diff --git a/Azure-ARM/forensics_log_pull.ps1 b/Azure-ARM/forensics_log_pull.ps1 index 79a06d7..da14a0f 100644 --- a/Azure-ARM/forensics_log_pull.ps1 +++ b/Azure-ARM/forensics_log_pull.ps1 @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ $SqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand; $SqlCmd.CommandText = $sqlQuery; $SqlCmd.Connection = $SqlConnection; $result = $SqlCmd.ExecuteScalar(); -$SqlConnection.Close(); +#$SqlConnection.Close(); # Function to check if the SQL Server starts with any of the specified values if ($result -eq 'READ_ONLY') { @@ -16,9 +16,47 @@ if ($result -eq 'READ_ONLY') { } else { Write-Output "Database is not read-only. Continuing script execution." } - # Rest of the script Write-Host "Executing the rest of the script..." +$LogQuery = "SELECT TOP (100) [Id] + ,[Message] + ,[Level] + ,[TimeStamp] + ,[Exception] + ,[LogEvent] + ,[AssemblyName] + ,[AssemblyVersion] + ,[SourceContext] + ,[EnvironmentUserName] + ,[MachineName] + FROM [logging].[tSystemLog] + order by id desc" +$SqlCmd.CommandText = $LogQuery; +$SqlDataReader = $SqlCmd.ExecuteReader(); +$results = @() +while ($SqlDataReader.Read()) { + # Collect each row into a hashtable for easy export + $row = @{ + Id = $SqlDataReader["Id"] + Message = $SqlDataReader["Message"] + Level = $SqlDataReader["Level"] + TimeStamp = $SqlDataReader["TimeStamp"] + Exception = if ($SqlDataReader["Exception"] -ne $null) { $SqlDataReader["Exception"] } else { "NULL" } + LogEvent = if ($SqlDataReader["LogEvent"] -ne $null) { $SqlDataReader["LogEvent"].ToString() } else { "NULL" } + AssemblyName = $SqlDataReader["AssemblyName"] + AssemblyVersion = $SqlDataReader["AssemblyVersion"] + SourceContext = if ($SqlDataReader["LogEvent"] -ne $null) { $SqlDataReader["SourceContext"].ToString() } else { "NULL" } + EnvironmentUserName = $SqlDataReader["EnvironmentUserName"] + MachineName = $SqlDataReader["MachineName"] + } + $results += [PSCustomObject]$row +} +$SqlDataReader.Close(); +$SqlConnection.Close(); + + +# Rest of the script +#Write-Host "Executing the rest of the script..." # Get hostname of pod to know which pod the logs are from $hostname = hostname @@ -61,7 +99,8 @@ robocopy "c:\profisee\webportal\logfiles" "$env:TEMP\all-Logs\$logsFolder\Profis robocopy "c:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1" "$env:TEMP\all-Logs\$logsFolder\IISLogs" /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:T netstat -anobq > $env:TEMP\all-Logs\$logsFolder\TCPLogs\netstat.txt Get-NetTCPConnection | Group-Object -Property State, OwningProcess | Select -Property Count, Name, @{Name="ProcessName";Expression={(Get-Process -PID ($_.Name.Split(',')[-1].Trim(' '))).Name}}, Group | Sort Count -Descending | out-file $env:TEMP\all-Logs\$logsFolder\TCPLogs\TCPconnections.txt - +$outputCsvPath = "C:\fileshare\alllogs\$logsFolder.csv" +$results | Select-Object Id, Message, Level, TimeStamp, Exception, LogEvent, AssemblyName, AssemblyVersion, SourceContext, EnvironmentUserName, MachineName | Export-Csv -Path $outputCsvPath -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 # Compress and copy to fileshare compress-archive -Path "$env:TEMP\all-Logs\$logsFolder\" -DestinationPath "$env:TEMP\$WebAppName-$hostname-All-Logs-$DT.zip" copy "$env:TEMP\$WebAppName-$hostname-All-Logs-$DT.zip" "C:\fileshare\alllogs\"