- Getting client contacts
- Getting a client contact
- Creating a client contact
- Updating a client contact
- Giving access to clients portal
- Adding a client contact profile image
- Deleting a client contact
- The client contact object
- Dependent objects
You can list client contacts by making a GET request to:
for a list of all contacts for all clients/api/clientcontacts?where=client_id=[CLIENT_ID]
for a list of all contacts for a specific client
Example of response:
"clientcontacts": [
"id": 1,
"client_id": 1,
"name": "Aaron Cooper",
"email": "[email protected]",
"mobile": "630-350-5512",
"phone": "361-613-5188",
"fax": "361-613-5188",
"skype": "Aaron.Cooper",
"notes": null,
"image": "https://app.paymoapp.com/assets/1/clients/1/contacts/7ce81eab305059b0484e439101533b1f.jpg",
"is_main": true,
"position": "Associate",
"access": false,
"created_on": "2013-07-24T11:52:44Z",
"updated_on": "2014-08-13T13:00:24Z"
"id": 2,
"client_id": 2,
"name": "Christian Meadows",
"email": "[email protected]",
"mobile": "213-350-4605",
"phone": "862-778-3343",
"fax": "862-778-3343",
"skype": "Christian.Meadows",
"notes": null,
"image": "https://app.paymoapp.com/assets/2/clients/2/contacts/ac5ec4905a07b2c9275045d49e824cb7.jpg",
"is_main": true,
"position": "CEO",
"access": false,
"created_on": "2013-07-24T11:52:44Z",
"updated_on": "2014-08-07T09:23:15Z"
You can also include related content when listing client contacts.
To get the client contact info, make a GET request to:
Example response:
"clientcontacts": [
"id": 1,
"client_id": 1,
"name": "Aaron Cooper",
"email": "[email protected]",
"mobile": "630-350-5512",
"phone": "361-613-5188",
"fax": "361-613-5188",
"skype": "Aaron.Cooper",
"notes": null,
"image": "https://app.paymoapp.com/assets/1/clients/1/contacts/7ce81eab305059b0484e439101533b1f.jpg",
"is_main": true,
"position": "Associate",
"access": false,
"created_on": "2013-07-24T11:52:44Z",
"updated_on": "2014-08-13T13:00:24Z"
You can also include related content when getting a client contact.
To create a client contact, make a POST request to:
with the request body containing the new contact info, as in the example below:
"name": "James Mick",
"client_id": 1,
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "577-293-1857"
If successful, the response will return 201 Created
. The response header Location
will contain a link for the new client. The response body will contain the new client info as in the Getting a client section.
When creating a client: name
, client_id
To update an existing client contact, make a POST or PUT request to:
with the request body containing the updated info. You can send only the changed fields.
Example of request body if you want to change the contact name and phone number:
"name": "James Mick Jr.",
"phone": "578-293-1857"
The response will return 200 OK
and will contain the updated client contact info as in the Getting a client contact section.
To give a client contact access to the clients portal, make an update request with the following body:
"access": true,
"password": "secret"
The client contact will be able to login into clients portal using his email and provided password.
To remove access, make the update request with the following body:
"access": false
To add a client contact profile image, make a POST request to:
The request content-type should be multipart-form-data
and the file field name equal to image
. Here's an example using curl
command line:
curl -u email:password
-H 'Accept: application/json'
-F "[email protected]"
Accepted image file formats are: JPEG, PNG, GIF.
The profile image of a client contact can be added when creating the client contact. In that case, all the client contact fields should be send in multipart-form-data
format together with the file.
To delete a client contact, make a DELETE request to:
If successful, the response will have a 200 OK
status code.
A client contact object has the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | integer | (read-only) Unique client contact identifier |
name | text | Client name |
Email address | ||
mobile | text | Mobile phone number |
phone | text | Phone number |
fax | text | Fax number |
skype | text | Skype account name |
notes | text | Notes |
position | text | Job position description |
is_main | boolean | If true the contact is the main contact for this client. |
access | boolean | If true the contact has access to the client portal. |
created_on | datetime | (read-only) Date and time when the contact was created |
updated_on | datetime | (read-only) Date and time when the contact was last updated |
image | url | Profile image URL |
image_thumb_large | url | (read-only) Profile image large size thumbnail URL |
image_thumb_medium | url | (read-only) Profile image medium size thumbnail URL |
image_thumb_small | url | (read-only) Profile image small size thumbnail URL |
The following object types can be used in includes:
Object type | Include key | Relationship |
Client | client | parent |