This library is designed to analyze components no matter where they are found. This means it needs to find and analyze components in both javascript, typescript and in typescript definition files (when consumed from a library).
As you can see we loose a lot of information when the element is defined in a typescript definition file.
export class MyElement extends HTMLElement {
myProp = "foo";
static get observedAttributes() {
return ["attr1", "attr2"];
set value (val) {
customElements.define("my-element", MyElement);
- Tag name:
- Properties:
,myProp (String)
- Attributes:
export class MyElement extends HTMLElement {
myProp: string;
static readonly observedAttributes: string[];
value: string;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
"my-element": MyElement;
- Tag name:
- Properties:
value (String)
,myProp (String)
- Attributes: No attributes because
is just a function that returnsstring[]
export class MyElement extends LitElement {
myProp = "myProp";
@property({type: String}) prop4 = "hello";
@property({type: Boolean, attribute: "prop-5"}) prop5;
static get properties() {
return {
prop1: { type: String },
prop2: { type: Number, attribute: "prop-two" },
prop3: { type: Boolean, attribute: false }
- Tag name:
- Properties:
myProp (String)
,prop1 (String)
,prop2 (Number)
,prop3 (Boolean)
,prop4 (String)
,prop5 (Boolean)
- Attributes:
prop1 (String)
,prop-two (Number)
,prop4 (String)
,prop-5 (Boolean)
export class MyElement extends LitElement {
myProp: string;
prop4: string;
prop5: string;
static get properties(): Object;
class IconToggle extends PolymerElement {
static get properties () {
return {
toggleIcon: {
type: String
import { Component, Prop, EventEmitter } from '@stencil/core';
tag: 'my-embedded-component'
export class MyEmbeddedComponent {
@Prop() color: string = 'blue';
@Event() change: EventEmitter;
@Event({eventName: 'todoCompleted'}) todoCompleted: EventEmitter;
render() {
return (
<div>My favorite color is {this.color}</div>
- Tag name:
- Properties:
color (String)
- Attributes:
color (String)
- Events:
When building Stencil components the compiler spits out alot of typescript definition files that describe both attributes and properties. These are parsed by this library. StencilIntrinsicElements
is of interest because it describes the attributes of the element.
import './stencil.core';
export namespace Components {
interface ProgressRing {
'decimalSize': number;
interface ProgressRingAttributes extends StencilHTMLAttributes {
'decimalSize'?: number;
declare global {
interface StencilElementInterfaces {
'ProgressRing': Components.ProgressRing;
interface StencilIntrinsicElements {
'progress-ring': Components.ProgressRingAttributes;
interface HTMLProgressRingElement extends Components.ProgressRing, HTMLStencilElement {}
var HTMLProgressRingElement: {
prototype: HTMLProgressRingElement;
new (): HTMLProgressRingElement;
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'progress-ring': HTMLProgressRingElement
interface ElementTagNameMap {
'progress-ring': HTMLProgressRingElement;
- Tag name:
- Properties:
decimalSize (Number)
- Attributes:
decimalSize (Number)
In addition, the entire content of HTMLElement is copied into the interfaces, so WCA makes sure to filter that out.