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401 (Unauthorized) when subscribing to private-channel (Vue/Laravel) #789

Arturexe opened this issue Dec 27, 2023 · 1 comment


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What is the current behavior?
I've set up a Vue3/Laravel app with a live-chat via Pusher which works over non-private channel chat. In the next step I want to use a private channel but something weird happens. The pusher.subscribe function that tries to send a request to /api/pusher/auth doesn't seem to handle the sanctum authorization correctly, resulting in:

POST http://localhost:8000/api/pusher/auth 401 (Unauthorized)
ajax @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:676
(anonymous) @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:3548
authorize @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:1860
subscribe @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:1828
subscribe @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:3960
subscribeAll @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:3951
(anonymous) @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:3868
emit @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:1230
updateState @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:2341
connected @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:2281
callback @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:2176
cb @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:2619
tryNextStrategy @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:2459
(anonymous) @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:2507
(anonymous) @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:3399
finish @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:1752
onMessage @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:1729
emit @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:1230
onMessage @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:1327
socket.onmessage @ pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:1343
Show 20 more frames
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pusher-js.js?v=1974b27b:979 Pusher :  : ["Error: Unable to retrieve auth string from channel-authorization endpoint - received status: 401 from http://localhost:8000/api/pusher/auth. Clients must be authorized to join private or presence channels. See:"]

This problem is specific to the pusher route, all other api routes work just fine.

Frontend setup


import Pusher from 'pusher-js'

Pusher.logToConsole = true

const pusher = new Pusher('bf29be46d8eb2ea8ccd4', {
  cluster: 'eu',
  forceTLS: true,
  authEndpoint: 'http://localhost:8000/api/pusher/auth',
  withCredentials: true,
  wsPort: 443,
  wssPort: 443,
  enableStats: false,
  enabledTransports: ['ws', 'wss'],
  auth: {
    headers: {
      'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',

export default pusher


import axios from 'axios'

axios.defaults.withCredentials = true

if (import.meta.env.DEV) {
  axios.defaults.baseURL = 'http://localhost:8000'

the user is authenticated in a login component:

const signIn = () => {
  axios.get('/sanctum/csrf-cookie').then(() => {
      .post('/login', form)
      .then(() => {
        store.auth = sessionStorage.auth = 1
        store.signInModal = false
      .catch((er) => {
        state.errors =

and the app tries to subscribe to pusher in a chat component, only accessible to authenticated users:

const inquireChatSession = () => {
    .then((res) => {
      state.chatSessionId =
      state.messages =
      state.loadingSession = false

      const channel = pusher.subscribe(`private-chat.${state.chatSessionId}`) // 401 happens here

      channel.bind('App\\Events\\ChatMessageSent', (data) => {
    .catch((er) => {
      state.errors =
      state.loadingSession = false

Backend setup


Route::post('/pusher/auth', function (Request $request) {

    $user = $request->user();
    if (!$user) {
        abort(403, 'Unauthorized');

    $pusher = new Pusher(
        ['cluster' => env('PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER')]

    $channelName = $request->channel_name;
    $socketId = $request->socket_id;

    $auth = $pusher->socket_auth($channelName, $socketId);

    return response()->json(['auth' => $auth]);

pusher is trying to connect to this route but the authorization fails, resulting in 'test' not being logged and returning aforementioned error back to the client. This seems to be a pusher + sanctum problem because connecting to this diagnostic route works:

Route::post('/pusher/auth', function (Request $request) {
    \Log::info(var_export($request, true));
    \Log::info('Request headers: ', $request->header());
    \Log::info('Request cookies: ', $request->cookies->all());
    \Log::info('Session data: ', $request->session()->all());
    \Log::info('User: ', $request->user());

but $request->cookies->all() is empty and $request->user() is null. For some reason no auth cookies are arriving in the pusher route. To check if sanctum works by itself, connecting to the following route, returns the authorized user:

Route::middleware('auth:sanctum')->get('/test-auth', function (Request $request) {
    return $request->user();

relevant .env entries:



like I said, the entire authentication of the app works fine except the pusher route.

Browser Network Tab

auth request #1:


Request URL:       http://localhost:8000/api/pusher/auth
Request Method:    OPTIONS
Status Code:       204 No Content
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy:   strict-origin-when-cross-origin

Response Headers:

Access-Control-Allow-Credentials:    true
Access-Control-Allow-Headers:        x-requested-with
Access-Control-Allow-Methods:        POST
Access-Control-Allow-Origin:         http://localhost:3000
Access-Control-Max-Age:              0
Cache-Control:                       no-cache, private
Connection:                          close
Content-Type:                        text/html; charset=UTF-8
Date:                                Wed, 27 Dec 2023 02:25:13 GMT
Host:                                localhost:8000
Vary:                                Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers
X-Powered-By:                        PHP/8.3.1

Request Headers:

Accept:                            */*
Accept-Encoding:                   gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language:                   en-GB,en;q=0.9,de;q=0.8
Access-Control-Request-Headers:    x-requested-with
Access-Control-Request-Method:     POST
Cache-Control:                     no-cache
Connection:                        keep-alive
Host:                              localhost:8000
Origin:                            http://localhost:3000
Pragma:                            no-cache
Referer:                           http://localhost:3000/
Sec-Fetch-Dest:                    empty
Sec-Fetch-Mode:                    cors
Sec-Fetch-Site:                    same-site
User-Agent:                        Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

followed by auth request #2:


Request URL:        http://localhost:8000/api/pusher/auth
Request Method:     POST
Status Code:        401 Unauthorized
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy:    strict-origin-when-cross-origin

Response Headers:

Access-Control-Allow-Credentials:    true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin:         http://localhost:3000
Cache-Control:                       no-cache, private
Connection:                          close
Content-Type:                        application/json
Date:                                Wed, 27 Dec 2023 02:25:13 GMT
Host:                                localhost:8000
Set-Cookie:                          XSRF-TOKEN=eyJpdiI6Inl5T2ZLbndpZG1OUTV5MmxNdDlNNWc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiUzdJYVkzZzJvM3FnaUlIUGxVWFBDTTZYeHQveTBWOWoxSEsvcThGM00wVDh6WExmK2RYWVBldTNxK2xKS1RrV1JSTHA2b0NEMVFtQzlzSmxyVVVRbmlrSmNRdmJQaW00cWpIQVFyZkhYM0RwampuMDZWVzJsV3NUZjVJZ1kxaG0iLCJtYWMiOiI4MzFlZjBjYWZkNDZkZDBhMGYxZDgwMDQ5YTgzY2ExNDg1NDMyNjFlNTNmZDg5NGJmZTI4MDMxNzAzMjVlNjZjIiwidGFnIjoiIn0%3D; expires=Wed, 27 Dec 2023 04:25:13 GMT; Max-Age=7200; path=/; domain=localhost; samesite=lax
Set-Cookie: soul_meatcom_session=eyJpdiI6Ii8wTktnTVFMZUZBYXVTeTFTRjd4dmc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoicDUzNjFJVEYyTVR5cXdrTGZQZWZ1NzF4UEZ6QUJXSWF3YUsya0lUZy9qb0IwNk0rM0cwa3RwV1YyZ1Q0T0JqWW90cjZKd2d3OXNqOW13aGswc2tPMGw0d0hPRkxDZDdqamFUQWpKSktVd2ZpS1c2b3NqQm5WMVhoK2VsLzJWeEkiLCJtYWMiOiI4YjM3ZWEwZWMwNzlhNDIxMWNhNjBhMjAzNzcxNDM0NGMxNTczOTU1YWQ0ZGFjNzEyYWJkNDI2ZWJiNjI2ZTZkIiwidGFnIjoiIn0%3D; expires=Wed, 27 Dec 2023 04:25:13 GMT; Max-Age=7200; path=/; domain=localhost; httponly; samesite=lax
X-Powered-By:                        PHP/8.3.1

Request Headers:

Accept:                   */*
Accept-Encoding:          gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language:          en-GB,en;q=0.9,de;q=0.8
Cache-Control:            no-cache
Connection:               keep-alive
Content-Length:           87
Content-Type:             application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Host:                     localhost:8000
Origin:                   http://localhost:3000
Pragma:                   no-cache
Referer:                  http://localhost:3000/
Sec-Ch-Ua:                "Not_A Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="120", "Google Chrome";v="120"
Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile:         ?0
Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform:       "macOS"
Sec-Fetch-Dest:           empty
Sec-Fetch-Mode:           cors
Sec-Fetch-Site:           same-site
User-Agent:               Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
X-Requested-With:         XMLHttpRequest

Browser Application Tab

there are two cookies in /storage/cookies/http://localhost:3000:

#1 soul_meatcom_session:




Any idea what the problem is with the pusher route or how I could further debug this? Thank you in advance

What is the expected behavior?
Private channel subscription should work.

**Which versions of Pusher, and which browsers / OS are affected by this issue?
Tested Pusher versions: newest, 8.3, 7.6
MacOS: Ventura 13.2.1
Browser: Chrome

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stale bot commented Feb 1, 2025

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. If you'd like this issue to stay open please leave a comment indicating how this issue is affecting you. Thank you.

@stale stale bot added the wontfix label Feb 1, 2025
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