A Gentle Introduction to Kubernetes
- learn how to deploy Kubernetes services and Ambassador API gateway
- Github Workshop Repo
- If you're new to Kubernetes and container orchestration and want to begin learning about it, this learning path covers everything from basic prerequisites to more advanced skills needed for containerization.
- We have been looking for the best Kubernetes tutorials out there and thought of sharing some of what we found interesting to get started with Kubernetes.
It is a collection of articles that are nicely written and well organized. They are sometimes focused on Running Kubernetes on top of DigitalOcean however. But you are still going to learn a lot of Kubernetes basics that are applicable to any other infrastructure. Some of the notable topics are:
- An Introduction to Kubernetes
- An introduction to Kubernetes DNS Services
- An introduction to Helm, the package manager for Kubernetes
- Modernizing Applications for Kubernetes
- Building Optimized Containers for Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Networking Under the Hood
- Architecting Applications for Kubernetes
- Building Blocks for Doing CI/CD with Kubernetes
- How to Back up and restore a Kubernetes Cluster on DigitalOcean using Heptio Ark
- How to Setup a Nginix Ingress with Cert-Manager on DigitalOcean Kubernetes
- How to Inspect Kubernetes Networking