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I am an Ph.D candidate in Institude of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, under the supervision of Prof. Bo Xu. My research interest focuses on vision-and-language (e.g., visual-and-language pre-training, visual question answering, visual dialog) and dialogue system. My Email: [email protected].
- In general: Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision
- Vision and Language: Visual Question Answering, Visual Dialog, Vision-and-Language Pre-training, Cross-media Understanding
- Dialog System: Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue System and Multimodal Dialogue System
- September 2021, I am maintaining a repo of a curated reading list about vision-and-language pre-training papers
- September 2021, I am maintaining a repo of a curated reading list about Visual Dialog papers
- 2018-2023, Ph.D. candidate, Institude of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Supervisor: Prof. Bo Xu
- 2014-2018, B.Sci., Hefei University of Technology, School of Computer Science and Infomation Enginering. (Top 1)
- 2019.4 - 2020.11, Research Intern, WeChat AI@Tencent, Beijing. Mentor: Fandong Meng
- Feilong Chen, Fandong Meng, Jiaming Xu, Peng Li, Bo Xu and Jie Zhou. "DMRM: A Dual-channel Multi-hop Reasoning Model for Visual Dialog", (AAAI 2020) [paper][code]
- Xiuyi Chen, Fandong Meng, Peng Li, Feilong Chen, Shuang Xu, Bo Xu and Jie Zhou. "Bridging the Gap between Prior and Posterior Knowledge Selection for Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Generation", (EMNLP 2020) [paper][code]
- 2015, National Scholarship awarded by The Ministry of Education, China (Top 1)
- 2016, National Endeavor Fellowship awarded by The Ministry of Education, China (Top 1)
- 2017, First Prize in Chinese Mathematical Contest in Modeling of Anhui Province
- 2017, Second Prize in China College Students' 'Internet+' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition of Anhui Province
- 2017, Second Prize in Chinese Undergraduate Computer Design Contest of Anhui Province
- 2018, Outstanding undergraduate Student of Hefei University of Technology (Top 3)
- 2018, Tongze Scholarship awarded by Hefei University of Technology (Top 1%)
- 2018, Outstanding undergraduate Student of Anhui Province
- 2021: AAAI2022, ACL2022
- 2022:IJCAI2022
- Paper Reading: S. Keshav's advice
- Paper Writing:
- Yang Liu's 2014 CWMT Tutorial [pdf]
- Writing Style Advice from Jordan Boyd-Graber
- Common bugs in writing
- How to write a good rebuttal?
- Free professional, compelling and adequate visuals and figures
- Reading: philosophy, psychology, literature
- Sports: playing basketball, swimming, running and traveling
- Photography