In translating my routine I made some small changes. Dice kettlebell now uses one die and a larger multiplier, etc. I could make it determine time rather than raw swings.
Hm. Say I set a weekly quota on swings, by number or by time. Each day is randomly determined up til that quota, at which point the result defaults to 0. Spoonsaving scripts that solve the packing problem by learning the difficulty of various tasks in the manner of Anki or Mnemosyne spaced repetition flashcards and then mapping them to a hidden markov state of general energy levels. Over time tasks get done, without overexerting oneself.
Idea: add gripper script to determine whether to do a set of gripper crushes.
Idea: Stochastic distribution of attention.
Basically: give yourself permission via a diceroll to not feel it necessary to weigh in on everything at once. On average, others are saying what you want to say, and over time you will get the chance to join them. Just not today, just not about everything. Maybe a personal killfile for issues/events that gives you permission to focus and not feel obligated to be torn apart by competing streams of dystopia.
Idea: extract thirst/fuckslevel etc into a literal statsheet that those scripts look at. Change em all in one spot. Done. Later I'll have to alter savingthrow.
cleaning.rkt: Should it be a general tasks script, or specifically for cleaning?
Idea: a CW/TW quarantine. Populate triggers.txt, and it'll process it into various forms ready to be plopped into browser extensions and such. Pipe it to a function that'll produce json, and connect it to rotten tomatoes and netflix to produce a script that'll add warnings on mouse-over for movies. Connect it to goodreads, and add nice warnings next to titles, etc.
Should add a file for UI (or lack thereof).