title: 'Adaptive: parallel active learning of mathematical functions' journal: 'PeerJ' author:
- name: Tinkerer
- Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, P.O. Box 4056, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands email: [email protected] abstract: | Large scale computer simulations are time-consuming to run and often require sweeps over input parameters to obtain a qualitative understanding of the simulation output. These sweeps of parameters can potentially make the simulations prohibitively expensive. Therefore, when evaluating a function numerically, it is advantageous to sample it more densely in the interesting regions (called adaptive sampling) instead of evaluating it on a manually-defined homogeneous grid. Such adaptive algorithms exist within the machine learning field. These methods can suggest a new point to calculate based on all existing data at that time; however, this is an expensive operation. An alternative is to use local algorithms---in contrast to the previously mentioned global algorithms---which can suggest a new point, based only on the data in the immediate vicinity of a new point. This approach works well, even when using hundreds of computers simultaneously because the point suggestion algorithm is cheap (fast) to evaluate. We provide a reference implementation in Python and show its performance. acknowledgements: | We'd like to thank ... contribution: | Bla ...
In the computational sciences, one often does costly simulations---represented by a function
An alternative, which improves the simulation efficiency, is to choose new potentially interesting points in
We describe a class of algorithms relying on local criteria for sampling, which allow for easy parallelization and have a low overhead.
The algorithm visualized in @fig:algo consists of the following steps:
(1) evaluate the function at the boundaries
In this paper we present a class of algorithms that generalizes the above example. This general class of algorithms is based on using a priority queue of subdomains (intervals in 1-D), ordered by a loss obtained from a local loss function (which depends only on the data local to the subdomain), and greedily selecting points from subdomains at the top of the priority queue. The advantage of these local algorithms is that they have a lower computational overhead than algorithms requiring global data and updates (e.g. Bayesian sampling), and are therefore more amenable to parallel evaluation of the function of interest.
We provide a reference implementation, the open-source Python package called Adaptive [@Nijholt2019a], which has previously been used in several scientific publications [@Vuik2018; @Laeven2019; @Bommer2019; @Melo2019].
It has algorithms for ipyparallel
, mpi4py
, and dask.distributed
It provides auxiliary functionality such as live-plotting, inspecting the data as the calculation is in progress, and automatically saving and loading of the data.
The raw data and source code that produces all plots in this paper is available at \onlinecite{papercode}.
Optimal sampling and planning based on data is a mature field with different communities providing their own context, restrictions, and algorithms to solve their problems. To explain the relation of our approach with prior work, we discuss several existing contexts. This is not a systematic review of all these fields, but rather, we aim to identify the important traits and design considerations.
Optimal experiment design (OED) is a field of statistics that minimizes the number of experimental runs needed to estimate specific parameters and, thereby, reduce the cost of experimentation [@Emery1998]. It works with many degrees of freedom and can consider constraints, for example, when the sample space contains regions that are infeasible for practical reasons. One form of OED is response-adaptive design [@Hu2006], which concerns the adaptive sampling of designs for statistical experiments. Here, the acquired data (i.e., the observations) are used to estimate the uncertainties of a certain desired parameter. It then suggests further experiments that will optimally reduce these uncertainties. In this step of the calculation Bayesian statistics is frequently used. Bayesian statistics naturally provides tools for answering such questions; however, because it provides closed-form solutions, Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling is the standard tool for determining the most promising samples. In a typical non-adaptive experiment, decisions on which experiments to perform are made in advance.
Plotting a low dimensional function in between bounds requires one to evaluate the function on sufficiently many points such that when we interpolate values in between data points, we get an accurate description of the function values that were not explicitly calculated.
In order to minimize the number of function evaluations, one can use adaptive sampling routines.
For example, for one-dimensional functions, Mathematica [@WolframResearch] implements a FunctionInterpolation
class that takes the function, CQUAD
algorithm [@Gonnet2010] in the GNU Scientific Library [@Galassi1996] implements a more sophisticated strategy and is a doubly-adaptive general-purpose integration routine which can handle most types of singularities.
In general, it requires more function evaluations than the integration routines in QUADPACK
[@Galassi1996]; however, it works more often for difficult integrands.
It is doubly-adaptive because it can decide to either subdivide intervals into more intervals or refine an interval by using a polynomial approximation of higher degree, requiring more points.
Hydrodynamics [@Berger1989; @Berger1984] and astrophysics [@Klein1999] use an adaptive refinement of the triangulation mesh on which a partial differential equation is discretized. By providing smaller mesh elements in regions with a higher variation of the solution, they reduce the amount of data and calculation needed at each step of time propagation. The remeshing at each time step happens globally, and this is an expensive operation. Therefore, mesh optimization does not fit our workflow because expensive global updates should be avoided. Computer graphics uses similar adaptive methods where a smooth surface can represent a surface via a coarser piecewise linear polygon mesh, called a subdivision surface [@DeRose1998]. An example of such a polygonal remeshing method is one where the polygons align with the curvature of the space or field; this is called anisotropic meshing [@Alliez2003].
The general algorithm that we describe in this paper works best for low to intermediate cost functions.
Determining the next candidate points happens in a single sequential process while the function executions can be in parallel.
This means that to benefit from an adaptive sampling algorithm, that the time it takes to suggest a new point
Because we aim to keep the suggestion time
The algorithm described above can be made more precise by the following Python code:
# First evaluate the bounds of the domain
first_subdomain, = domain.subdomains()
for x in domain.points(first_subdomain):
data[x] = f(x)
queue.insert(first_subdomain, priority=loss(domain, first_subdomain, data))
while queue.max_priority() < target_loss:
loss, subdomain = queue.pop()
new_points, new_subdomains = domain.split(subdomain)
for x in new_points:
data[x] = f(x)
for subdomain in new_subdomains:
queue.insert(subdomain, priority=loss(domain, subdomain, data))
if loss.n_neighbors > 0:
subdomains_to_update = set()
for d in new_subdomains:
neighbors = domain.neighbors(d, loss.n_neighbors)
subdomains_to_update -= set(new_subdomains)
for subdomain in subdomains_to_update:
queue.update(subdomain, priority=loss(domain, subdomain, data))
where we have used the following definitions:
: The function we wish to learn
: A priority queue of unique elements, supporting the following methods: max_priority()
, to get the priority of the top element; pop()
, remove and return the top element and its priority; insert(element, priority)
, insert the given element with the given priority into the queue; update(element, priority)
, update the priority of the given element, which is already in the queue.
: An object representing the domain of f
split into subdomains. Supports the following methods: subdomains()
, returns all the subdomains; points(subdomain)
, returns all the points contained in the provided subdomain; split(subdomain)
, splits a subdomain into smaller subdomains, returning the new points and new subdomains produced as a result; neighbors(subdomain, n_neighbors)
, returns the subdomains neighboring the provided subdomain.
: A hashmap storing the points x
and their values f(x)
loss(domain, subdomain, data)
: The loss function, with loss.n_neighbors
being the degree of neighboring subdomains that the loss function uses.
An example of such a local loss function for a one-dimensional function is the interpoint distance, i.e. given a subdomain (interval)
The key data structures in the above algorithm are queue
and domain
The priority queue must support efficiently finding and removing the maximum priority element, as well as updating the priority of arbitrary elements whose priority is unknown (when updating the loss of neighboring subdomains).
Such a datastructure can be achieved with a combination of a hashmap (mapping elements to their priority) and a red--black tree or a skip list [@Cormen2009] that stores (priority, element)
This has average complexity of domain
object requires efficiently splitting a subdomain and querying the neighbors of a subdomain.
For the one-dimensional case this can be achieved by using a red--black tree to keep the points
So far, the description of the general algorithm did not include parallelism.
In order to include parallelism we need to allow for points that are "pending", i.e. whose value has been requested but is not yet known.
In the sequential algorithm subdomains only contain points on their boundaries.
In the parallel algorithm pending points are placed in the interior of subdomains, and the priority of the subdomains in the queue is reduced to take these pending points into account.
Later, when a pending point
The parallel version of the algorithm can be described by the following Python code:
def priority(domain, subdomain, data):
subvolumes = domain.subvolumes(subdomain)
max_relative_subvolume = max(subvolumes) / sum(subvolumes)
L_0 = loss(domain, subdomain, data)
return max_relative_subvolume * L_0
# First evaluate the bounds of the domain
first_subdomain, = domain.subdomains()
for x in domain.points(first_subdomain):
data[x] = f(x)
new_points = domain.insert_points(first_subdomain, executor.ncores)
for x in new_points:
data[x] = None
executor.submit(f, x)
queue.insert(first_subdomain, priority=priority(domain, subdomain, data))
while executor.n_outstanding_points > 0:
x, y = executor.get_one_result()
data[x] = y
# Split into smaller subdomains with `x` at a subdomain boundary
# And calculate the losses for these new subdomains
old_subdomains, new_subdomains = domain.split_at(x)
for subdomain in old_subdomains:
for subdomain in new_subdomains:
queue.insert(subdomain, priority(domain, subdomain, data))
if loss.n_neighbors > 0:
subdomains_to_update = set()
for d in new_subdomains:
neighbors = domain.neighbors(d, loss.n_neighbors)
subdomains_to_update -= set(new_subdomains)
for subdomain in subdomains_to_update:
queue.update(subdomain, priority(domain, subdomain, data))
# If it looks like we're done, don't send more work
if queue.max_priority() < target_loss:
# Send as many points for evaluation as we have compute cores
for _ in range(executor.ncores - executor.n_outstanding_points)
loss, subdomain = queue.pop()
new_point, = domain.insert_points(subdomain, 1)
data[new_point] = None
executor.submit(f, new_point)
queue.insert(subdomain, priority(domain, subdomain, data))
Where we have used identical definitions to the serial case for f
, data
, loss
and the following additional definitions:
: As for the sequential case, but must additionally support: remove(element)
, remove the provided element from the queue.
: As for the sequential case, but must additionally support: insert_points(subdomain, n)
, insert n
(pending) points into the given subdomain without splitting the subdomain; subvolumes(subdomain)
, return the volumes of all the sub-subdomains contained within the given subdomain; split_at(x)
, split the domain at a new (evaluated) point x
, returning the old subdomains that were removed, and the new subdomains that were added as a result.
: An object that can submit function evaluations to computing resources and retrieve results.
Supports the following methods: submit(f, x)
, schedule the execution of f(x)
and do not block ; get_one_result()
, block waiting for a single result, returning the pair (x, y)
as soon as it becomes available; ncores
, the total number of parallel processing units; n_outstanding_points
, the number of function evaluations that have been requested and not yet retrieved, incremented by submit
and decremented by get_one_result
Not all goals are achieved by using an identical sampling strategy; the specific problem determines the goal. For example, quadrature rules requires a denser sampling of the subdomains where the interpolation error is highest, plotting (or function approximation) requires continuity of the approximation, maximization only cares about finding an optimum, and isoline or isosurface sampling aims to sample regions near a given function value more densely. These different sampling goals each require a loss function tailored to the specific case.
Additionally, it is important to take the class of functions being learned when selecting a loss function into account, even if the specific goal (e.g. continuity of the approximation) remains unchanged. For example, if we wanted a smooth approximation to a function with a singularity, then the interpoint distance loss function would be a poor choice, even if it is generally a good choice for that specified goal. This is because the aforementioned loss function will "lock on" to the singularity, and will fail to sample the function elsewhere once it starts. This is an illustration of the following principle: for optimal sampling performance, loss functions should be tailored to the particular domain of interest.
One strategy for designing loss functions is to take existing loss functions and apply a regularization. For example, to limit the over-sampling of singularities inherent in the distance loss we can set the loss of subdomains that are smaller than a given threshold to zero, which will prevent them from being sampled further.
Another general strategy for designing loss functions is to combine existing loss functions that optimize for particular features, and then combine them together. Typically one weights the different constituent losses to prioritize the different features. For example, combining a loss function that calculates the curvature with a distance loss function will sample regions with high curvature more densely, while ensuring continuity. Another important example is combining a loss function with the volume of the subdomain, which will ensure that the sampling is asymptotically dense everywhere (because large subdomains will have a correspondingly large loss). This is important if there are many distinct and narrow features that all need to be found, and densely sampled in the region around the feature.
Inspired by a method commonly employed in digital cartography for coastline simplification, Visvalingam's algorithm, we construct a loss function that does its reverse [@Visvalingam1990].
Here, at each point (ignoring the boundary points), we compute the effective area associated with its triangle, see Fig. @fig:line_loss(b).
The loss then becomes the average area of two adjacent triangles.
By Taylor expanding
In order to compare sampling strategies, we need to define some error.
We construct a linear interpolation function
Figure @fig:line_loss_error shows this error as a function of the number of points
In @sec:review we mentioned the doubly-adaptive integration algorithm CQUAD
This algorithm uses a Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature rules of increasing degree
A judicious choice of loss function allows to sample the function close to an isoline (isosurface in 2D). Specifically, we prioritize subdomains that are bisected by the isoline or isosurface:
def isoline_loss_function(level, priority):
def loss(simplex, values, value_scale):
values = np.array(values)
which_side = np.sign(level * value_scale - values)
crosses_isoline = np.any(np.diff(which_side))
return volume(simplex)* (1 + priority * crosses_isoline)
return loss
See Fig. @fig:isoline for a comparison with uniform sampling.
We will now introduce Adaptive's API. The object that can suggest points based on existing data is called a learner. The learner abstracts the sampling strategy based on a priority queue and local loss functions that we described in @sec:design. We define a learner as follows:
from adaptive import Learner1D
def f(x):
a = 0.01
return x + a**2 / (a**2 + x**2)
learner = Learner1D(f, bounds=(-1, 1))
We provide the function to learn, the domain boundaries, and use a default loss function. We can then ask the learner for points:
points, priorities = learner.ask(4)
The learner gives us back the points that we should sample next, as well as the priorities of these points (the loss of the parent subdomains). We can then evaluate some of these points and tell the learner about the results:
data = [learner.function(x) for x in points]
learner.tell_many(points, data)
To change the loss function we pass a function that takes points and values, like so:
def distance_loss(xs, ys): # used by default
dx = xs[1] - xs[0]
dy = ys[1] - ys[0]
return np.hypot(dx, dy)
learner = Learner1D(peak, bounds=(-1, 1), loss_per_interval=distance_loss)
If we wanted to create the "volume loss" discussed in @sec:loss we could simply write:
def uniform_loss(xs, ys):
dx = xs[1] - xs[0]
return dx
learner = Learner1D(peak, bounds=(-1, 1), loss_per_interval=uniform_loss)
The previous example shows how we can drive the learner manually.
For example, to run the learner until the loss is below 0.01
we could do the following:
def goal(learner):
return learner.loss() < 0.01
while not goal(learner):
(x,), _ = learner.ask(1)
y = f(x)
learner.tell(x, y)
This approach allows for the best adaptive performance (i.e. fewest number of points to reach the goal) because the learner has maximal information about f
every time we ask it for the next point.
However this does not allow to take advantage of multiple cores, which may enable better walltime performance (i.e. time to reach the goal).
Adaptive abstracts the task of driving the learner and executing f
in parallel to a Runner:
from adaptive import Runner
runner = Runner(learner, goal)
The above code uses the default parallel execution context, which occupies all the cores on the machine. It is simple to use ipyparallel to enable calculations on a cluster:
import ipyparallel
runner = Runner(learner, goal, executor=ipyparallel.Client())
If the above code is run in a Jupyter notebook it will not block.
Adaptive takes advantage of the capabilities of the IPython to execute concurrently with the Python kernel.
This means that as the calculation is in progress the data is accessible without race conditions via learner.data
, and can be plotted with learner.plot()
Additionally, in a Jupyter notebook environment, we can call runner.live_info()
to display useful information about the ongoing calculation.
We have also implemented a LearnerND
with a similar API
from adaptive import LearnerND
def ring(xy): # pretend this is a slow function
x, y = xy
a = 0.2
return x + np.exp(-(x**2 + y**2 - 0.75**2)**2/a**4)
learner = adaptive.LearnerND(ring, bounds=[(-1, 1), (-1, 1)])
runner = Runner(learner, goal)
Again, it is possible to specify a custom loss function using the loss_per_simplex
Frequently, more than one function (learner) needs to run at once, to do this we have implemented the BalancingLearner
, which does not take a function, but a list of learners.
This learner internally asks all child learners for points and will choose the point of the learner that maximizes the loss improvement; it balances the resources over the different learners.
We can use it like
from functools import partial
from adaptive import BalancingLearner
def f(x, pow):
return x**pow
learners = [Learner1D(partial(f, pow=i)), bounds=(-10, 10) for i in range(2, 10)]
bal_learner = BalancingLearner(learners)
runner = Runner(bal_learner, goal)
For more details on how to use Adaptive, we recommend reading the tutorial inside the documentation [@Nijholt2018].
One of the fundamental operations in the adaptive algorithm is selecting a point from within a subdomain. The current implementation uses simplices for subdomains (triangles in 2D, tetrahedrons in 3D), and picks a point either (1) in the center of the simplex or (2) on the longest edge of the simplex. The choice depends on the shape of the simplex; the center is only used if using the longest edge would produce unacceptably thin simplices. A better strategy may be to choose points on the edge of a simplex such that the simplex aligns with the gradient of the function, creating an anisotropic triangulation [@Dyn1990]. This is a similar approach to the anisotropic meshing techniques mentioned in the literature review.
Stochastic processes frequently appear in numerical sciences.
Currently, Adaptive has an AverageLearner
that samples a random variable (modelled as a function that takes no parameters and returns a different value each time it is called) until the mean is known to within a certain standard error.
This is advantageous because no predetermined number of samples has to be set before starting the simulation.
Extending this learner to be able to deal with stochastic functions in arbitrary dimensions would be a useful addition.
Finally, there is the potential to use Adaptive for experimental control. There are a number of challenges associated with this use case. Firstly, experimental results are typically stochastic (due to noise), and would require sampling the same point in parameter space several times. This aspect is closely associated with sampling stochastic functions discussed in the preceding paragraph. Secondly, in an experiment one typically cannot jump around arbitrary quickly in parameter space. It may be faster to sweep one parameter compared to another; for example, in condensed matter physics experiments, sweeping magnetic field is much slower than sweeping voltage source frequency. Lastly, some experiments exhibit hysteresis. This means that results may not be reproducible if a different path is taken through parameter space. In such a case one would need to restrict the sampling to only occur along a certain path in parameter space. Incorporating such extensions into Adaptive would require adding a significant amount of extra logic, as learners would need to take into account not only the data available, but the order in which the data was obtained, and the timing statistics at different points in parameter space. Despite these challenges, however, Adaptive can already be used in experiments that are not restricted in these ways.