- Getting discussions
- Getting a discussion
- Creating a discussion
- Updating a discussion
- Adding a file to a discussion
- Deleting a discussion
- The discussion object
- Dependent objects
You can list discussions by making a GET request to:
for a list of all the discussions/api/discussions?where=project_id=[PROJECT_ID]
for a list of discussions from a project/api/discussions?where=user_id=[USER_ID]
for a list of discussions started by a user
Example of response:
"discussions": [
"id": 10983,
"name": "Preliminary research",
"description": "We need to define exactly all the steps required for this preliminary research.",
"project_id": 347452,
"user_id": 1563,
"created_on": "2014-10-01T12:04:07Z",
"updated_on": "2014-10-01T12:11:05Z"
"id": 9879,
"name": "EA design",
"description": "Who has access to the old EA Games design?",
"project_id": 347452,
"user_id": 1647,
"created_on": "2014-07-23T14:22:05Z",
"updated_on": "2014-07-23T14:22:05Z"
You can also include related content when listing discussions.
To get the discussion info, make a GET request to:
for discussion info with a list of attached files/api/discussions/[DISCUSSION_ID]?include=thread.comments
for discussion info with a list of discussion comments
Example response:
"discussions": [
"id": 10983,
"name": "Preliminary research",
"description": "We need to define exactly all the steps required for this preliminary research.",
"project_id": 347452,
"user_id": 1563,
"created_on": "2014-10-01T12:04:07Z",
"updated_on": "2014-10-01T12:11:05Z"
You can also include related content when getting a discussion.
To create a discussion, make a POST request to:
with the request body containing the new discussion info, as in the example below:
"name": "Where do we start?"
If successful, the response will return 201 Created
. The response header Location
will contain a link for the new discussion. The response body will contain the new discussion info as in the Getting a discussion section.
When creating a discussion: name
, project_id
To update an existing discussion, make a POST or PUT request to:
with the request body containing the updated info. You can send only the changed fields.
Example of request body if you want to change the discussion description:
"description": "All required information should be posted in here"
The response will return 200 OK
and will contain the updated discussion info as in the Getting a discussion section.
To add a file to a discussion, make a POST request to:
The request content-type should be multipart-form-data
and the file field name equal to file
. Here's an example using curl
command line:
curl -u email:password
-H 'Accept: application/json'
-F "[email protected]"
The file can also be added when creating the discussion. In that case, all the discussion fields should be send in multipart-form-data
format together with the file.
To delete a discussion, make a DELETE request to:
If successful, the response will have a 200 OK
status code.
Deleting a discussion will also delete all comments from that discussion!
A discussion object has the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | integer | (read-only) Unique discussion identifier |
name | text | Discussion name |
description | html | Discussion description |
project_id | integer | Id of the project the discussion is about |
user_id | integer | (read-only) Id of the user that started the discussion |
created_on | datetime | (read-only) Date and time when the discussion was created |
updated_on | datetime | (read-only) Date and time when the discussion was last updated |
The following object types can be used in includes:
Object type | Include key | Relationship |
Project | project | parent |
User | user | parent |
Comments thread | thread | parent |
File | files | child |