Releases: pusher/pusher-js
Releases · pusher/pusher-js
[CHANGED] Updated the json2 library
[FIXED] Catch exceptions when accessing localStorage and parsing its contents
[FIXED] Flush transport cache if it's corrupted
[FIXED] Stop raising exceptions when stats requests fail
[CHANGED] Don't report stats when offline
[CHANGED] Raise an error when trying to send a client event without the `client-` prefix
[FIXED] Disable transports that raise protocol errors
[FIXED] Keep trying all transports if a handshake raises an error
[CHANGED] Send less verbose error and closed event logs to stats
[FIXED] Add missing `connecting_in` event
[FIXED] Catch exceptions raised when accessing `window.localStorage` in some environments
[FIXED] Disable transports that raise protocol errors
[FIXED] Keep trying all transports if a handshake raises an error
[CHANGED] Send less verbose error and closed event logs to stats
[FIXED] Add missing `connecting_in` event
[FIXED] Catch exceptions raised when accessing `window.localStorage` in some environments