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This branch is 6 commits ahead of, 141 commits behind kubeflow/model-registry:main.


Install Kubeflow Model Registry

This folder contains Kubeflow Model Registry Kustomize manifests


To install Kubeflow Model Registry, follow Kubeflow Model Registry deployment documentation

The following instructions will summarize how to deploy Model Registry as separate component in the context of a default Kubeflow >=1.9 installation. Ensure you are running these commands from the directory containing this file (e.g.: you could check with pwd).

kubectl apply -k overlays/db

As the default Kubeflow installation provides an Istio mesh, apply the necessary manifests:

kubectl apply -k options/istio

Check everything is up and running:

kubectl wait --for=condition=available -n kubeflow deployment/model-registry-deployment --timeout=2m
kubectl logs -n kubeflow deployment/model-registry-deployment

Optionally, you can also port-forward the REST API container port of Model Registry to interact with it from your terminal:

kubectl port-forward svc/model-registry-service -n kubeflow 8081:8080

And then, from another terminal:

curl -sX 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:8081/api/model_registry/v1alpha3/registered_models?pageSize=100&orderBy=ID&sortOrder=DESC' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' | jq


For a basic usage of the Kubeflow Model Registry, follow the Kubeflow Model Registry getting started documentation


To uninstall the Kubeflow Model Registry run:

# Delete istio options
kubectl delete -k options/istio

# Delete model registry db and deployment
kubectl delete -k overlays/db