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  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd contracts
  2. Install dependencies:

    pnpm install
  3. Setup environment variables

    mkdir .secrets
    cp dev.env.sample .secrets/dev.env
    vi .secrets/dev.env
  4. Compile the smart contracts:

    pnpm hardhat compile
  5. Deploy the smart contracts:

    pnpm hardhat deploy --network <network> --tags <tags>

Available Distributions

We are using Ethereum Distribution System to enable users to deploy their own infrastructure in transparent and decentralized way.

In order to be out of box compatible with the interfaces & notifications of the Rankify platform, any deployment should should be done from the Peeramid Labs Distributor contract (PeeramidLabsDistributor.sol).

Specific address for distributor deployment can be found in the deployments folder.

Meritocratic Autonomous Organization (MAO)

MAODistribution.sol is used to create a new Meritocratic Autonomous Organization (MAO).

This deployment will create following infrastructure:

How to instantiate

In order to instantiate the MAO distribution, you don't need to deploy a thing. You just need to call the instantiate function of the the PeeramidLabsDistributor.sol contract and specify proper distribution Id and arguments.

import { MAODistribution } from 'rankify-contracts/types';
const distributorArguments: MAODistribution.DistributorArgumentsStruct = {
  DAOSEttings: {
    daoURI: '',
    subdomain: 'example',
    metadata: ethers.utils.hexlify(ethers.utils.toUtf8Bytes('metadata')),
    tokenName: 'tokenName',
    tokenSymbol: 'tokenSymbol',
  RankifySettings: {
    RankTokenContractURI: '',
    principalCost: RInstanceSettings.PRINCIPAL_COST,
    principalTimeConstant: RInstanceSettings.PRINCIPAL_TIME_CONSTANT,
    metadata: ethers.utils.hexlify(ethers.utils.toUtf8Bytes('metadata')),
    rankTokenURI: '',
// const abi = import('../abi/src/distributions/MAODistribution.sol/MAODistribution.json');
// Encode the arguments
const data = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(
    'tuple(tuple(string daoURI, string subdomain, bytes metadata, string tokenName, string tokenSymbol) DAOSEttings, tuple(uint256 principalCost, uint256 principalTimeConstant, string metadata, string rankTokenURI, string RankTokenContractURI) RankifySettings)',
const distributorsDistId = process.env.DISTRIBUTOR_DIST_ID;
const tx = await distributorContract.instantiate(distributorsDistId, data);

In order to get distributorsDistId you can call getDistributions at PeeramidLabsDistributor contract and look for. We will host a public API to get the list of distributions soon.

ACID Distribution (Autonomous Competence Identification Distribution)

ArguableVotingTournament.sol implements a sophisticated tournament system for autonomous competence identification. It uses the Diamond pattern to provide a modular and upgradeable smart contract architecture.

Core Components

The distribution deploys a Diamond Proxy with the following facets:

  • EIP712InspectorFacet: Handles message signing and verification using EIP-712 standard
  • RankifyInstanceMainFacet: Core tournament logic including game creation, joining, and management
  • RankifyInstanceGameMastersFacet: Manages voting and proposal submission mechanics
  • RankifyInstanceRequirementsFacet: Handles participation requirements and constraints
  • DiamondLoupeFacet: Standard Diamond pattern implementation for facet introspection
  • OwnershipFacet: Manages contract ownership and permissions

Key Features

  • Turn-based game mechanics with voting and proposal systems
  • EIP-712 compliant message signing for secure interactions
  • Modular architecture allowing for future upgrades
  • Built-in reentrancy protection
  • Integrated with the Rankify protocol for rank token management


We welcome contributions to improve the Rankify smart contracts. Please fork the repository and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.