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FTP Container

The ftp container simply launches a vsftpd server and makes it accessible through your host system. The server can be accessed either anonymously or with credentials.

Anonymous Access

Anonymous access works as usual for other FTP servers. After the login, the anonymous user will see two different directories:

[qtc@devbox ~]$ ftp
Connected to
220 container arsenal FTP server
Name ( anonymous
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
150 Here comes the directory listing.
drwxrwxrwx    2 ftp      ftp          4096 Oct 17 22:31 anon
drwxr-x---    2 ftp      ftp          4096 Oct 17 22:31 user
226 Directory send OK.

In the ftp-root itself, the anonymous user does not have write access. This is for security reasons, as the vsftpd server is using chroot to limit filesystem access. The anonymous user has only write permissions to the anon directory.

ftp> put test
local: test remote: test
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
553 Could not create file.
ftp> cd anon
250 Directory successfully changed.
ftp> put test
local: test remote: test
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
150 Ok to send data.
226 Transfer complete.
5 bytes sent in 0.00 secs (61.0352 kB/s)

User Access

On startup, the container creates a user with name default and a randomly generated password:

[qtc@devbox ~]$ car run ftp
[+] Environment Variables:
[+]	car_local_uid                 1000
[+]	car_ftp_folder                /home/qtc/arsenal/ftp
[+]	car_anon_folder               /home/qtc/arsenal/ftp/anon
[+]	car_user_folder               /home/qtc/arsenal/ftp/user
[+]	car_ftp_port                  21
[+] Running: sudo -E docker-compose up
Creating car.ftp ... done
Attaching to car.ftp
car.ftp    | [+] Creating default user...
car.ftp    | [+] No password was specified.
car.ftp    | [+] Generated random password for user 'default': 1dXq9QpS
car.ftp    | [+] Doing some config file magic...
car.ftp    | [+] Adjusting volume permissions...
car.ftp    | [+] Starting vsftpd.

After the login, also the user default is not able to write to the ftp-root. However, the user default can use both directories anon and user for read and write operations.

[qtc@devbox ~]$ ftp
Connected to
220 container arsenal FTP Server server
Name ( default
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> cd user
250 Directory successfully changed.
ftp> put test
local: test remote: test
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
150 Ok to send data.
226 Transfer complete.
5 bytes sent in 0.00 secs (53.6573 kB/s)

Networking Mode

Using FTP in combination with docker has some difficulties, as the FTP protocol uses additional ports apart from 21 for the actual data transfer. These issues can be solved by applying specific options in the vsftpd configuration file. However, as the main goal of container-arsenal is only to achieve file and process level isolation, the ftp container is run in host networking mode. This means, that the network stack of the container is not isolated, but uses your ordinary host network instead. This solves all networking related problems and FTP access over the network should work as the service would be running on your host system.

Configuration Options

The following parameters can be modified inside the car.toml configuration file to adjust the behavior of the container:

  • ftp_folder: This is the top level resource folder of the container.
  • anon_folder: This is the resource folder that is used for anonymous user uploads (mounted as volume into the container).
  • user_folder: This is the resource folder that is used for authenticated uploads (mounted as volume into the container).
  • ftp_port: The port where the FTP server is listening on your local machine.

You can also specify these options by using environment variables. The command car env ftp explains their corresponding usage:

[qtc@devbox ~]$ car env ftp
[+] Available environment variables are:
[+] Name                Current Value                  Description
[+] car_ftp_port        21                             FTP port mapped to your local machine.
[+] car_user_folder     /home/qtc/arsenal/ftp/user     Volume location for the FTP user folder.
[+] car_anon_folder     /home/qtc/arsenal/ftp/anon     Volume location for the FTP anonymous folder.
[+] car_local_uid       1000                           UID of the FTP user.