This is where I record my using experience of vim. The following is my vim environment: * gvim 7.3.46 under windows7 with GUI * path of gvim: "G:\Program\Vim\"
* MRU.vim:Most Recently Used files * mapped to open * NERD_tree.vim * mapped to open * taglist.vim * vimwiki.vim * zencoding.vim * color_sample_pack.vim * NERD_commenter.vim * grep.vim * spell check * mapped to turn on/off * FencView * Gundo * vimlatex * conqueShell
* Tabs * Split * vimdiff * tab=spaces * Formating * Hit Enter
* 2011/10/14 * 2011/10/15 changed a color scheme * 2011/10/25 add grep * 2011/12/20 added plugin FencView.vim
* [[2012/02/27]] added key map of FencView,and a new wiki space
* 2012/02/29 modify the represented spaces numbers by tab * 2012/03/05 added: set textwidth=80 * 2012/06/01 resolve the gibberish problem of the chinese menu * 2012/07/04 vimwiki 2.0 *