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#The WebWallet API ###A digital wallet specification for the Web.


This specification defines a REST API that aims to enable web applications to carry out electronic commerce transactions using WebWallets.

What is a WebWallet?

A WebWallet is a digital wallet that can store credentials and carry out electronic commerce transactions on the Web.

  • Features and constraints:

    1. Each WebWallet is identified by a URL.

    2. Transactions are carried out with HTTP methods.

    GET    POST

    3. WebWallets are exposed through a REST API.

    Uniform interface, though not cacheable.

WebWallet IDs

  • Explicit IDs
    An explicit WebWallet ID can be formed by concatenating a wallet namespace (e.g. ISO 3166 country code), a publicly verifiable identification number (e.g. mobile number) and a currency (e.g. ISO 4217 currency code) with colon (':') characters:
walletID = walletNamespace:walletNumber:currencyCode

us:8301234567:USD    be:412345678:EUR     cn:13123456789:CNY    ru:9123456789:RUB
co:3123456789:COP    gb:7123456789:GBP    jp:01234567890:JPY    in:9123456789:INR
br:912345678:BRL     za:7123456789:ZAR    kr:1012345678:KRW     ae:512345678:AED     
  • Opaque IDs
    An opaque WebWallet ID can be formed by base58 encoding the SHA-1 hash of the explicit ID to obtain a URL-safe 28 alphanumeric character identifier.
explicit: walletNamespace:walletNumber:currencyCode
SHA-1:    c7305dbdebd931cf6550950a292d55126f067bd6

base58:   3mxDwVyhMwwW4WTbGuTn3NaRW2Hj

WebWallet Tokens

The majority of WebWallet API calls need to include a bearer token in the HTTP Authorization header in order to provide temporary, secure access to a specific set of resources (i.e. wallets) and operations (i.e. transactions).

JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)

WebWallet tokens follow the JSON Web Token format, a compact URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties, which are encoded as a JSON object that is used as the payload of a JSON Web Signature (JWS) structure and digitally signed or MACed and/or encrypted.

Before being encoded, a WebWallet token should have the following structure:

  "header": {
     "alg": "a signature algorithm"
  "payload": {
     "claim": "content"
  "signature": "a cryptographic signature"

After being encoded, a WebWallet token should have the following dot-separated structure:


Types of Tokens

  • Access Tokens
    Access tokens are credentials used to access protected resources. They enable a third-party application to obtain limited access to a particular set of resources and operations, either on behalf of a resource owner or on its own behalf. Access tokens can be obtained by making calls to the appropriate API endpoint according to the IETF's RFC 6749 OAuth 2.0 specification.
  • Refresh Tokens
    Refresh tokens are credentials used to obtain access tokens. They enable a third-party application to obtain a new access token when the current access token expires or becomes invalid. A refresh token will be issued along with every access token that is issued for a third-party application and it will remain valid until a new refresh token is requested.
  • Transaction Tokens
    Transaction tokens are credentials used to express proof of consent. They enable a resource owner to hand over a proof of consent to another resource owner in order to engage in a particular transaction. Transaction tokens contain information such as the intended subject, audience and the attributes of the transaction that will be carried out if the token is used.

API Overview

The WebWallet API defines how to expose and interact with WebWallets in order to request and carry out electronic commerce transactions.

  • /oauth/authorize
    This endpoint allows applications to obtain access tokens for the implicit and authorization code grant types according to the IETF's RFC 6749 OAuth 2.0 specification.

    GET /oauth/authorize HTTP/1.1
    • Implicit grant type:
      Browser-based applications can use this flow to get an access token without using a server. The WebWallet owner will be prompted to login if necessary and to accept or decline the authorization request. Finally the browser will be redirected to the specified URI with the authorization response in the hash fragment.

      GET request structure:

      GET HTTP/1.1

      Successful GET response:


      Unsuccessful GET response:

    • Authorization code grant type (part 1):
      Server-based applications can use this flow to get an authorization code and then exchange it for an access token by making a call to the /oauth/token endpoint. The WebWallet owner will be prompted to login if necessary and to accept or decline the authorization request. Finally the user agent will be redirected to the specified URI with the authorization response as a query parameter.

      GET request structure:

      GET HTTP/1.1

      Successful GET response:


      Unsuccessful GET response:


      After obtaining an authorization code, an application will be able to exchange it for an access token as shown in /oauth/token Authorization code grant type (part 2).

  • /oauth/token
    This endpoint allows applications to obtain access tokens for the client credentials grant type according to the IETF's RFC 6749 Oauth 2.0 specification.

    POST /oauth/token HTTP/1.1
    • Client credentials grant type:
      POST request structure:

        "grant_type": "client_credentials",
        "client_id": <client_id>,
        "client_secret": <client_secret>

      Successful POST response:

        "access_token": <ACCESS_TOKEN>,
        "token_type": "Bearer",
        "expires_in": <numberOfSeconds>,
        "refresh_token": <REFRESH_TOKEN>
    • Authorization code grant type (part 2):
      POST request structure:

        "grant_type": "authorization_code",
        "code": <authorization_code>,
        "redirect_uri": <redirect_uri>,
        "client_id": <client_id>,
        "client_secret": <client_secret>

      Successful POST response:

        "access_token": <ACCESS_TOKEN>,
        "token_type": "Bearer",
        "expires_in": <numberOfSeconds>,
        "refresh_token": <REFRESH_TOKEN>
  • /:walletID

    GET /:walletID HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>
    • /balance
      Retrieve the balance of a WebWallet.
    GET /:walletID/balance HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>

    Successful GET response:

      "header": {
         "alg": "hs256"
      "payload": {
         "balance" : {
            "amount": <number>,
            "currency": {
              "code": <currencyCode>,
              "circle": <circleName>
            "limits": {
               "lower": <number>,
               "upper": <number>
      "signature": <hs256(payload)>
    • /funds
      Add funds to a WebWallet.

      POST /:walletID/funds HTTP/1.1
      Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>

      POST request structure:

        "header": {
           "alg": "hs256"
        "payload": {
           "endpoint": "funds",
           "source": <walletID>,
           "target": <walletID>,
           "amount": <number>,
           "currency": <currencyCode>,
           // optional:
           "details": {details},
           "description": <description>,
           "metadata": {metadata}
        "signature": <hs256(payload)>

      Successful POST response:

        "header": {
           "alg": "hs256"
        "payload": {
           "endpoint": "funds",
           "source": <walletID>,
           "target": <walletID>,
           "amount": <number>,
           "currency": <currencyCode>,
           "details": {details},
           "description": <description>,
           "metadata": {metadata},
           "timestamp": <timestamp>,
           "reference": <string>,
           "success": true
        "signature": <hs256(payload)>
    • /payments
      Send a payment to a WebWallet.

      POST /:walletID/payments HTTP/1.1
      Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>

      POST request structure:

        "header": {
           "alg": "hs256"
        "payload": {
           "endpoint": "payments",
           "target": <walletID>,
           "amount": <totalAmount>,
           "currency": <currencyCode>,
           // optional:
           "details": {details},
           "description": <description>,
           "metadata": {metadata}
        "signature": <hs256(payload)>

      Successful POST response:

        "header": {
           "alg": "hs256"
        "payload": {
           "endpoint": "payments",
           "target": <walletID>,
           "amount": <totalAmount>,
           "currency": <currencyCode>,
           "details": {details},
           "description": <description>,
           "metadata": {metadata},
           "timestamp": <timestamp>,
           "reference": <string>,
           "success": true
        "signature": <hs256(payload)>
  • /charges
    Collect a payment from a WebWallet.

    POST /:walletID/charges HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>

    POST request structure:

      "header": {
         "alg": "hs256"
      "payload": {
         "endpoint": "charges",
         "source": <walletID>,
         "target": <walletID>,
         "amount": <number>,
         "currency": <currencyCode>,
         // optional:
         "details": {details},
         "description": <description>,
         "metadata": {metadata}
      "signature": <hs256(payload)>

    Successful POST response:

      "payload": {
         "endpoint": "charges",
         "source": <walletID>,
         "target": <walletID>,
         "amount": <number>,
         "currency": <currencyCode>,
         "details": {details},
         "description": <description>,
         "metadata": {metadata},
         "timestamp": <timestamp>,
         "reference": <string>,
         "success": true
  • /invoices
    This endpoint allows applications to send an invoice to a WebWallet.

    POST /:walletID/invoices HTTP/1.1
         /:walletNamespace/:walletNumber/invoices HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>

    POST request structure:

      "header": {
         "alg": "hs256"
      "payload": {
         "endpoint": "invoices",
         "target": <walletID>,
         "amount": <totalAmount>,
         "currency": <currencyCode>,
         // optional:
         "details": {
            "subtotal": <subtotalAmount>,
            "taxes": <taxAmount>,
            "fees": <feeAmount>,
            "other": <otherAmount>
         "description": <invoiceDescription>,
         "metadata": {invoiceMetadata}
      "signature": <hs256(payload)>

    Successful POST response:

      "payload": {
         "endpoint": "invoices",
         "target": <walletID>,
         "amount": <totalAmount>,
         "currency": <currencyCode>,
         "details": {
            "subtotal": <subtotalAmount>,
            "taxes": <taxAmount>,
            "fees": <feeAmount>,
            "other": <otherAmount>
         "description": <invoiceDescription>,
         "metadata": {invoiceMetadata},
         "timestamp": <creationTime>,
         "reference": <string>,
         "success": true
  • /refills
    This endpoint allows applications to request refills for a WebWallet from its parent WebWallet.

    POST /:walletID/refills HTTP/1.1
         /:walletNamespace/:walletNumber/refills HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>

    POST request structure:

      "header": {
         "alg": "hs256"
      "payload": {
         "endpoint": "refills",
         "target": <walletID>,
         "amount": <refillAmount>,
         "currency": <currencyCode>
      "signature": <hs256(payload)>

    Successful POST response:

      "payload": {
         "endpoint": "refills",
         "target": <walletID>,
         "amount": <refillAmount>,
         "currency": <currencyCode>,
         "timestamp": <refillTime>,
         "reference": <string>,
         "success": true
  • /refunds
    This endpoint allows applications to send refunds to a WebWallet.

    POST /:walletID/refunds HTTP/1.1
         /:walletNamespace/:walletNumber/refunds HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>

    POST request structure:

      "header": {
         "alg": "hs256"
      "payload": {
         "endpoint": "refunds",
         "target": <walletID>,
         "amount": <refundAmount>,
         "currency": <currencyCode>,
         "transaction": <transactionToRefund>,
         "description": <refundDescription>
      "signature": <hs256(payload)>

    Successful POST response:

      "payload": {
         "endpoint": "refunds",
         "target": <walletID>,
         "amount": <refundAmount>,
         "currency": <currencyCode>,
         "transaction": <transactionToRefund>,
         "description": <refundDescription>,
         "timestamp": <refundTime>,
         "reference": <string>,
         "success": true

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