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245 lines (212 loc) · 9.05 KB

File metadata and controls

245 lines (212 loc) · 9.05 KB

Sheeshmacs Configuration

    ________  __  ____  ____  ________  _____________________________ 
   / ____  /_/ /_/ __/ / __/ / ____  /_/ / _____     _     ____ / __/
   \ \  / __  __  _/  / _/   \ \  / __  / /     \   / \   / __/ \ \ 
 __/ / / / / / / /__ / /_____/ / / / / /_/ _  _  \_/ _ \_/ /____/ /
/___/ /_/ /_/  \_____\________/ /_/ /____\/ \/ \____/ \__\_______/
                       the sheeshmost editor                        


Pathes, potentially different on every system. That is why this code generates a file called pathes.el which will contain all your pathes you need. If you messed up this file, just delete it. It will be automatically regenerated when you next start emacs.

(let ((pathes-file (expand-file-name "pathes.el" sheeshmacs-dir)))
  (if (file-exists-p pathes-file)
      (load-file pathes-file)
      (switch-to-buffer (find-file-noselect pathes-file))
      (insert ";;
;; This is your pathes.el file. You have to set it up only once.
;; This file must be saved in your sheeshmacs folder with
;; the name pathes.el. Everything is setup for you, just edit the
;; pathes and hit C-x C-s.

;; Path-abbreviations for org-mode
;; ===============================
;; You can use them in links like this:
;; [[gitpath:myproject/.gitignore][.gitignore of myproject]]
(setq org-link-abbrev-alist
      '((\"dropboxpath\" . \"~/Dropbox\")
        (\"cloudpath\" . \"~/\")
        (\"imgpath\" . \"~/images\")
        (\"gitpath\" . \"~/git\")

;; Project-settings for org-mode
;; =============================
;; Defines where your org-mode project lives
;; (Don't use ~ in this path, but use an absolute path instead)
(defvar org-base-dir \"/home/<username>/todo\")
;; Defines where to export your org-project to
(defvar org-exp-dir \"~/todo_html\")

;; Plantuml .jar path
;; ==================
;; If you do not have plantuml installed, you do not have to set this
;; variable to a valid path, but you will not be able to use plantuml.
(defvar plantuml-dir \"/usr/share/plantuml/plantuml.jar\")

;; PATH-Variable
;; =============
;; If you need git, ediff, hunspell, ... you can set the paths to the
;; executables here. This setup is only required for windows systems.
(when (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
  (setenv \"PATH\" (concat (getenv \"PATH\") \";C:/Program Files/diffutils/bin\"))
  (setq exec-path (append exec-path '(\"C:/Program Files/diffutils/bin\")))
  (setq exec-path (append exec-path '(\"C:/Program Files/Git/bin\")))
  (setq exec-path (append exec-path '(\"C:/Program Files/hunspell/bin\")))

;; SSH-Keys
;; ========
;; This list is only used for windows systems. If you need some
;; ssh-keys for magit than here is the place to specify them.
(setq my-ssh-agency-key-list (list ""))

;; Latitude and logitude
;; =====================
;; This is needed for circadian to provide use the correct time to switch
;; from the day to the night theme
(setq calendar-latidute 50.783333333333)
(setq calendar-longitude 5.0833333333333)
(setq calendar-location-name \"Aachen, DE\")

;; Startupbuffer location
;; ======================
;; This can be used for synchronizing the startup-buffer between
;; different devices. Comment in, if you want to use it.
; (defvar custom-startup-buffer-location \"~/\")

Foundation Dependencies

ELPA archive repositories

    (setq package-archives
          '(("gnu"         . "")
            ("nongnu" . "")
            ("melpa"       . "")
;                ("marmalade"   . "")

Installing/Loading use-package

(require 'package)
(setq package-enable-at-startup nil)

;; Install 'use-package' if necessary
(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
  (package-install 'use-package))

(unless (package-installed-p 'diminish)
  (package-install 'diminish))

;; Enable use-package
  (require 'use-package))
(require 'diminish)                ;; if you use :diminish
(require 'bind-key)                ;; if you use any :bind variant
(use-package use-package-hydra :ensure t) ;; For using hydra

Org mode

(require 'cl-lib)

Load path (src + subdirs, elpa for packages) and custom-file (custom.el)

(let ((elisp-dir (expand-file-name "src" sheeshmacs-dir)))
  ;; add the src directory to the load path
  (add-to-list 'load-path elisp-dir)
  ;; load specific files
  (when (file-exists-p elisp-dir)
    (let ((default-directory elisp-dir))
                                      ; (setq autoload-file (concat sheeshmacs-dir "loaddefs.el"))
(setq package-user-dir (concat sheeshmacs-dir "elpa"))
(setq custom-file (concat sheeshmacs-dir "custom.el"))

Load-sheeshmacs-config function

Function for loading other parts of sheeshmacs

(defun sheeshmacs-load (file &optional header-or-tag)
  "Load configuration from other sheesh-*.org files.
If the optional argument is the id of a subtree then only
configuration from within that subtree will be loaded.  If it is
not an id then it will be interpreted as a tag, and only subtrees
marked with the given tag will be loaded.

For example, to load all of simply
add (sheeshmacs-load \"org\") to your configuration."
  (let ((file (expand-file-name (if (string-match "sheesh-.+\.org" file)
                                  (format "" file))
     (if header-or-tag
         (let* ((base (file-name-nondirectory file))
                (dir  (file-name-directory file))
                (partial-file (expand-file-name
                               (concat "." (file-name-sans-extension base)
                                       ".part." header-or-tag ".org")
           (unless (file-exists-p partial-file)
             (with-temp-file partial-file
                  (insert-file-contents file)
                    (condition-case nil ;; collect as a header
                          (org-link-search (concat"#"header-or-tag))
                      (error ;; collect all entries with as tags
                       (let (body)
                          (lambda ()
                              (setq body (concat body "\n" (buffer-string)))))


  • Work around a bug on OS X where system-name is FQDN.
    (if (or
        (eq system-type 'darwin)
        (eq system-type 'berkeley-unix))
        (setq system-name (car (split-string system-name "\\."))))
  • On Windows Emacs 25 turned out to be unbearibly slow, especially with certain elements (as code elements, org-bullets, etc.) in org-mode. The reason seems to be a too agressive garbage collection (compare here). This code snippet fixes that issue.
(when (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
  (setq gc-cons-threshold (* 511 1024 1024))
  (setq gc-cons-percentage 0.5)
  (run-with-idle-timer 5 t #'garbage-collect))

Gather OS and Display Server Info

(defun detect-os-display-type ()
  "Detect the Emacs display type: X-Org or Wayland"
  (let ((display (getenv "WAYLAND_DISPLAY")))
    (if (eq system-type 'gnu/linux)
        (if (and display (string-match-p "wayland" display))


Settings from M-x customize.

(load custom-file 'noerror)

Load Sub-Sheeshes

The following files contain the remainder of the core of Sheeshmacs.

(sheeshmacs-load "emacs")
(sheeshmacs-load "org")
(sheeshmacs-load "programming")