This plugin is officially maintained.
This plugin was implemented through unconventional means. Please decide for yourself whether to use it.
- pot-app-translate-plugin-template - Template to create a translate plugin (Lingva)
- pot-app-recognize-plugin-template - Template to create a recognize plugin (OCR Space)
- pot-app-tts-plugin-template - Template to create a tts plugin (Lingva)
- pot-app-collection-plugin-template - Template to create a collection plugin (Anki)
- pot-app-translate-plugin-ecdict - Offline English-Chinese dictionary plugin (base on ECDICT)
- pot-app-translate-plugin-tatoeba - Tatoeba sentence search plugin
- pot-app-translate-plugin-volcengine - VolcEngine translate plugin
- pot-app-translate-plugin-transmart - TranSmart translate plugin
- pot-app-translate-plugin-moji_dict - MOJi Dict translate plugin
- pot-app-translate-plugin-caiyun - Caiyun translate plugin
- pot-app-translate-plugin-tencent - Tencent translate plugin
- pot-app-translate-plugin-papago - Papago translate plugin
- pot-app-translate-plugin-youdao - Youdao translate plugin
- pot-app-translate-plugin-baidu - Baidu translate plugin
- pot-app-translate-plugin-libre - LibreTranslate translate plugin
- pot-app-translate-plugin-freedict - Free Dictionary API translate plugin
- pot-app-translate-plugin-azure - Azure translate plugin
- pot-app-translate-plugin-gcide - Offline English-English dictionary plugin (base on GCIDE)
- pot-app-translate-plugin-cohere - Cohere translate plugin
- pot-app-recognize-plugin-rapid - Rapid Offline recognition plugin
- pot-app-recognize-plugin-paddle - Paddle Offline recognition plugin
- pot-app-recognize-plugin-openai - OpenAI recognition plugin
- pot-app-recognize-plugin-microsoft - Microsoft recognize plugin
- pot-app-recognize-plugin-google - Google Cloud recognize plugin
- pot-app-recognize-plugin-doc2x - Doc2X recognize plugin
- pot-app-recognize-plugin-baimiao - Baimiao recognize plugin
- pot-app-tts-plugin-openai - OpenAI TTS plugin
- pot-app-tts-plugin-youdao - Youdao TTS plugin
- pot-app-tts-plugin-volcengine - VolcEngine TTS plugin
- pot-app-collection-plugin-youdao - YouDao collection plugin
- pot-app-collection-plugin-shanbay - Shanbay collection plugin