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- Get started with the basics: What is Puppet and what does it do?
- Install the Puppet agent on a new system.
- Understand Puppet's resources and the resource abstraction layer.
This quest kicks off a hands-on introduction to managing infrastructure with
Puppet tools and services. You'll start by installing the agent and learning
some of the core ideas involved in managing infrastructure. Once the agent is
installed on a new system, you will use the puppet resource
tool to explore
the state of that system. Through this tool, you will learn about resources,
the basic units that Puppet uses to describe and manage a system.
Ready to get started? Run the following command on your Learning VM to begin this quest:
quest begin hello_puppet
Before getting into the details of the Puppet tools and how to use them, let's discuss what Puppet is and why it's worth learning. The term Puppet is often used as a shorthand for a collection of tools and services that work in concert to help define your infrastructure configuration and then automate the process of bringing the systems into their desired state and keeping them there.
Continuing with this guide, you'll dive deeper into individual components of the software, but for now there are key points that distinguish its approach from the other tools you might use to manage your systems.
Using Puppet, you define a desired state for all systems in your infrastructure. Once this state is defined, it automates the process of bringing your systems into that state and keeping them there.
This desired state for your systems is written in Puppet code, a domain specific language (DSL). This infrastructure as code approach means that users concerned with version control, compliance, continuous integration and deployment, and testing can easily fold infrastructure into their development and release workflow.
Puppet code is a declarative language, which means that you describe only the desired state for your systems, not the steps needed to get there. Once you've specified in code those aspects of a system you want Puppet to manage, an agent service running in the background makes any changes needed to bring the system into compliance with the desired state.
A declarative approach requires that you think about the systems in your infrastructure differently than you would if you were using scripts, golden images, or runbooks. You can focus on what your infrastructure can do for you rather than how you're going to get there.
The declarative Puppet language gives you a single syntax for describing desired state across Windows and Unix-like operating systems, network devices, and containers. You don't have to switch languages and toolsets every time you start work on a new system. Learning Puppet gives you a skillset that can be carried across projects and roles.
With a server-agent architecture, there's no need to connect to systems individually to make changes. Once the agent service is running on a system, it periodically establishes a secure connection to the Puppet server, fetches any code you've applied to it, and makes the changes necessary to bring the system in line with the desired state. The fact that centralized control is built in from Puppet's foundations makes monitoring and compliance much easier.
As we noted above, Puppet is actually a variety of tools and services that work together to help you manage and coordinate the systems in your infrastructure. Though this ecosystem gives you a great degree of power and control, the complexity can leave a new user wondering where to start.
By initially introducing Bolt, and now the Puppet agent and some of the command line tools included in the agent installation, there should be a balance between the big-picture view of Puppet and the the bottom-up fundamentals. You'll begin to understand the agent's role in the broader Puppet architecture, as well as the details of how it interacts with the system where it's installed.
The Puppet agent runs on every system that you want Puppet to manage. The agent serves as the bridge between the system where it's installed and the Puppet server. The agent communicates in two directions: out to the Puppet server to see how its system should be configured, and then inward to native system tools to check the actual state of the system and to make changes to bring it in line with the desired state.
When you install the Puppet agent you get a set of command-line tools that help you interact directly with a system in the same way the Puppet agent does. Using these tools will help you understand how the Puppet agent sees and modifies the state of the system where it's running.
The Learning VM itself has Puppet Enterprise pre-installed, including the Puppet server service. For each quest, the quest tool provides one or more agent systems that you explore and configure with Puppet.
For this quest, there is a fresh system where you can install the Puppet agent and explore some of the tools it provides. The Puppet server hosts an agent install script that makes it easy to install the Puppet agent on any system that can access the Puppet server.
Task 1:
To get started, use the bolt
tool that was introduced in the previous quest. Copy and run the following command to
load the agent installer from the Puppet server and run it on the agent system:
bolt command run "sh -c 'curl -k https://learning.puppetlabs.vm:8140/packages/current/install.bash | sudo bash'" --targets docker://hello.puppet.vm
You will see text stream across the screen as the installation runs.
You can find full documentation of the agent installation process, including specific instructions for Windows and other operating systems in the installation documentation.
As noted above, the Puppet agent comes with a set of supporting tools you can use to explore your system. Now that the agent is installed, use these tools to see what they can teach you about how Puppet works.
One of Puppet's core concepts is the resource abstraction layer. For Puppet,
each aspect of the system you want to manage (such as a
user, file, service, or package) is represented in code as a unit called
a resource. The puppet resource
tool lets you view and modify these
resources directly.
Task 2:
Using the following command, connect to the system where the agent was just installed. Enter the password puppet
when prompted.
Next run the following command to ask Puppet to describe a file resource:
sudo puppet resource file /tmp/test
What you see is the Puppet code representation of a resource. In this case,
the resource's type is file
, and its path is
file { '/tmp/test':
ensure => 'absent',
The resource syntax can be broken down into its components so its anatomy can be understood a little more clearly.
type { 'title':
parameter => 'value',
The type is the kind of thing the resource describes. It can be a core type like a user, file, service, or package, or a custom type that you have implemented yourself or installed from a module.
Custom types describe resources that might be specific to a service or application (for example, an Apache vhost or MySQL database) that Puppet doesn't know about out of the box.
The body of a resource is a list of parameter value pairs that follow the
pattern parameter => value
. The parameters and possible values vary from type
to type. They specify the state of the resource on the system. Documentation
for resource parameters is provided in the Resource Type
The resource title is a unique name that Puppet uses to identify the
resource internally. In the case of the file resource above, the
resource's title was the path of the file on the system: /tmp/test
. Each
resource type has a unique identifying feature that can be used as the resource
title. A user
resource uses the account name as a title, for example, and
a package
resource uses the name of the package you want to manage.
Now that you're more familiar with the resource syntax, take another look at that file resource.
file { '/tmp/test':
ensure => 'absent',
Notice that it has a single parameter value pair: ensure => 'absent'
. The
parameter tells us the basic state of a resource. For the file type,
this parameter describes if the file exists on the system and if it does,
whether it's a normal file, a directory, or a link.
Task 3:
Puppet is indicating that this file doesn't exist. So what happens when
you use the touch
command to create a new empty file at that path? Run:
touch /tmp/test
Use the puppet resource
tool to see how this change is represented in
Puppet's resource syntax:
sudo puppet resource file /tmp/test
Now that the file exists on the system, Puppet has more to say about it. It
shows the ensure
and content
parameters and their values,
plus information about the file's owner, when it was created, and
when it was last modified.
file { '/tmp/test':
ensure => 'file',
content => '{md5}d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',
The value of the content
parameter might not be what you expected. When the
puppet resource
tool interprets a file in this resource declaration syntax,
it converts the content to an MD5 hash. Puppet uses the hash to quickly
compare the actual content of a file on your system against the expected
content to see if has changed.
Task 4:
Next, use the puppet resource
tool to add some content to our file.
Running puppet resource
with a parameter=value
argument tells Puppet to
modify the resource on the system to match the value you set. Note: while
this is a great way to test out changes in a development environment, it's not
a good way to manage production infrastructure.
Run the following command:
sudo puppet resource file /tmp/test content='Hello Puppet!'
Puppet will display some output as it checks the hash of the existing content
against the new content you provided. When it sees that the hashes don't match,
it sets the file's content to the value of the command's content
Look at the file to see the modified content by running:
cat /tmp/test
This translation back and forth between the state of the system and Puppet's
resource syntax is the heart of Puppet's resource abstraction layer. To get
a better understanding of how this works, let's take a look at another resource
type, the package
Task 5:
As an example, run the following command to install the package for the
Apache webserver httpd
sudo puppet resource package httpd
Because this package doesn't exist on the system, Puppet shows you the
ensure => purged
parameter value pair. This purged
value is similar to the
value you saw earlier for the file
resource, but in the case of the
package resource, indicates that both the package itself and any configuration
files installed by the package manager are both absent.
package { 'httpd':
ensure => 'purged',
Each resource type has a set of providers. A provider is the translation layer that sits between Puppet's resource representation and the native system tools it uses to discover and modify the underlying system state. Each resource type generally has a variety of different providers.
The quickest way to see the inner workings of a provider
is to break it. Tell Puppet to install a nonexistent package named
by running:
sudo puppet resource package bogus-package ensure=present
The error message tells you that yum wasn't able to find the specified package, and lists the command that Puppet's yum provider tried to run when it saw that the package wasn't already installed:
Error: Execution of '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install bogus-package' returned 1:
Error Nothing to do
Puppet selects a default provider based on the agent's operating system and
whether the commands associated with that provider are available. You
can override this default by setting a resource's provider
Try installing the same fake package again, this time with the gem
sudo puppet resource package bogus-package ensure=present provider=gem
You'll see a similar error with a failed gem
command instead of the yum
Error: Execution of '/bin/gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri bogus-package'
returned 2: ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'bogus-package' (>= 0) in any repository
Error: /Package[bogus-package]/ensure: change from absent to present failed:
Execution of '/bin/gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri bogus-package' returned 2:
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'bogus-package' (>= 0) in any repository
Now that you know what's happening in the background, try installing a real package with the default provider:
sudo puppet resource package httpd ensure=present
This time, Puppet installs the package. The value of the
parameter shows you the specific version of the installed package:
package { 'httpd':
ensure => '2.4.6-93.el7.centos',
When you don't specify a version of the package to install, Puppet
defaults to installing the latest available version and displays this version
number as the value of the ensure
Now that you've had a chance to explore this system with the newly installed Puppet agent, exit to return to the Puppet server before you continue to the next quest.
In this quest, you learned what Puppet is and some of the advantages of managing your infrastructure with Puppet's declarative domain-specific language and server-agent architecture.
You installed the Puppet agent on a new system using Bolt. Once the agent and suite of supporting tools were installed, you learned the fundamentals of Puppet's resource abstraction layer, including resources, resource types, and the providers that translate between your Puppet code and the native system tools.
Now that you've learned some of the core concepts behind Puppet, you're ready
to use these ideas in a more realistic workflow. The puppet resource
command is a great way to explore a system or test Puppet code, but
it's not the tool you'll be using to automate your configuration management.
In the next quest, you'll learn how to save Puppet code to a file called a manifest and organize it into a module within your Puppet server's codedir. This structure lets Puppet keep track of where to find all the resources it needs to manage your infrastructure.
And you'll see how the Puppet agent communicates with your Puppet server to fetch a compiled list of resources called a catalog based on Puppet code kept on it.
- Watch our on-demand webinar "Introduction to Puppet Enterprise".
- Read about installing Puppet Enterprise on our docs page.
- Check out the How Puppet Works YouTube video.
- Take a look at some of our self-paced courses, such as Resources.
- Puppet basics are covered in-depth in our Getting Started with Puppet course. Explore our in-person and online training options for more information.