- What is a frontend developer? - frontendmasters.com
- Frontend web developer - Mozilla Developer docs
- What is frontend development - Freecodecamp
- Computer Networking course - Kunal Khushwaha(Youtube)
- How the Internet Travel Across Oceans? - TechVision(Youtube)
- How does the Internet Work? - Vox(Youtube)
- How does the Internet Work? - Mozilla web docs
- How Does the Internet Work? - Stanford.edu
- How Does the Internet Work? - cloudflare
- How Does the Internet Work? - Lesics(Youtube)
- What is DNS? | How DNS works
- Learn HTML - FreeCodeCamp(Youtube)
- Learn HTML - Codecadmeny
- HTML Tutorial - W3schools
- HTML Tutorial - TutorialsPoint
- HTML course, build a website - FreeCodeCamp(Youtube)
- HTML crash course - Traversy Media(Youtube)
- HTML Tutorial, making a Website - FreeCodeCamp(Youtube)
- Semantics - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms | MDN
- Basics of SEO
- HTML best practices
- Learn CSS - web.dev
- Learn CSS - codecademy
- CSS tutorial -w3schools
- CSS zero to hero - FreeCodeCamp(Youtube)
- Kevin Powell(Youtube)
- Introduction to CSS - Web Dev Simplified
- The guide to responsive web design
- Learn JavaScript - FreeCodeCamp(Youtube)
- JavaScript Tutorial - Programming with Mosh(Youtube)
- JavaScript Programming - FreeCodeCamp(Youtube)
- JavaScript Tutorial - w3schools
- Learn JavaScript - Codecademy
- Free JS Courses for Beginners - FreeCodeCamp
- Free JS Practice website to master JS - exercism
- Free JS repository to practice JS - 30-Days-Of-JavaScript
- Learn JavaScript - JavaScriptInfo
- What is NPM & why do we need it?
- NPM crash course
- Yarn package manager crash course
- Learn Package Manager
- Javascript Package manager
- Package management basics
- React Tutorial-Freecodecamp(Youtube)
- React Tutorial-JavaScript Mastery(Youtube)
- Docs
- React Router Tutorial
- React Redux Tutorials
- Tailwind css crash course - Traversy Media(Youtube)
- Tailwind crash course - Traversy Media(Youtube)
- Docs