A flight computer for small aircraft based on the BeagleBone Black. This project aims to do take inputs from IMU and other sensors and to stabilize and guide the flight of remote control aircraft. This is meant to be a platform for people to launch their own airborn tests. With the BeagleBoneBlack, a full 1GHz Debian Linux operating system is available, giving users a very capable airborn developement and test platform for their projects.
This project is compiled using the gnueabihf C++ cross compiler found in Texas Instruments' am335xSDK kit (Linux EZSDK: http://www.ti.com/tool/linuxezsdk-sitara).
The sensors (AltIMU-10 & Ultimate GPS) must be connected to the appropriate BeagleBone Black pins that interface with the I2C bus defined in each sensor's constructor in "source/main.cpp" ( Eg: LMS303 lms303(1, 0x1d); // create sensor on I2C bus 1 with address 0x1d )
Aircraft servos and ESCs must be connected to the appropriate BeagleBone Black pins as defined in "source/BBB-FlightComputer/flightControls/aircraftControls.h"
- AltIMU-10 from Pololu (http://www.pololu.com/product/1269)
- Ultimate GPS Breakout from Adafruit (http://www.adafruit.com/products/746)
- Misc servos and ESCs for aircraft control