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The system description

In this example, we will implement the EKF to estimate a simple damped pendulum system. Wikipedia has good explanation for an undamped system with good animation, while this website has explanation for the damped one.

The variables of the system can be seen from this picture:

Pendulum picture

While the system equations can be described as:

Pendulum equation

The implementation

First we set the system parameters in konfig.h:

/* State Space dimension */
#define SS_X_LEN    (2)
#define SS_Z_LEN    (2)
#define SS_U_LEN    (0)

Then we implement the state space nonlinear update & measurement function in ekf_pend_engl.ino:

bool Main_bUpdateNonlinearX(Matrix &X_Next, Matrix &X, Matrix &U)
    /* Insert the nonlinear update transformation here
    *          x(k+1) = f[x(k), u(k)]
    *  The update function in discrete time:
    *      x1(k+1) = x1(k) + x2(k)*dt
    *      x2(k+1) = x2(k) - g/l*sin(x1(k))*dt - alpha*x2*dt
    return true;

bool Main_bUpdateNonlinearY(Matrix &Y, Matrix &X, Matrix &U)
    /* Insert the nonlinear measurement transformation here
    *          y(k)   = h[x(k), u(k)]
    *  The output (in discrete time):
    *      y1(k) =  sin(x1(k)) * l
    *      y2(k) = -cos(x1(k)) * l
    return true;

bool Main_bCalcJacobianF(Matrix &F, Matrix &X, Matrix &U)
    /*  The update function in discrete time:
    *      x1(k+1) = f1(x,u) = x1(k) + x2(k)*dt
    *      x2(k+1) = f2(x,u) = x2(k) - g/l*sin(x1(k))*dt - alpha*x2*dt
    *  The Jacobian matrix is 2x2 matrix (because we have 2 state variables):
    *      F = [d(f1)/dx1    d(f1)/dx2]
    *          [d(f2)/dx1    d(f2)/dx2]
    *      F = [d(x1(k) + x2(k)*dt)/dx1                                        d(x1(k) + x2(k)*dt)/dx2          ]
    *          [d(x2(k) - g/l*sin(x1(k))*dt - alpha*x2*dt)/dx1    d(x2(k) - g/l*sin(x1(k))*dt - alpha*x2*dt)/dx2]
    *      F = [1                          dt      ]
    *          [-g/l*cos(x2(k))*dt     1 - alpha*dt]
    return true;

bool Main_bCalcJacobianH(Matrix &H, Matrix &X, Matrix &U)
    /*  The output (in discrete time):
    *      y1(k) = h1(x) =  sin(x1(k)) * l
    *      y2(k) = h2(x) = -cos(x1(k)) * l
    *  The Jacobian matrix is 2x2 matrix (because we have 2 outputs):
    *      H = [d(h1)/dx1    d(h1)/dx2]
    *          [d(h2)/dx1    d(h2)/dx2]
    *      H = [d(sin(x1(k)) * l)/dx1      d(sin(x1(k)) * l)/dx2 ]
    *          [d(-cos(x1(k)) * l)/dx1     d(-cos(x1(k)) * l)/dx2]
    *      H = [cos(x1(k)) * l      0]
    *          [sin(x1(k)) * l      0]
    return true;

To demonstrate the EKF capability, we add noise at the output system (also in ekf_pend_engl.ino):

/* ================== Read the sensor data / simulate the system here ================== */
/* Let's add some noise! */
Y[0][0] += (float((rand() % 20) - 10) / 10.);       /* add +/- 1 meters noise to x position */

/* ------------------ Read the sensor data / simulate the system here ------------------ */

And set the EKF initial pendulum angle (theta(k=0)) as different with the true initial pendulum angle:

/* For example, let's set the theta(k=0) = pi/2     (i.e. the pendulum rod is parallel with the horizontal plane) */
X_true[0][0] = 3.14159265359/2.;

/* Observe that we set the wrong initial x_estimated value!  (X_EKF(k=0) != X_TRUE(k=0)) */
X_est_init[0][0] = -3.14159265359/2.;

And then plot the estimated x-position of the bob. The result, plotted using Scilab (you can see at the beginning, the estimated value is converging to the truth despite wrong initial value):

Result for Pendulum simulation