Updated DESCRIPTION to new Poisson template
Updated DESCRIPTION to new Poisson template
Updated _pkgdown.yml to new Poisson template
Updated _pkgdown.yml to new Poisson template
Merge branch 'main' of
Merge branch 'main' of
use @exportS3Method NULL tag to avoid roxygen messages and not export…
use @exportS3Method NULL tag to avoid roxygen messages and not export…
Use exportS3Method NULL to avoid roxygen messages and not export gene…
Use exportS3Method NULL to avoid roxygen messages and not export gene…
suppress build warning about exporting S3 method
suppress build warning about exporting S3 method
reverted dependency back to R >= 4.0
reverted dependency back to R >= 4.0
extras package requires R >= 4.3
extras package requires R >= 4.3