Implemented enhancements:
NSString methods for y values/popups? #119
How to draw a null point? #104
Ability to draw negative values with different color #82
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Bottom Gradient not in latest Podspec #113
Merged pull requests:
Added a bunch of options including left/right y axis positioning, float values in Y-Axis and popovers, null graph values, and customizations around how the X and Y axes are displayed! #132 (RobDay)
Added a bunch of options including left/right y axis positioning, float values in Y-Axis and popovers, and null graph values! #129 (RobDay)
Added support for float on popup labels and Y-axis #114 (Boris-Em)
v3.3 (2015-01-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- huge performance improvement suggestion #107
Fixed bugs:
popupReport will not show up if animation has been set off #106
autoScaleYAxis Not working with Bezier curves #99
Popup Labels Displaying as Double with iOS8 #74
BezierCurve do not always work #73
Closed issues:
- Gradient fill #57
Merged pull requests:
Ensure permanent pop-up labels are not duplicated #122 (kattrali)
Update #115 (jeffreyjackson)
Allow drawing a horizontal or vertical gradient as the graph line #101 (kattrali)
Add a Gitter chat badge to #100 (gitter-badger)
Add ability to fill the top and/or bottom of a graph with a gradient #98 (kattrali)
Reference line color & draw order #88 (gavinbunney)
v3.2 (2014-11-02)
Implemented enhancements:
Dots still animating when animationGraphStyle set to BEMLineAnimationNone #80
enableReferenceAxisLines should be two: enableReferenceY-AxisLines and enableReferenceX-AxisLines #69
Y-axis label issues #62
Touch interaction on touch-down, not just start-pan? #59
Fixed bugs:
Dots still animating when animationGraphStyle set to BEMLineAnimationNone #80
BackgroundPopUplabel never show if enableYAxisLabel is set NO #71
Merged pull requests:
Split enableReferenceAxisLines into two properties #87 (gavinbunney)
Fix wrong presentation of years in code exmple + auto-update graph by clicking on segment controll #85 (skywinder)
update travis script to avoid "exited with 134" #84 (skywinder)
Fix representation of negative values in Y axis #83 (skywinder)
Fix several UI bug when displaying data with negative numbers #79 (ben181231)
Add segment to select Bezier or straght line #76 (skywinder)
v3.1 (2014-08-28)
Fixed bugs:
- alwaysDisplayDots=YES is not having effect when animationGraphEntranceTime=0.0 #61
v3.0 (2014-08-19)
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
Add Y-Axis Reference Line (#40) #43 (japanconman)
Add Y-Axis feature #33 (japanconman)
v2.3 (2014-06-02)
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
v2.2 (2014-05-19)
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
Added support for scrolling with a GraphView placed in UIScrollView #12 (nmattisson)
v2.1 (2014-04-20)
Fixed bugs:
- Demo projects not working. #14
v2.0.1 (2014-03-03)
v2.0 (2014-03-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Several Graphs in the same View Controller #11
Fixed bugs:
Bug: The chart can not draw a single dot and it crashes. #6
CALayerInvalidGeometry exception for duplicate & zeroed data points #3
Merged pull requests:
2.0 Update #13 (Sam-Spencer)
Fixes crash, cleaned up for 64 bit #4 (darkFunction)
v1.3 (2014-02-08)
Merged pull requests:
- Feature 1.3, 1.x Update #2 (Sam-Spencer)
v1.2.2 (2014-01-14)
v1.2.1 (2014-01-08)
v1.2 (2014-01-04)
Merged pull requests:
- Interface Initialization & Reload Data #1 (Sam-Spencer)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator