- /case-studies
- the three case studies
- /synthesizer
- the python implementation of the SpCTL synthesizer
- /running-example
- the running example
- Python interpreter
- The pyparsing python package
- Z3 SMT solver with python packages (Z3Py)
To check whether Z3Py is properly installed test the following code in your Python interpreter:
>>> from z3 import *
>>> x = Int('x')
>>> solve(x > 1)
[x = 2]
The policy synthesizer is executed as follows:
python main.py -synth <synthesis configuration file>
Here synthesis configuration file
defines a policy synthesis problem. The structure of this file is described below.
An example synthesis configuration file:
The section SYNTHESIS defines the following attributes:
- STRUCTURE: A file that defines a resource structure (in adjecency list format)
- REQUIREMENTS: A file with global requirements expressed in the SpCTL language
- SUBJECT_ATTRIBUTES: A file that defines all subject attributes and their domains
- RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES: A fie that defines all resource attributes and their domains
- FIXED_GRAMMAR: A boolean flag that indicates whether the synthesizer checks for a solution from a fixed configuration template or not. When the FIXED_GRAMMAR attribute is set to FALSE, the synthesizer begins with the smallest policy configuration template and increases the policy configuration template until a solution is found.
The section GRAMMAR defines the configuration tempalte which is used when the FIXED_GRAMMAR attribute is set to TRUE. It defines three attributes:
- The number of enumerated attributes that the local policies contain
- The number of numeric attributes that the local policies contain
- The number of conjunctions
For examples of the above files see our running example.
The structure of the running example is as follows:
out lob cor
lob out cor
cor lob out bur mr
bur cor
mr cor
((and (role in {visitor}) (time in [8, 20])), (EF (room_id in {mr})))
Requirements have the form (T, AP)
where T is a target encoded using the SMT-LIB format and AP is an access path. The access path is encoded in a format similar to the standard SMT-lib format, extended with the CTL temporal operators such as (EF AP), (EU AP_1 AP_2), and so forth.
Here role is an enumerated attribute with domain {visitor, employee}, validPin is a boolean attribute, and time is a numeric attribute.
Here zone is a resource attribute with domain {public, presecured, secured}. There are four resource identifiers room1-4. The labeling of room1, for example, assigns public to the attribute zone.
The synthesizer outputs the local policy for each edge. The output for our running example is:
============ SYNTHESIZED POLICY ============
------ -- ---- --------------------------
lob -> cor true
cor -> bur (not (= role visitor)
cor -> mr true
out -> lob true
out -> cor (not (= role visitor))
lob -> cor
defines the policy to be deployed at the main entrance PEP.
The local policies are encoded using the standard SMT-LIB format.