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UserBehaviorDrivenTestKit - A Swift framework simplifying UITests by adopting a user-behavior driven pattern.


UBDTestKit aims to make writing UITests more intuitive, efficient, and fun by focusing on user intentions and serialization of interactions into a clear and readable series of actions on associated elements.


  • Enhanced Readability: Describe tests in a human-readable and intuitive format.
  • Increased Maintainability: Encourages reuse and easy addition of new actions or elements.
  • Reduced UI Dependence: Minimizes the influence of updates to internal XCUIElement implementation on the tests.


Swift Package Manager

  1. In Xcode, select "File" -> "Add Packages..."
  2. Paste the git URL ( in the search box
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to add the dependency
  4. Include import UBDTestKit at the top of your Swift files to start using the framework


First off, define the elements that user interacts with in the app:

import UBDTestKit

enum ExampleElement {
    case landingScreen(LandingScreenElement)
    enum LandingScreenElement {
        case this
        case loginButton
        case welcomeAccount

    case loginScreen(LoginScreenElement)
    enum LoginScreenElement {
        case this
        case accountField
        case passwordField
        case submitButton

Secondly, conform to UBDElement to interpret the elements under the hood:

import UBDTestKit
import XCTest

extension ExampleElement: UBDElement {
    func resolve() -> UBDResolvedElement {
        let app = XCUIApplication()
        switch self {
        case .landingScreen(.this):
            return .from(app.buttons["Log In"])
        case .landingScreen(.loginButton):
            return .from(app.buttons["Log In"])
        case .landingScreen(.welcomeAccount):
            return .from(app.staticTexts["welcome.label"],
                         value: { String($0.label.trimmingPrefix("Welcome back, ")) })
        case .loginScreen(.this):
            return .from(app.staticTexts["Enter You Information"])
        case .loginScreen(.accountField):
            return .from(app.textFields["account"])
        case .loginScreen(.passwordField):
            return .from(app.secureTextFields["password"])
        case .loginScreen(.submitButton):
            return .from(app.buttons["Submit"])

Finally, subclass UBDTestCase to start writing your test in a user-behavior driven flow:

import UBDTestKit

final class ExampleUITests: UBDTestCase<ExampleElement> {
    func testExampleUserBehaviorDriven() throws {
        then(.wait(for: .landingScreen(.this), to: .appear))
        then(.tap(on: .landingScreen(.loginButton)))
        then(.wait(for: .loginScreen(.this), to: .appear))
        then(.tapToEnter("[email protected]", on: .loginScreen(.accountField)))
        then(.tapToEnter("888888", on: .loginScreen(.passwordField)))
        then(.tap(on: .loginScreen(.submitButton)))
        then(.wait(for: .loginScreen(.alert(.incorrect)), to: .appear))
        then(.tap(on: .loginScreen(.alert(.okButton))))
        then(.tapToEnter("000000", on: .loginScreen(.passwordField)))
        then(.tap(on: .loginScreen(.submitButton)))
        then(.wait(for: .loginScreen(.this), to: .disappear))
        then(.wait(for: .landingScreen(.welcomeAccount), to: .haveValue("[email protected]")))

To group a series of basic action into an extended action, please refer to Extend Actions for the guidance.

To learn more about the user-behavior driven pattern, visit this article for more information.


This framework comes with a demo app that shows more usage of the framework. To run the demo:

  1. Open the UserBehaviorDrivenUITestsExample project in Xcode
  2. Go to ExampleUITests.swift in the project navigator
  3. Run the tests to observe how the UITests are accomplished using actions defined in UBDTestKit

The code of the demo provides a useful guide for developers on how to structure their UITests using UBDTestKit, so be sure to check it out.