Releases: prebid/prebid-mobile-android
Releases · prebid/prebid-mobile-android
Release 0.2.0
This release includes a major update that Prebid Server is switching to OPENRTB endpoint, however, as an end user, you should be experiencing the same.
Other changes:
- Ability to switch host of prebid server
- Batch calls to prebid server
- DFP uses local cache to serve winning bid, while MoPub still uses server cache
Release 0.1.0
This release includes a fix on the version that is sent to prebid server. Without this version number, monetization will be affected.
Release 0.0.2
This release includes the following feature changes:
- Open RTB request params update
- API to override request time out
- Build script fixes
- Demo app update
Initial Release
Prebid Mobile SDK for Android is now available open source on Github.