i am mad fr that the challenge changed from 90 to 100 char instead of 90 to 91 char. mad mad mad asf
def run_brainfuck(code):
if len(code) > 90:
return "Error: Code length exceeds 90 characters."
tape = [0] * 30000
ptr = 0
code_ptr = 0
output = []
brackets = []
max_steps = 200000
step_count = 0
while code_ptr < len(code) and step_count < max_steps:
command = code[code_ptr]
if command == '>':
ptr += 1
elif command == '<':
ptr -= 1
elif command == '+':
tape[ptr] = (tape[ptr] + 1) % 256
elif command == '-':
tape[ptr] = (tape[ptr] - 1) % 256
elif command == '.':
elif command == '[':
if tape[ptr] == 0:
depth = 1
while depth and code_ptr < len(code):
code_ptr += 1
if code[code_ptr] == '[':
depth += 1
elif code[code_ptr] == ']':
depth -= 1
elif command == ']':
if tape[ptr] != 0:
code_ptr = brackets[-1]
code_ptr += 1
step_count += 1
if step_count >= max_steps:
return None # Indicate that the program was terminated due to too many steps
return ''.join(output)
print("how well can you read and write code now?")
bf_code = input()
expected_output = 'squ1rrel{es0g01f}'
actual_output = run_brainfuck(bf_code)
if expected_output != actual_output:
print("does your brain hurt yet?")
the goal is to make a program that outputs squ1rrel{es0g01f}
and then we get the real flag
i tried making one manually, but it was too big (117 chars)
my manual solution
from https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/55422/hello-world
this 72 byte solution was found using brute force
see the repo here
i changed the output to the goal output, and also changed the below
i set the threads to be 12 (the amount that my cpu has), and the SIZE_START to 24 (this seemed to be the ideal number).
i noticed the program runs a lot faster if the SHOW_ALL_PROGRAMS_LENGTH is lower, so i set it to 100.
i generated a lot of below 100 ones, but the best one i generated was +[[+<->>>]<--<-<<<+<-<-]<<<------.--.++++.<-.>---..<<<-.<.<-.>>.>>>+.<-.<<++.>>.+.<<-.<<++.
, which is 91 bytes.
unfortunately, they raised the limit to 100 which is wayyyy too easy.
quasar@quasar098:~/Downloads$ nc 11111
how well can you read and write code now?