🐛 Bug Fix
- fix(node16): prevent warning on installation process #1352 (@mfranzke)
- chore: simple HTML to markdown conversion #1357 (@mfranzke)
- fix(initialize): removing no-emit-webpack-plugin dependency #1348 #1349 (@mfranzke)
🛠 Refactoring
- refactor: clearing floats in a modern way #1362 (@mfranzke)
- refactor: slightly increased the minimum node version #1358 (@mfranzke)
- refactor: preventing problem on nested PL output #1351 (@mfranzke)
- chore: adding start script #1343 #1344 (@mfranzke)
- refactor: further optimizations #1335 (@mfranzke)
🧾 Docs
- chore(docs): mentioning to delete the cache file #1350 (@mfranzke)
- refactor(docs): corrected some parts that needed rework as the digit … #1356 (@mfranzke)
- feat: added https description to the docs #1355 (@mfranzke)
- fix(docs): use "UIKits" instead of "StyleguideKits" #1345 (@renestalder)
- refactor(docs): motivating for code contributions #1342 (@mfranzke)
⚠️ Pushed to master
- [skip travis] chore(release): publish v5.15.1 (@JosefBredereck)
Authors: 2
- Maximilian Franzke (@mfranzke)
- René Stalder (@renestalder)