is(y, "SpatialPointsDataFrame")))
-                  stop("y is not SpatialPoints or SpatialPointsDataFrame")
+              y = .toSpatialPointsDataFrame(y, object, proj4string)
               extractTimeSeries.twdtwRaster(object, y)
diff --git a/R/miscellaneous.R b/R/miscellaneous.R
index 55b5dbe..47c9d22 100644
--- a/R/miscellaneous.R
+++ b/R/miscellaneous.R
@@ -117,4 +117,30 @@ shiftDates.twdtwTimeSeries = function(x, year){
   data = data.frame(Predicted=pred, Reference=ref)
+.adjustLabelID = function(y, labels, id.labels){
+  if(!"label"%in%names(y)) y$label = paste0("ts",row.names(y))
+  if(!is.null(id.labels)) y$label = as.character(y[[id.labels]])
+  if(!is.null(id.labels) & !is.null(labels)){
+    I = which(!is.na(match(as.character(y$label), as.character(labels))))
+    if(length(I)<1) 
+      stop("there is no matches between id.labels and labels")
+  } else if(!is.null(labels)) { 
+    y$label = as.character(labels)
+  }
+  y
+.toSpatialPointsDataFrame = function(y, object, proj4string){
+  if(is(y, "data.frame")){
+    if(is.null(proj4string)){
+      warning("Missing projection. Setting the same projection as the raster time series.", call. = FALSE)
+      proj4string = CRS(projection(object))
+    }
+    if(!is(proj4string, "CRS")) proj4string = try(CRS(proj4string))
+    y = SpatialPointsDataFrame(y[,c("longitude","latitude")], y, proj4string = proj4string)
+  }
+  if(!(is(y, "SpatialPoints") | is(y, "SpatialPointsDataFrame")))
+    stop("y is not SpatialPoints or SpatialPointsDataFrame")
+  row.names(y) = 1:nrow(y)
+  y
diff --git a/R/twdtwAssessment.R b/R/twdtwAssessment.R
index 26a6023..08529b3 100644
--- a/R/twdtwAssessment.R
+++ b/R/twdtwAssessment.R
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-           def = function(object, ...) standardGeneric("twdtwAssessment")
+           def = function(object, ...) standardGeneric("twdtwAssess")
 #' @inheritParams twdtwAssessment-class
-#' @aliases twdtwAssessment
+#' @aliases twdtwAssess
 #' @describeIn twdtwAssessment this function performs an accuracy assessment 
 #' of the classified maps. The function returns Overall Accuracy, 
@@ -24,46 +24,59 @@ setGeneric("twdtwAssessment",
 #' mir = brick(system.file("lucc_MT/data/mir.tif", package="dtwSat"))
 #' doy = brick(system.file("lucc_MT/data/doy.tif", package="dtwSat"))
 #' timeline = scan(system.file("lucc_MT/data/timeline", package="dtwSat"), what="date")
 #' rts = twdtwRaster(evi, ndvi, red, blue, nir, mir, timeline = timeline, doy = doy)
+#' # Read fiels samples 
 #' field_samples = read.csv(system.file("lucc_MT/data/samples.csv", package="dtwSat"))
 #' proj_str = scan(system.file("lucc_MT/data/samples_projection", 
 #'                 package="dtwSat"), what = "character")
-#' field_samples_ts = getTimeSeries(rts, y = field_samples, proj4string = proj_str)
-#' temporal_patterns = createPatterns(field_samples_ts, freq = 8, formula = y ~ s(x))
-#' log_fun = weight.fun=logisticWeight(-0.1,50)
-#' # Run TWDTW analysis for raster time series 
+#' # Split samples for training (10%) and validation (90%) using stratified sampling 
+#' library(caret) 
+#' set.seed(1)
+#' I = unlist(createDataPartition(field_samples$label, p = 0.1))
+#' training_samples = field_samples[I,]
+#' validation_samples = field_samples[-I,]
-#' r_twdtw = twdtwApply(x=rts, y=temporal_patterns, weight.fun=log_fun, format="GTiff", 
-#'                      overwrite=TRUE, chunk.size=1000)
-#' r_lucc = twdtwClassify(r_twdtw, format="GTiff", overwrite=TRUE)
+#' # Create temporal patterns 
+#' training_ts = getTimeSeries(rts, y = training_samples, proj4string = proj_str)
+#' temporal_patterns = createPatterns(training_ts, freq = 8, formula = y ~ s(x))
+#' # Run TWDTW analysis for raster time series 
 #' log_fun = weight.fun=logisticWeight(-0.1,50)
-#' time_interval = seq(from=as.Date("2007-09-01"), to=as.Date("2013-09-01"), 
-#'                     by="12 month")
-#' r_twdtw = twdtwApply(x=rts, y=patt, weight.fun=log_fun, breaks=time_interval, 
-#'           filepath="~/test_twdtw", overwrite=TRUE, format="GTiff")
-#' r_lucc = twdtwClassify(r_twdtw, format="GTiff", overwrite=TRUE)
-#' plotMaps(r_lucc)
-#' # Map assessment 
+#' r_twdtw = twdtwApply(x=rts, y=temporal_patterns, weight.fun=log_fun, format="GTiff", 
+#'                      overwrite=TRUE)
+#' # Classify raster based on the TWDTW analysis 
+#' r_lucc = twdtwClassify(r_twdtw, format="GTiff", overwrite=TRUE, filepath="res1")
+#' plot(r_lucc)
+#' # Assess classification 
+#' twdtw_assess = twdtwAssess(r_lucc, validation_samples, proj4string=proj_str) 
+#' twdtw_assess@data
 #' }
 #' @export
-setMethod(f = "twdtwAssessment", 
-          definition = function(object, y, id.labels, proj4string, conf.int) 
-              twdtwAssessment.twdtwRaster(object, y, id.labels, proj4string, conf.int))
-twdtwAssessment.twdtwRaster = function(object, y, id.labels, proj4string, conf.int){
+setMethod(f = "twdtwAssess", signature = "twdtwRaster",
+          definition = function(object, y, labels=NULL, id.labels=NULL, proj4string=NULL, conf.int=.95) 
+            twdtwAssess.twdtwRaster(object, y, labels, id.labels, proj4string, conf.int))
+twdtwAssess.twdtwRaster = function(object, y, labels, id.labels, proj4string, conf.int){
+  # Check control points 
+  y = .adjustLabelID(y, labels, id.labels)
+  if(!"from"%in%names(y))
+    stop("samples starting date not found, the argument 'y' must have a column called 'from'")
+  if(!"to"%in%names(y))
+    stop("samples ending date not found, the argument 'y' must have a column called 'to'")
+  y = .toSpatialPointsDataFrame(y, object, proj4string)
   # Get classified raster 
   x = object@timeseries$Class
+  x_twdtw = object@timeseries$Distance
+  # Reproject points to raster projection 
+  y = spTransform(y, CRS(projection(x)))
   # Get time intervals 
   timeline = index(object)
@@ -75,7 +88,7 @@ twdtwAssessment.twdtwRaster = function(object, y, id.labels, proj4string, conf.i
   rlevels = levels(object)
   # Compute area of each class by classification interval 
-  a_by_interval = lapply(1:nlayers(x), FUN = .area_by_class, x, rlevels, rnames)
+  a_by_interval = lapply(1:nlayers(x), FUN = .getAreaByClass, x, rlevels, rnames)
   # Compute total area by class 
   area_by_class = do.call("rbind", a_by_interval)
@@ -83,45 +96,25 @@ twdtwAssessment.twdtwRaster = function(object, y, id.labels, proj4string, conf.i
   # Get classified and predicted land cover/use classes for each control point 
   pred_classes = extract(x, y)
-  samples_by_year = lapply(1:nrow(r_intervals), FUN = .get_pre_ref_classes, r_intervals, pred_classes, y, rlevels, rnames)
-  samples_all = do.call("rbind", samples_by_year)
+  pred_distance = extract(x_twdtw, y)
+  samples_by_period = lapply(1:nrow(r_intervals), FUN = .getPredRefClasses, r_intervals, pred_classes, pred_distance, y, rlevels, rnames)
+  samples_all = do.call("rbind", samples_by_period)
   # Compute error matrix 
-  error_matrix_by_year = lapply(samples_by_year, table)
-  error_matrix_summary = table(samples_all)
+  error_matrix_by_period = lapply(1:nrow(r_intervals), function(i) table(samples_by_period[[i]][,c("Predicted","Reference")]))
+  error_matrix_summary = table(samples_all[,c("Predicted","Reference")])
   # Compute accuracy assessment 
-  accuracy_by_year = lapply(seq_along(error_matrix_by_year), function(i) .twdtwAssessment(x = error_matrix_by_year[[i]], a_by_interval[[i]], conf.int))
-  accuracy_summary = .twdtwAssessment(error_matrix_summary, area_by_class, conf.int=1.96)  
+  accuracy_by_period = lapply(seq_along(error_matrix_by_period), function(i) .twdtwAssess(x = error_matrix_by_period[[i]], a_by_interval[[i]], conf.int=conf.int))
+  accuracy_summary = .twdtwAssess(error_matrix_summary, area_by_class, conf.int=conf.int)
-  # new("twdtwCrossValidation", partitions=partitions, accuracy=res)
+  new("twdtwAssessment", accuracySummary=accuracy_summary, accuracyByPeriod=accuracy_by_period, data=samples_all)
-  list(accuracy_summary, accuracy_by_year)
-.get_pre_ref_classes = function(i, r_intervals, pred, y, rlevels, rnames){
-  I = which((r_intervals$to[i] - as.Date(y$from) > 30) & (as.Date(y$to) - r_intervals$from[i] > 30) )
-  if(length(I)<1)
-    return(NULL)
-  J = match(pred[I,i], rlevels)
-  Predicted = factor(as.character(rnames[J]), levels = rnames, labels = rnames)
-  Reference = factor(as.character(y$label[I]), levels = rnames, labels = rnames)
-  data.frame(Predicted, Reference)
-.area_by_class = function(l, r, rlevels, rnames){
-  r = raster(r, layer = l)
-  a = zonal(r, r, 'count')
-  I = match(a[,'zone'], rlevels)
-  out = rep(0, length(rnames))
-  names(out) = rnames
-  out[I] = a[,'count'] * prod(res(r))
-  names(out) = rnames
-  out  
-.twdtwAssessment = function(x, area, conf.int){
+.twdtwAssess = function(x, area, conf.int){
+  mult = qnorm(1-(1-conf.int)/2, mean = 0, sd = 1)
   cnames = names(area)
   # cnames = paste0("aux_classname_",seq_along(cnames))
@@ -167,16 +160,15 @@ twdtwAssessment.twdtwRaster = function(object, y, id.labels, proj4string, conf.i
   #a_pixel = as.numeric(prop_matrix["Total",cnames] * prop_matrix["Total","A"])
   #names(a_pixel) = cnames
   #a_ha = a_pixel*res^2/100^2
-  conf.int = 1.96
   temp = w^2*UA*(1-UA)/(total_map-1)
   VO = sum(temp, na.rm = TRUE)
   SO = sqrt(VO)
-  OCI = SO * conf.int
+  OCI = SO * mult
   VU = UA*(1-UA)/(total_map-1)
   SU = sqrt(VU)
-  UCI = SU * conf.int
+  UCI = SU * mult
   fun1 = function(x, xt, A){
     sum(A*x/xt, na.rm = TRUE)
@@ -197,7 +189,7 @@ twdtwAssessment.twdtwRaster = function(object, y, id.labels, proj4string, conf.i
   # VP = (1/Nj^2)*(expr1+expr2)
   VP = (1/sapply(Nj, function(x) ifelse(x==0, 1, x))^2)*(expr1+expr2)
   SP = sapply(VP, function(x) ifelse(x==0, 0, sqrt(x)))
-  PCI = SP * 1.96
+  PCI = SP * mult
   res = list(OverallAccuracy   = c(Accuracy=OA, Var=VO, sd=SO, ci95=OCI),
              UsersAccuracy     = cbind(Accuracy=UA, Var=VU, sd=SU, ci95=UCI),
@@ -209,6 +201,29 @@ twdtwAssessment.twdtwRaster = function(object, y, id.labels, proj4string, conf.i
+.getPredRefClasses = function(i, r_intervals, pred, pred_distance, y, rlevels, rnames){
+  I = which((r_intervals$to[i] - as.Date(y$from) > 30) & (as.Date(y$to) - r_intervals$from[i] > 30) )
+  if(length(I)<1)
+    return(NULL)
+  J = match(pred[I,i], rlevels)
+  Predicted = factor(as.character(rnames[J]), levels = rnames, labels = rnames)
+  Reference = factor(as.character(y$label[I]), levels = rnames, labels = rnames)
+  #d = pred_distance[J]
+  data.frame(Period=i, from=r_intervals$from[i], to=r_intervals$to[i], Predicted, Reference)
+.getAreaByClass = function(l, r, rlevels, rnames){
+  r = raster(r, layer = l)
+  a = zonal(r, r, 'count')
+  I = match(a[,'zone'], rlevels)
+  out = rep(0, length(rnames))
+  names(out) = rnames
+  out[I] = a[,'count'] * prod(res(r))
+  names(out) = rnames
+  out  
diff --git a/R/zzz.R b/R/zzz.R
index d571226..96a76dc 100644
--- a/R/zzz.R
+++ b/R/zzz.R
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 #' @importFrom sp Polygon Polygons SpatialPoints SpatialPolygons SpatialPointsDataFrame over CRS spTransform coordinates bbox 
 #' @importFrom mgcv gam predict.gam 
 #' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal 
-#' @importFrom stats xtabs ave window na.omit sd 
+#' @importFrom stats xtabs ave window na.omit sd qnorm 
 #' @importFrom lubridate month month<- day day<- year year<-
 #' @importFrom caret createDataPartition 
diff --git a/dtwSat.Rproj b/dtwSat.Rproj
index e4046f4..a72b742 100644
--- a/dtwSat.Rproj
+++ b/dtwSat.Rproj
@@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ PackageUseDevtools: Yes
 PackageInstallArgs: --no-multiarch --with-keep.source
 PackageBuildArgs: --compact-vignettes=gs+qpdf
 PackageBuildBinaryArgs: --compact-vignettes=gs+qpdf
-PackageCheckArgs: --as-cran
+PackageCheckArgs: --as-cran --no-build-vignettes --no-vignettes
 PackageRoxygenize: rd,collate
diff --git a/man/twdtwAssessment-class.Rd b/man/twdtwAssessment-class.Rd
index 7ec06a6..ca28222 100644
--- a/man/twdtwAssessment-class.Rd
+++ b/man/twdtwAssessment-class.Rd
@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
 % Please edit documentation in R/class-twdtwAccuracy.R, R/twdtwAssessment.R
 \title{class "twdtwAssessment"}
-\S4method{twdtwAssessment}{ANY}(object, y, id.labels, proj4string, conf.int)
+\S4method{twdtwAssess}{twdtwRaster}(object, y, labels = NULL,
+  id.labels = NULL, proj4string = NULL, conf.int = 0.95)
 \item{object}{an object of class \code{\link[dtwSat]{twdtwRaster}} resulting from 
@@ -20,20 +22,25 @@ whose attributes are the start ''from'' and the end ''to'' of the time interval.
 If missing ''from'' and/or ''to'', they are set to the time range of the 
+\item{labels}{character vector with time series labels. For signature 
+\code{\link[dtwSat]{twdtwRaster}} this argument can be used to set the 
+labels for each sample in \code{y}, or it can be combined with \code{id.labels} 
+to select samples with a specific label.}
 \item{id.labels}{a numeric or character with an column name from \code{y} to 
 be used as samples labels. Optional.}
 \item{proj4string}{projection string, see \code{\link[sp]{CRS-class}}. Used 
 if \code{y} is a \code{\link[base]{data.frame}}.}
-\item{conf.int}{specifies the confidence level.}
+\item{conf.int}{specifies the confidence level (0-1).}
 This class stores the map assessment.
 \section{Methods (by generic)}{
-\item \code{twdtwAssessment}: this function performs an accuracy assessment 
+\item \code{twdtwAssess}: this function performs an accuracy assessment 
 of the classified maps. The function returns Overall Accuracy, 
 User's Accuracy, Produce's Accuracy, and error matrix (confusion matrix) for 
 each time interval and a summary considering all classified intervals.
@@ -41,9 +48,12 @@ each time interval and a summary considering all classified intervals.
 \section{Slots }{
- \item{\code{accuracy}:}{A list with the accuracy for each classified time period.}
- \item{\code{data}:}{A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} with reference labels, predicted labels, 
- and other TWDTW information.}
+ \item{\code{accuracySummary}:}{Overall Accuracy, User's Accuracy, Produce's Accuracy, 
+ and Error Matrix (confusion matrix) considering all time periods.}
+ \item{\code{accuracyByPeriod}:}{Overall Accuracy, User's Accuracy, Produce's Accuracy, 
+ and Error Matrix (confusion matrix) for each time periods independently from each other.}
+ \item{\code{data}:}{A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} with period (from - to), reference labels, 
+ predicted labels, and other TWDTW information.}
@@ -62,36 +72,37 @@ nir = brick(system.file("lucc_MT/data/nir.tif", package="dtwSat"))
 mir = brick(system.file("lucc_MT/data/mir.tif", package="dtwSat"))
 doy = brick(system.file("lucc_MT/data/doy.tif", package="dtwSat"))
 timeline = scan(system.file("lucc_MT/data/timeline", package="dtwSat"), what="date")
 rts = twdtwRaster(evi, ndvi, red, blue, nir, mir, timeline = timeline, doy = doy)
+# Read fiels samples 
 field_samples = read.csv(system.file("lucc_MT/data/samples.csv", package="dtwSat"))
 proj_str = scan(system.file("lucc_MT/data/samples_projection", 
                 package="dtwSat"), what = "character")
-field_samples_ts = getTimeSeries(rts, y = field_samples, proj4string = proj_str)
-temporal_patterns = createPatterns(field_samples_ts, freq = 8, formula = y ~ s(x))
-log_fun = weight.fun=logisticWeight(-0.1,50)
-# Run TWDTW analysis for raster time series 
-r_twdtw = twdtwApply(x=rts, y=temporal_patterns, weight.fun=log_fun, format="GTiff", 
-                     overwrite=TRUE, chunk.size=1000)
+# Split samples for training (10\%) and validation (90\%) using stratified sampling 
+I = unlist(createDataPartition(field_samples$label, p = 0.1))
+training_samples = field_samples[I,]
+validation_samples = field_samples[-I,]
-r_lucc = twdtwClassify(r_twdtw, format="GTiff", overwrite=TRUE)
+# Create temporal patterns 
+training_ts = getTimeSeries(rts, y = training_samples, proj4string = proj_str)
+temporal_patterns = createPatterns(training_ts, freq = 8, formula = y ~ s(x))
+# Run TWDTW analysis for raster time series 
 log_fun = weight.fun=logisticWeight(-0.1,50)
-time_interval = seq(from=as.Date("2007-09-01"), to=as.Date("2013-09-01"), 
-                    by="12 month")
-r_twdtw = twdtwApply(x=rts, y=patt, weight.fun=log_fun, breaks=time_interval, 
-          filepath="~/test_twdtw", overwrite=TRUE, format="GTiff")
-r_lucc = twdtwClassify(r_twdtw, format="GTiff", overwrite=TRUE)
-# Map assessment 
+r_twdtw = twdtwApply(x=rts, y=temporal_patterns, weight.fun=log_fun, format="GTiff", 
+                     overwrite=TRUE)
+# Classify raster based on the TWDTW analysis 
+r_lucc = twdtwClassify(r_twdtw, format="GTiff", overwrite=TRUE, filepath="res1")
+# Assess classification 
+twdtw_assess = twdtwAssess(r_lucc, validation_samples, proj4string=proj_str) 