- Purpose of this page is to be act as a sample 'home page'
Thoughts on 'Semester 'Quarters'
- When you click 'QuarterOne' link it brings you to the outline section of that quarter
- The outline section has the summary of each week, and the 'Week#' acts as a hyper-link for that week.
- The 'video' section of the homepage takes you to that quarters videos
- Not sure if there should just be an AllVideos.md or if the videos should be seperated by the quarter, or both.
- The 'ScheduleQuarterReview' would redirect to a google doc sheet or something.
- In my head I imagine 4 days that you can sign up for quarter reviews.
- The first two being optional or just an inclass quick 'where are you' like you did for us.
Thoughts on 'ExtraCurricular Activities'
- When you click 'ExtraCurricular Activities' link it redirects you to all the extra curricular activites.
- A cool idea for a lab, in order to learn git, and to possibly create push conflicts would be to have them add their own folders and feedback templates in the AllReviews folder.
- When 'ListOfFun' link is clicked just brings to a list of extracurricular activites that anyone can contribute to.
- The 'Presentation Reviews' link just redirects to AllReviews folder
- The folder has Lanny/Nathan (as a sample) and in those folder Presentation1/2 subdirectory + a feedback.md
- Since I imagine checking to see if feedback is added
- added a sample table to Lannys Readme
Thoughts on 'Group Project'
- The readme of provides the specifications for the group project
- Each group would have a group folder with a readme
- The readme would have the goal or what the project does as well as a link to their git repository.
- I feel like this would allow others to see what other groups are working on, worked on, and provide a way for them to incorporate other groups web services into their individual project.
Thoughts on 'Individual Project'
- The readme of provides the specifications for the individual project
Thoughts on 'Syllabus'
- just a syllabus.