Romhacking tools for Jump Ultimate Stars! (NDS)
Done ✔️ To test / with issues
- Pack .aar ALAR3 ✔️
- Unpack .aar ALAR3 ✔️
- Pack .aar ALAR2 ✔️
- Unpack .aar ALAR2 ✔️
- Extract ALMT + DIG ✔️
- Import ALMT + DIG ✔️
- Extract DTX ✔️
- Import DTX 🛑
- Extract and import ✔️
- Extract every .dig from any .aar (ALAR2/ALAR3) to PNG ✔️
- Import multiple PNGs to an .aar ALAR3 container ✔️
- generates a new beta translation rom if you have access to the Translation repo.
- copy_text_format: generates a new text format.
- The rest are testing scripts for devs.
You can use Tinke by PleoNex to unpack containers and view .dig files.
The project requires to build .NET Core 8.0.
./JUS.CLI jus [type] [feature] [args]
- graphics
- export-dtx
- export-dig
- import-dig
- containers
- export-alar3
- import-alar3
- export-alar2
- import-alar2
- import
- export
- batch
- export-alar-png
- import-png-alar3
- game
- import
To get the arguments of a feature you can use:
./JUS.CLI jus [type] [feature] -h
./JUS.CLI jus containers export-alar3 --container test.aar --output myDirectory
./JUS.CLI jus containers export-alar3 -h
You can find these documents in our docs/dev
- Alar Specification
- Text Specification
- DTX Specification by PleoNex
- DTX Research by PleoNex
- FileFormats by Uknown Hacker
PleoNex did some research on Streaming:
- DIRECTO ROM Hacking: Triple reto de imágenes
- DIRECTO Domingos de desensamblador: imágenes de Devil Survivor y JUS y ordenar textos de MetalMax 3
- DIRECTO Predomingos de desensamblador: CLYT de 3DS y el complejo caso de los sprites de JUS
- C# Net Core 8
- YARHL by PleoNex
- PleOps by PleoNex
Special thanks to PleoNex for his help, for Yarhl and PleOps.Cake. Thanks to TraduSquare for the inspiration and support. Thanks to the Jump Ultimate Stars! devs for this amazing game.