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HOW TO issuer and verifier certificates


Create a work directory to store the certificates, keys, config files and CRL.

In the work directory:

touch index.txt
echo 1420 > serial
echo 1001 > crl/crlnumber
mkdir ca crl

Generate root CA key and certificate

If you want to use a self-managed root certificate, then follow the instructions directly below. If you use an external CA, then skip this section, and instead of following the instructions for creating a certificate send the certificate service request to the external CA as per established procedure.

Adapt {ISSUER_URL} in the configuration file cert/root.cnf to an appropriate values.

openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -noout -out ca/root-ca.key
openssl ec -aes256 -in ca/root-ca.key -out ca/root-ca_encrypted.key
openssl req -config cert/root.cnf -new -x509 -key ca/root-ca.key -out ca/root-ca.crt -extensions v3_ca

Generate verifier or issuer key and certificate request

Adapt the key and certificate request file names according to the role (issuer, verifier) for which you are generating them.

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -out verifier.key -genkey
openssl ec -aes256 -in verifier.key -out verifier_encrypted.key
openssl req -key verifier_encrypted.key -out verifier.csr -config cert/verifier.cnf -new

generate verifier or issuer certificate as the CA

NOTE: the EUDIW has requirements on certificate validity

openssl ca -config cert/root.cnf -extensions v3_req -key ca/root-ca_encrypted.key -cert ca/root-ca.crt -days 360 -in verifier.csr -out verifier.crt

Convert cerficate to DER-encoding (needed for Python issuer)

openssl x509 -in py-issert.crt -outform der -out py-issuer.der

Package verifier or issuer certifcate as PKCS12 archive

Adapt the file names according to the role (issuer, verifier) for which you are generating. Choose an appropriate keystore and private key password.

cat verifier.crt ca/root-ca.crt > verifier-chain.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -name verifier -inkey verifier_encrypted.key -in verifier.crt -certfile verifier-chain.pem -out verifier.p12 -passout pass:your_password
chmod 644 verifier.p12

Generate CRL

openssl ca -config root.cnf -gencrl -out crl/eudiw-poc-nl-root-ca-01.crl

Revoke an issued certificate

openssl ca -config root.cnf -revoke verifier.crt