Feel free to send pull requests, even for the tiniest things. Watch for Travis'
opinion on them
Travis will also make sure your code is pep8 compliant, and it's a good idea to run flake8 as well (on django_prometheus/ and on tests/). The code contains "unused" imports on purpose so flake8 isn't run automatically.
Please write unit tests for your change. There are two kinds of tests:
- Regular unit tests that test the code directly, without loading Django. This is limited to pieces of the code that don't depend on Django, since a lot of the Django code will require a full Django environment (anything that interacts with models, for instance, needs a full database configuration).
- End-to-end tests are Django unit tests in a test application. The test application doubles as an easy way to interactively test your changes. It uses most of the basic Django features and a few advanced features, so you can test things for yourself.
$ python setup.py test
$ (cd tests/end2end/; PYTHONPATH=../.. ./manage.py test)
The former runs the regular unit tests, the latter runs the Django unit test.
To avoid setting PYTHONPATH every time, you can also run python setup.py install
$ (cd tests/end2end/; PYTHONPATH=../.. ./manage.py runserver)
By default, this will start serving on http://localhost:8000/. Metrics
are available at /metrics
See http://prometheus.io/docs/ for instructions on installing
Prometheus. Once you have Prometheus installed, you can use the
example rules and dashboard in examples/prometheus/
. See
to run Prometheus and view the example