All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- PHPUnit - Make the unit tests cross version compatible #12 from @jrfnl.
- Travis: run the tests on PHP 8/nightly #13 from @jrfnl.
- Added
parameter to check custom debug functions #10 from @umutphp. - Added .gitattributes from @reedy.
- Replaced array syntax with short array syntax from @peter279k.
- Added EOF (end of file) for some PHP files from @peter279k.
- Removed $loader variable on bootstrap.php file because it's unused from @peter279k.
- To be compatible with future PHPUnit version, using the ^4.8.36 version at least from @peter279k.
- Changed namespace to PHPunit\Framework\TestCase class namesapce from @peter279k.
- Composer: allow installation of more recent Parallel Lint #9 from @jrfnl.
- Travis: removed sudo #8 from @jrfnl.
- Travis: removed Composer option
#8 from @jrfnl.
- Added check for Symfony dump function
from @antograssiot. - Added check for Laravel dump function
from @Douglasdc3. - Added changelog.
- Added support for PHP 7.4.
- Fixed running tests in PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5 in CI.