- General provisions Fundamental principles to which party members adhere as well as general aspects; name, acronym, membership, working tools and partnerships.
- Internal organization Dates for the meetings, mission and composition of the party bodies; work orders and other details regarding management such as the role of the treasurer, moderators and secretaries.
- Deliberative criteria Rules for decision-making and internal communication as well as criteria for establishing the political program.
- Political positions Internal organization; rules and procedures regarding lists of candidates for public office and respective voting discipline.
- Management Financing of party activities, transparency.
- Temporary provisions Aspects to be defined during the first national congresses.
( article 1 )
The POLITICAL PARTY is a political organization committed to building a free, just, supportive, economic and ecologically sustainable society.
( article 2 )
Acronym, symbol, flag and anthem
The POLITICAL PARTY adopts the acronym PP and the SYMBOL as a symbol which represents the new possilities yet to be discovered from delegative democracy with the use of the internet. The background colour of the flag is COLOUR which represents COLOUR INTERPRETATION. SONG is the anthem.
( article 3 )
Recognition of the CONSTITUTION and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
I.PP members recognize that the LETTER approved on DATE by the POLITICAL BODY constitutes the fundamental law prior to which all other laws are subdued.
II.PP also considers the preamble and all articles present in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaimed at the United Nations Assembly on December 10th 1948 as a source of inspiration for all political action.
( article 4 )
On-line platform for political discourse
The on-line platform for political discussion, or on-line platform short, is computer software and the necessary underlying infrastructure that allows secure exchange of messages and the realization of cheap, fast and reliable on-line referendums between members of the party. It also provides the visualization of live video streams of political debates and serves as a repository for data necessary to the study of the economical and environmental impact of policies deemed relevant.
I.All the information and tools that are considered important to the functioning of the PP are to be readily available for consultation with real-time data whenever possible on the on-line platform.
II.The on-line platform must deploy the most advanced technologies for identity management and secured communications.
Iii.Backup copies of the database must be periodically made and saved in digital as well as in written physical format and made available to anyone at any time in the various headquarters of the party.
( article 4-b )
Through the on-line platform the party members are able to:
I.Watch live streams of any political debate that may take place during the party activities as well as provide access to previous debates at any time and at all levels of the organisation.
II.Party members can chat on-line, publish content and rate each other's publications. This can be done publicly or on private groups.
III.Members may propose policies and vote on-line on their own computer in any location. The voting procedure as well as the final tally must be verifiable by the voter himself and while guaranteeing protection of privacy. This is accomplished through cryptography.
Iv.Members are able to delegate to other members the ability to vote on a specific policy or on a category of policies and retract the delegation at any time. Delegation is transitive unless stated otherwise.
( article 4-c )
Discussion forum
The on-line platform has a specific view; an on-line bulletin board, also known as a forum, to be used for political discourse where:
I.Functionalities mentioned in the previous article 4-b I to III can be linked to and accessed. Each policy is automatically assigned a topic.
II.Topics are categorized according to different areas of governance.
III. Moderation is user-centric meaning no special roles are assigned to any user.
( article 4-d )
Hemicycle and geopolitical map
The hemicycle and geopolitical map are views in the on-line platform that allow for quick analyses of the PP's (or other relevant political) events by means of visual representations such as mimicking a real hemicycle or pinpointing geometrical figures in a map accordingly.
( article 5 )
Registration as a party member
The enrolment in the PP is an individual choice and requires the payment of a small fee in cryptocurrency while also providing a passphrase and following the registration procedure on the on-line platform. Raw biometric data is never to be kept in any database.
I.Adherence to or withdrawal from the party is made exclusively through the on-line platform without intervention of any of the party bodies. Registries are published and managed in a decentralized database (blockchain).
II.The Local Administration (LA) is the body responsible for keeping a written record in a physical format of the registries which are to be made available for public consultation at the corresponding Local Headquarters (LHQ). Physical copies can be sold.
IIi.Conflicts regarding member’s claims to on-line identities are mediated by the corresponding Local Coordination for the Defence of Integrity and Ethics (LCDIE) in cooperation with the Local Administration and the Legal Committee.
IV.False claims to real identities can initiate legal procedures.
( article 5-b )
Membership requirements
I.All NATIONAL citizens who are not registered in other political parties, who are over 21 years of age in full enjoyment of their civil rights and who act in accordance with the present statutes can have full membership (militancy) in the PP.
II.It follows from LAW that membership is forbidden to citizens belonging to military or paramilitary institutions.
III.All NATIONAL citizens over 16 years of age and who act in accordance with these statutes may join PP as sympathizers.
Iv.All NATIONAL citizens between 16 and 21 years of age may join the PP as members of the Digital Youth.
( article 5-c )
Bond to the place of residence
I.PP’s membership is associated with area of residency.
II.It is also the responsibility of the party members to keep personal data updated, uploading changes to the residential address through the on-line platform.
( article 5-d )
The statute of sympathizer shares the same rights and duties of party members with exceptions:
I.May not elect or be elected to any of the party bodies.
Ii.Cannot vote on policies (participate in on-line referendums) and cannot reply to or post publications on the discussion forum.
( article 6 )
Digital Youth
The party youth organization is the Digital Youth (DY).
DY constituents share the same rights and duties of party members with exceptions:
I.Digital Youth as members of the PP can congregate and participate fully only in the cores (a type of body in the internal organization of the PP).
II.Digital Youth cannot vote on policies but as an organization has autonomy in the elaboration of its own political program.
( article 7 )
Unio Partio Digita
The party is a member of the Unio Partio Digita which consists of an association of political parties that share the same statutes as the PP and whose official page can be found at uniopartiodigita.org.
( article 8 )
Incompatibility regime
I.PP members may hold no more than one position within the party official structures unless otherwise stated (i.e.: the cores).
Ii.Members being remunerated by the PP must act in accordance to LAW regarding the incompatibility regime followed by the national deputies. Supervision is made by the Coordination for Defence of Integrity and Ethics (CDIE) at all levels (local, regional and inter-regional).
( article 9 )
Rights and duties of party members
It is the right of members of the PP to participate in all activities, to formulate any suggestion or criticism that may be deemed convenient or to propose new policies or changes to existing ones. Everything should be doable with the support of the on-line platform. Alternatively, PP welcomes paper-based proposals and referendums.
I.Decisions at all levels are to be made by democratic consensus.
II.Every member of the party has the right to elect and be elected to any of the party’s departments and to work for them.
III.The right to be informed in a transparent and clear way about all economical activities of the party.
IV.Members are entitled free access to all documents ratified by party bodies that result from internal referendums held during the normal functioning of the party. The information must be available in digital format found on the on-line platform and in physical format in a Yearbook of the PP accessible at the party’s headquarters at all levels (local, regional, inter-regional and national).
V.It is duty to perform with zeal, assiduity and loyalty to the other members the positions or functions entrusted to them.
( article 10 )
Party members are invited to contribute to the elaboration and supervision of all types of political projects. To be eligible, they must inform the party of their availability and area of expertise through the on-line platform.
I.By signing up as volunteers and depending on the academic background, members are able to exercise functions in the Scientific Committee (SC), Economic Committee (EC), Legal Committee (LC) as well as in and the body responsible for their coordination, the Scientific-economic and Legal Coordination (SELC) which have structures at all levels but national (local, regional and inter-regional).
II.For the academic background to be validated party members need to submit to the on-line platform a digital certificate issued by universities.
III.The adjudication, management and supervision of the works are of the responsibility of the SELC and the CDIEs.
IV.Work offered to the party can be remunerated. Conditions for eligibility, sources of financing and the procedures for the payments are established in Chapter V – Management.
( article 11 )
Membership withdrawal can be done at any time without any prejudice and with immediate effect.
( article 12 )
By going against these statutes to which members of the party agreed upon joining, the party members may be alerted or have their membership retracted to the status of sympathizer for a temporary period or, for repeated misbehaviour or inexcusable situations such as; attempt to attack the informatic system or publishing inappropriate content into the on-line platform, the membership status may be revoked permanently. The decision to expel a party member is made by democratic consensus on the on-line platform. The party member may have the membership status reverted to sympathizer in situations of:
I.Not informing the party after changing area of residency upon a period of up to 90 days through the on-line platform.
II.Not partaking in party's activities by voting directly or by delegating the right to vote for a period longer than 180 days.
III.Not participating on off-line events of any of the party’s bodies for a period longer than 270 days.
Iv. By not respecting the deadlines or tasks that were entrusted by the party and accepted by the party member, the membership may be revoked temporarily for a period of up to 1 year.
V.Publishing pornography, inciting to any kind of physical violence or any form of hate speech against minorities be it of ethnographical origin, attacking normal sexual orientation (hetero-homo-bi-asexuality) or making false accusations against other members may be reason enough to be banned for a period longer than 1 year.
Vi.It's considered sufficient reason to ban a member from the party if unjustified false information is uploaded to the on-line platform.
Vii.It’s the responsibility of the CDIEs at all levels to evaluate situations described above and to publish alerts on the on-line platform and, in particular to the users who may not respecting the statutes, whenever the CDIEs consider appropriate to do so.
( article 13 )
There are 23 different bodies that contribute to the normal functioning of the PP. Some of these bodies are singular while others compose multiple instances in different geographical locations. These bodies are further divided into main, secondary, minor and supra categories; the main bodies focus on political debates while secondary bodies do the technical support necessary for these discussions. Minor bodies are composed of members of the PP without full membership or are bodies that focus on particular tasks or political projects. Supra bodies debate international affairs. The convocation, composition and work order are specified in the statutes of the next chapter.
( article 13-b )
Administrative regions
Some of the PP’s bodies are further divided into LOCAL, REGIONAL, INTER-REGIONAL and NATIONAL structures. The choice for these terms derives from the administrative division of the land following the LAW in use by COUNTRY.
I.Unless stated otherwise party members cannot partake in activities of bodies that do not share the same administrative region as defined by their own residential address.
( article 14 )
PP has National Headquarters (NHQ) in the capital, Local Headquarters (LHQ) at each of the smallest administrative regions of the country, Regional Headquarters (RHQ) and Inter-regional Headquarters (IHQ) within the boundaries and intersections of the corresponding administrative regions. It's in these spaces that some of the party bodies do their work. Financing and the architectural requirements for these spaces is established in Chapter V, Article 10 – Typology of the party headquarters.
I.Headquarters are open to public.
ii.The existence of IHQ, RHQ and LHQ are required only and whenever the number of members so justifies.
iii.The choice of these spaces must be made through democratic consensus on the on-line platform.
( article 15 )
Management of the party’s official mail and e-mails is made by either the CA or the corresponding LAs.
I.The official URL for the website of the PP is URL.
II.The official mail addresses for the PP are the corresponding addresses of the headquarters at all levels.
IIi.Each of the party’s bodies other than cores have an official e-mail with the same @URL ending.
( article 15-b )
The offici5al website of the PP serves the triple propose of distributing documentation created during party's work, recruiting new members and as a means for communication with external entities.
I.Maintenance and updates to the website are responsibility of PP's CA and Press body.
II.The website should at least link to PP's manifesto, the party's statutes, contacts and dapp download.
( article 16 )
Supplementary statute
Anything that is not anticipated by the present statutes must follow COUNTRY'S CONSTITUTION, in specific LAWS FOR POLITICAL PARTIES and LAWS FOR PUBLIC WORKERS.
( article 1 )
Internal organization
This chapter explains the objective for which each of the party’s bodies were thought of as well as their operating rules and how they should interrelate during party’s work.
I.The main bodies of the PP are: the Presidency, the National Congress, the High Councils, the Inter-regional Councils, the Regional Councils, the Local Councils, the Political Commission, all levels of the Coordination for the Defence of Integrity and Ethics and all levels of the Scientific-Economic and Legal Coordination.
II.Secondary bodies are: the Central and the Local Administrations, the Scientific Committees, the Economic Committees, the Legal Committee and the Press.
III.Minor bodies: the Digital Youth and the Cores.
IV. Supra: International Council.
( article 2 )
The moderator is summoned whenever there is a debate during PP’s activities where there are at most 10 people participating and its mission is to mediate the dialogue. The moderator is elected at least a week prior to the debate by plurinominal consensus between the participants of the debate on the on-line platform.
I.Introduces the main topics for the debate. The choice of the topics to be discussed is done automatically by an algorithm on the on-line platform and in accordance to the PP’s statutes.
II.Manages the intervention time during the political debates guaranteeing equal opportunity of participation to everyone.
( article 2-b )
The board takes the role of the moderator for debates with more than 10 participants or in situations where the debate is expected to become too technical or too long. The choice for the board is made through plurinominal consensus between the participants in the debate on the on-line platform at least 1 week prior to the debate and is composed of up to 10 members.
( article 2-c )
The secretary is summoned whenever there’s a debate during PP’s activities and has the function of registering the event.
I.The choice of the secretary is made by plurinominal consensus by the LC on the on-line platform at least 1 week prior to the debate. The work of the secretary can be remunerated.
Ii.Draws up a document that summarizes the main points that have emerged from the debate. The document must be ratified by those present.
Iii.Responsible for recording the debate in video format and uploading it to the on-line platform.
Iv.The secretary can use the on-line platform to probe the opinions of the party members spectating the debates on any question that is raised during the discussion. However the results from these live referendums are not to be counted as votes on any particular matter.
( article 3 )
The PP’s Presidency represents the party in face of other organizations in particular at the national level with foreign entities.
( article 3-b )
The PP presidency is composed of 1 member elected by plurinominal consensus on the on-line platform and 1 member elected by the Political Commission. The presidency must be composed of members of both sexes.
( article 3-c )
Work order
i.Chooses a member to participate in the High Councils.
II.Elects 2 party members for each Inter-regional CDIEs.
iii. Officially represents the PP in face of other institutions.
iv. Can make announcements that are seen by all the party members in the on-line platform.
( article 4 )
National congress
The National Congress is the body that gathers the largest number of participants and may take place in any agreed location.
I.The venue and organization of the event must be prepared to accommodate the expected number of participants and its organization is the responsibility of the Central Administration (CA).
( article 4-b )
It meets extraordinarily at request by reaching consensus through the on-line platform of at least ¼ of the party members.
( article 4-c )
I.PP members and sympathizers can participate in the National Congress.
Ii.The choice of the National Congress board is made by plurinominal consensus by the Political Commission.
( article 4-d )
Work order
Ratifies changes to the party's statutes.
( article 5 )
High Councils
The function of the High Councils is to carry out a plural and informed debate on trending policy proposals.
The political discussions are directed at populations that share the same state, macroregions, groups of autonomous communities, bundesländer, etc., or equivalents following the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics, also known as NUTS, geocoded NUTS 1.
( article 5-b )
Meets monthly in the party’s NHQ, i.e.: during new moon’s eve.
( article 5-c )
It’s composed of a member chosen by plurinominal consensus by the Political Commission; an economist, an engineer and a jurist proposed by the same method by the Scientific-economical and Legal Coordination; the most influential member of the PP (member with most delegations) and a member chosen at random from amongst the party, both considering the area of influence defined by the particular High Council; one member elected by the Presidency; one put forward by the Digital Youth. Totalling 8 participants.
( article 5-d )
Work order
I.Debates policy proposals put forward by the party members that have a global rate of approval higher than 40%.
Ii.Shortens or extends the evaluation period of policy proposals.
IiI.Proposes a schedule for the execution of the approved bills taking into account the priority and importance of each one of the proposals and the need to manage limited resources.
( article 6 )
Local Councils
Local councils have the function of debating policy proposals put forward by party members. They gather a high number of participants who share geographical proximity in the area of residency. It corresponds to the unit with most proximity impact and is analogue to the roles of municipalities, communes, kommuner, parishes, települések, etc. or LAUs following NUTS geocodes.
( article 6-b )
The event takes place monthly in large open spaces such as in city parks or inside public pavilions, i.e.: during full moon’s eve.
( article 6-c )
I.Party members residing in the corresponding administrative region defined in article 6 can participate in the Local Council debates.
ii.Up to 10 party members from the Local Council, elected by plurinominal consensus between the peers, are invited to form a board.
( article 6-d )
Work order
I.Debates current policy proposals put forward by the party members with a local rate of approval higher than 25%.
II.Elects the lists of representatives by plurinominal vote to compete for the local elections on behalf of the PP (which in turn elect a member of its list by plurinominal consensus to be part of the corresponding Regional Council).
Iii.Elects by plurinominal consensus 10 members from amongst the peers who make up the LCDIE.
Iv.Proposes a schedule for the execution of the approved bills with low economical impact.
( article 7 )
Regional councils
The regional councils have the function of debating policies proposed by the party members whose impact can influence the cultural-socio-economic dynamics of the community reinforcing regional unity. There is 1 instance for each administrative division of the land corresponding to the second smallest unit of government, traditionally akin to counties/municipalities, regional authorities, prefectures, arrondissements, kreis, kraje, daira, etc., geocoded NUTS 3.
( article 7-b )
Meets twice monthly at the corresponding RHQs, i.e: on the first and last quarter moon’s eve.
( article 7-c )
A party member elected by each one of the PP’s local electoral list of representative candidates.
( article 7-d )
Work order
I.Debates policies put forward by members of the party that have a local rate of approval above 35%.
Ii.Elaborates and ratifies at the beginning of each political cycle (local elections) a document suggesting a strategy for the governance of the corresponding administrative region.
Iii.Proposes a list of representatives that compete for the local electoral elections on behalf of the PP.
Iv.Elects by simple majority the representative who will be part of the corresponding inter-regional council. Each Regional Council must elect one representative.
v.Proposes a schedule for the execution of the approved bills with ordinary and medium economical impact, taking into account the priority and importance of each of the proposals and the management of limited resources.
( article 8 )
Inter-regional councils
Given the difficulty of bringing together a large number of participants in the same physical space, the inter-regional councils reinforce the territorial unity by interconnecting the various regional councils in the country.
Akin to states, departments, wilayas or geocode NUTS 2.
( article 8-b )
Meets twice monthly alternating between the corresponding IHQs, i.e.: during waxing and waning crescent moons.
( article 8-c )
It’s composed of members proposed by each of the Regional Councils that are part of the same political administrative regions.
( article 8-d )
Work order
I.Debates policy proposals put forward by party members that have a global rate of approval higher than 30%.
II.Proposes a schedule for the execution of approved bills of high economical impact, taking into account the priority and importance of each of the proposals and the management of limited resources.
( article 9 )
Political commission
It is an organ whose purpose is to reinforce territorial unity. It is responsible for electing PP’s representatives for parliamentary seats.
( article 9-b )
I.Meets at least 4 times annually: ordinarily 4 times during equinoxes and solstice's eve and extraordinarily in case of anticipated elections or demission of deputies from the parliament
II.It also reunites extraordinarily in case of political turmoil such as by anticipated political elections or in the event of demission of a representative from the parliament.
( article 9-c )
One member elected by each of the Inter-regional Councils.
( article 9-d )
Work order
I.Draws up and ratifies a document containing general lines of political strategy for governance of the country at the beginning of each electoral cycle.
II.Ratifies the list of representatives on behalf of the PP in to the parliament by plurinominal consensus.
III.Elects a member for the High Councils.
Iv.Elects all members of the Central Administration and the PP’s Press organ at the national level.
V.Elects a member for the International Council.
Vi.Elects the board for the National Congress.
Vii.Elects 4 members to participate in each of the ICDIEs.
( article 10 )
Coordination for the Defence of Integrity and Ethics
The existence of this body, called CDIE, is justified by the need to supervise the work initiated by the party in order to ensure that there is no usurpation of the powers entrusted. The CDIE is structured in 3 levels of proximity: local, regional and inter-regional.
( article 10-b )
The composition of all the structures of the CDIE must be chosen by plurinominal consensus and respect:
I.No member should have 1-degree kinship with other members.
II.Half of the members must be male and the other half female.
III.Three members must be drawn at random from the LC.
IV.Two members must be drawn at random.
V.The local structures of the CDIE are called Local Coordination for the Defence of Integrity and Ethics and their composition consists of 10 members elected by the corresponding Local Council.
VI.The structures at inter-regional level are called Inter-regional Coordination for the Defence of Integrity and Ethics and consist of 2 members proposed by the Presidency, 2 members proposed from and amongst the Legal Committee, 2 members drawn randomly from the party members user base and 4 party members chosen by the Political Commission.
VII.The regional level structures are called Regional Coordination for the Defence of Integrity and Ethics and are composed of 4 members drawn randomly from the Legal Committee, 2 members drawn randomly from the party members user base and 4 members proposed from and amongst the RSELC.
( article 10-c )
Work order
I.Each one of the structures of the CDIE elects by plurinominal consensus a Party member responsible for exercising treasury functions at the corresponding headquarters.
Ii.The Local Coordination for the Defence of Integrity and Ethics is open to receive every Sunday in the meeting room at the corresponding headquarters members of the PP who come with the purpose of filing in complaints. It should ratify a document with a summary of the cases and transmit them to the inter-regional Council for the Defence of Integrity and Ethics.
Iii.For ordinary, medium and high impact bills, the various RCDIEs must ratify a document that indicates the progress of the works and report success and failures of their execution to the inter-regional CDIE. The same task is attributed to the LCDIE for low impact bills reporting to the RCDIE.
Iv.inter-regional Councils for the Defence of Integrity and Ethics are to analyse situations reported as defined by point Iii by coordinating with the Legal Committee and the LSELC. Similarly the RCDIE is to analyse reports made by the LCDIE.
v.ICDIE and the RCDIE by coordinating with the SELC may publish an alert through the on-line platform signalling situations where misconduct of a Party member was noticed and, if presented with democratic consensus from the other Party members, may initiate legal action against the Party member whenever justified in coordination with the Legal Committee.
vi.ICDIE approves the SCs and ECs formed by the ISELC.
vii.LCDIE approves the SCs and ECs formed by the LSELC.
Viii.CDIE at all levels may validate partnerships between the SCs and the ECs and other apolitical organizations that may be useful to the works of the PP.
ix.ICDIE approves, by a simple majority, political propaganda and marketing initiatives proposed by the party Press at all levels.
x.LCDIE elects a journalist and the editor-in-chief for the party’s Local Press and the RCDIE, likewise, for the Regional Press.
( article 11 )
Scientific-Economic and Legal Coordination
SELC is a group of work that is given the task of consolidating the policy proposals put forward by party members by drawing from the expertise of scientists and scholars from various fields of knowledge. It functions mainly as the coordination between the SC, EC and the LC. It’s further divided in Local SELC (LSELC), Regional SELC (RSELC) and Inter-regional SELC (ISELC).
( article 11-b )
I.One member proposed by each of the professional ORDERs for each of the Local SELC.
Ii.Other relevant public institutions that do public service related to the preservation of the environment, do economical analyses, social work, represent workers such as syndicates, or do any other activity that is contributing to the general welfare of the society and that are recognized by the state or by the society and approved by democratic consensus can propose a member to be part of the Regional SELC.
Iii.All public universities and equivalent schooling institutions are each invited to propose one member for each of the existing inter-regional SELC.
( article 11-c )
Working groups
The choice for the work groups, deadlines and technical necessities for writing eco-economical analysis for law projects is made by simple consensus by the corresponding SELC by choosing a list (group) from a pool of volunteers from the self-appointed SCs the ECs.
I.Each SC and EC is formed by own initiative. The composition, dimension and mission must be clearly stipulated for each project.
iI.Each group may not have more than one project at any time.
iiI.Each group may stipulate a budget for the elaboration of the eco-economical analysis.
iv.Groups must also be validated by the corresponding CDIE.
( article 11-d )
Work order
I.Elects 3 Party members trained each one on a different field; engineering, economics and jurisprudence to participate in the High Councils through plurinominal consensus.
Ii.The ISELC establishes working groups that’ll write and update a comprehensive eco-economical report for each policy proposal that is published by the party Party members on the on-line platform that reaches global rate of approval higher than 45%.
iii. Likewise the LSELC establishes working groups that’ll create the same report for each policy proposal that is published on the on-line platform that reaches local rate of approval higher than 45%.
iv.The RSELC is to give technical assistance to the ICDIE.
v.Appoints by plurinominal consensus an editor-in-chief, a journalist and an infographer to be part of the party’s Press body at all levels.
( article 12 )
Scientific Committees
It is one of the most active bodies and its function is to produce reports that analyse the feasibility, the technical obstacles and propose execution plans for the bills put forward by the PP’s Party members; each policy proposal with a rate of approval higher than 45% is entitled a group formed chosen by and from within the Scientific Committee specifically. Work done by members of the SC can be remunerated.
( article 12-b )
The SC is made up of members of the party who volunteer and own an academic diploma in sciences.
I.The SCs are to respect the subdivision of the LSELC and the ISELC and their formation must be approved by either the LCDIE or the ICDIE correspondingly, depending on the rate of approval of the policy being analysed. Policies with local rate of approval above 45% are entitled a group formed by the LSELC while policies with a global rate of approval above 45% are studied by groups made by the ISELC.
II.The constituents of each SC must be chosen according to the complexity of the policy at hand.
( article 12-c )
Work order
Each Scientific Committee must:
I.Write a feasibility study that answers the question; Can the proposed policy in principle be implemented?
II.If the previous point answers positively then the SC prepares an environmental impact study, if necessary that answers; Is the proposed policy harmful to the ecosystem?
Iii.If the proposed policy is not harmful to the ecosystem then the SC draws up an execution plan for the proposed policy.
( article 13 )
Economic Committees
The Economic Committees, with the acronym EC are all similar to the SC with the difference that the objective is to carry out comparative economical studies for the bills emphasizing the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches (comparative economical analysis) rather than focusing on other scientific questions. The EC is also responsible for the realization and updating of macro economic reports available on the on-line platform.
( article 13-b )
The EC is made up of Party members who flag as volunteers and own an academic degree in the field of economy.
( article 13-c )
Work order
I.Prepare and keep updated a macro eco-econometric report in the on-line platform in collaboration with the SELC at all levels.
II.Prepare for each policy proposal that answered positively to point I and negatively to point Ii in the Article 12-c of this chapter, and that has a rate of approval higher than 45%, a comparative economical analyses with other law projects and bills.
( article 14 )
The work order attributed to the SC and EC is often complex and expensive thus the PP allows itself partnerships between these committees and other private apolitical organizations for the study of complex projects. We define these collaborations as sponsored and they’re valid only as long as they’re approved by the LCDIE when the project stems from a low impact policy proposal, the RCDIE for ordinary and medium impact proposals and the IRCDIE for high impact policies.
Adicionar estas ordens de trabbalhos nos outros artigs
( article 15 )
Legal committee
The Legal Committee brings together party members educated in the study of the law to provide service for the party.
( article 15-b )
They are composed of members flagged as volunteers who have an academic degree in jurisprudence.
( article 15-c )
Work order
I.Approves a constitutional conformity certificate for each policy proposal with a rate of approval above 45%.
II.Analyses the complaints presented by the ICDIE offering legal support for their resolution in coordination with the Scientific Committee.
IIi.Jurisdictional actions that may be initiated must be approved by simple consensus by members of the party that share the same area of residency as the persons or entities being accused. These actions can be remunerated but likewise require democratic consensus.
Iv.Appoints the secretaries by plurinominal consensus for the political debates of the main bodies during the PP’s activity.
( article 16 )
Central and local administrations
The Central Administration and the Local Administrations are executive bodies composed of party members responsible for the normal functioning of the party and its work space is in the corresponding party’s headquarters. The administration at the NHQ is defined as the Central Administration while at the LHQ we define as the Local Administrations.
( article 16-b )
Both Central and Local Administrations are composed of:
I.A receptionist and an administrator who has office at each Local Headquarters and at the National Headquarter.
iI.A treasurer who does not have permanent office but is to offer remunerated service to the party, with academic training in the area of accounting who is elected by the corresponding Local Coordination for the Defence of Integrity and Ethics and in the case of the Central Administration elected by the Political Commission.
( article 16-c )
Work order
I.Formalize payments necessary for the proper functioning of the party.
Ii.Keeping a physical record of party members registrations.
Iii.The CA mediates conflicts regarding on-line identities in cooperation with the LCDIE and the LC.
Iv. The CA organizes the National Congress and handles the PP’s** **archive to be kept at the NHQ.
v. The LCA and the CA are to cooperate with the PP’s Press by providing information regarding party’s activities.
vi. Manage the website and the party’s mail and e-mail addresses.
( article 17 )
Any groups of members or sympathizers of the party can associate with each other forming what we call the cores simply by identifying themselves and communicating their activity to the Local Administration with a list duly identified of its constituents as well as an explanation of the main area of action that brings them together.
( article 17-b )
Each core establishes at its foundation a short presentation text describing who and the reason why the body was created and its objectives in the short and long term.
( article 17-c )
I.Can also freely join the cores in addition to party members and sympathizers, members of the Digital Youth and the Unio Partio Digita.
II.Appoints a secretary if the core is composed of 10 or less members or a board otherwise chosen by plurinominal consensus.
( article 17-d )
Work order
I.Produce policies related to their mission.
II.Communicates extra-political activities to the LA.
( article 18 )
International Council
Discusses international politics, cultural and economic activity and environmental policies in the context of a globalized world.
( article 18-b )
A member proposed by the Political Commission of each of the parties belonging to the association Unio Partio Digita that have cultural affinity or geographical proximity. Develop the idea of mulriple international councils: ie: portugal-spain, portugal-palops, etc
( article 18-c )
I.Debates remotely twice each month, i.e.: during waxing and waning gibbous moons.
Ii.On agreement the meeting can be in-presence alternating between countries.
( article 18-d )
Work order
I.Debates international politics.
Ii.Ratifies a document to be used as a guide to foreign policies.
( article 19 )
The party’s press deals with political propaganda and promotes communication between members and non-members of the PP through the creation of media and journalistic content. The press is further divided in 3 levels; local, regional and national.
( article 19-b )
I.An infographer flagged as a volunteer is invited and is responsible for the design and graphical edition of all the work done by the Press. It’s chosen by the SELC by and for all levels accordingly.
Ii.An editor-in-chief; a party member appointed as a volunteer with academic training in journalism. For the local structure of the Press the choice of the editor in chief Is made from the LCDIE. For the regional level the choice comes from the RCDIE. At the national level the editor-in-chief is appointed by the Political Commission.
Iii.A journalist flagged as a volunteer is invited to produce articles for the newspaper PP Digital. Likewise to the editor in chief, for the local structure of the press the choice of the journalist is made by the LCDIE. For the regional level the choice comes from the RCDIE and likewise the Political Commission assigns for the national level.
( article 19-c )
Work order
I.Monthly publication of the PP Digital magazine in digital format free of charges and a paid physical magazine.
II.Advertising and political propaganda, intervening in various ways such as by by distributing pamphlets, using advertising panels or on-line social networks. All interventions must be approved by the ICDIE.
III.Publishing of all the debates held by the main and secondary bodies on the on-line platform on social media.
IV.The local and regional structures of the Press are to cooperate in following and uploading to the on-line platform works done by official governmental entities at all levels, such as new laws passed by the pairlament.
V.The national structure supervises, analyses and communicates the work of the national parliament (the senate, the house of representatives or equivalents) and must upload to a feed that is to be used in the Hemicycle view on the on-line platform.
( article 19-d )
PP Digital
The political discussion among members of the PP in addition to taking place through the internet as detailed and established in the previous article is complemented with the publication of a newspaper called PP Digital.
I.The official address on the internet of the newspaper PP Digital has URL pp.digital.
Ii.Publications of PP Digital must contain a commented compilation of new law projects.
Iii.Inclusion of reports of a journalistic nature that evaluate the evolution of the policies that have passed to the execution phase.
Iv.Inclusion of interviews to personalities of the party such as members with highest activity.
( article 20 )
All documents produced by the main and secondary bodies of the party must be published in a physical format and be available for consultation at the corresponding headquarters as well as digitally through the on-line platform. The management of the archive is the responsibility of the Central Administration of the party.
( article 20-B )
Digital database
The historic of actions such as the approvals or disapprovals on policy proposals, publications in the discussion forums or on the on-line platform must be recorded in an encrypted, decentralized, signed and open sourced digital database.
( article 21 )
As a complement to the official website of the PP, the newspaper PP Digital, the archive and the on-line platform, a yearbook is also to be published that exhaustively contains the work carried out by the party, thus reinforcing the physical record of its activities.
I.The compilation, creation and editing is the responsibility of the party’s press bodies at all levels.
II.Part of the content will come from approved bills.
III.The remaining content of the yearbook should consist of financial reports of the party's activity and the accountant’s reports.
( article 1 )
All internal decision-making from the choice of members that participate in the party bodies to the choice of bills to be included in electoral programs must stem from democratic criteria, namely, being elected or approved by simple consensus or positional majority through direct or indirect voting; directly in the case of the Presidency, the board of the National Congress, the composition of Regional Councils, Local councils, remaining bodies, or indirectly through representatives such as in the composition of the Political Commission.
( article 2 )
The announcement of the venue and the sending of invitations for the participation on all the party’s activities is done automatically by the on-line platform with extra contacts to be made by the corresponding administration informing the participants of the debates by mail and e-mail (from the party’s headquarters official addresses to the party member’s official contacts).
( article 3 )
of the debates
Whenever the party’s events muster a crowd larger than 200 people, such may happen during meetings of the Local Councils and the National Congress for instance, the crowd is further divided automaticity by the on-line platform into smaller groups of at most 40 people and each group should assign a moderator and a secretary for conducting the debate.
( article 4 )
Policy proposals
Any party member can publish a new policy proposal or propose changes to an existing proposal by using the forums on the on-line platform. The proposals must consist of title, abstract and body:
I.The title must be a short phrase associated with the proposal with a maximum of 30 words.
Ii.The abstract should also briefly explain the subject to which it refers, and consist of between 100 and 300 words.
Iii.The body, without limitations, must contain the proposal itself as detailed as possible with the appropriate legal terms preferably. Attached to it may be added AutoCAD documents, PDF files, etc., other file formats that convey fundamental information to the understanding and elaboration of the policy proposal at hand.
( article 4-b )
Geographical bond
To each of the proposed policies put forward by the party members, in addition to the title, abstract and body it must be associated with the local administrative region to which the member who proposed it belongs.
( article 4-c )
Rate of approval
Through the on-line platform on the forum view party members of the PP can express and register in an encrypted distributed and signed digital database if they approve or reject a proposed policy or amendment of an existing policy put forward by other members.
I.We define local rate of approval as the reason between the approvals for a given policy and the total number of users that share residency in the same local administrative area.
Ii. The relative local rate of approval is defined as the reason between the difference of approvals and rejections for a given policy and the total number of users that share residency in the same local administrative area. Relative rates lower than 0 are fixed at 0%.
Iii.The global rate of approval is a numerical variable calculated by the reason between the number of approvals and the total number of party members.
Iv.The relative global rate of approval is a numerical variable calculated by the reason between the difference of approvals and rejections for a given policy and the total number of party members.
v.We define tension as the modulus of the difference between the relative local rate of approval and the relative global rate of approval.
vi.Policy proposals with local or global approval rates above 40% are considered law projects and above 60% we define as bills and are to be automatically suggested for inclusion in party’s political program, accessible on the on-line platform.
( article 4-d )
Parallel to the indicator defined above, party members are invited to classify a given policy according to how urgent they consider it to be; irrelevant, of little importance, useful, important and urgent.
( article 4-e )
I.Each policy proposal is associated with a political intervention area that should match the country’s higher level governmental organizations (i.e. the Ministries or equivalents).
Ii. The nature of the policy proposals can also be classed as internal (such as when deciding for the party’s headquarters).
( article 4-f )
I.Low impact policies are those whose financing doesn’t exceed 0.0000002% of the state budget and are prioritized up to of little importance.
iI.Ordinary policies are those whose financing is lower than 0,00001% of the state budget or that are considered from useful or impactful.
Iii.Medium-impact policies are those whose financing costs are greater than 0.00001% of the state budget and whose priority is considered useful or impactful.
Iv.High-impact policies are considered to be all whose financing is greater than 0.00001% of the state budget or whose priority is considered urgent.
( article 5 )
Policy evaluation period
The policy evaluation period is an evaluation period of 1 year (unless otherwise ruled by the statutes) in which the policy proposals are to be discussed amongst the party members and the various party bodies before being officially inserted and accepted in the electoral programs.
I.The High Councils may, by simple consensus, shorten the evaluation time for a given bill to a period no shorter than 24 hours, if it is considered necessary to make urgent decisions. This point safeguards emergency situations resulting from natural catastrophes or socio-economic instability.
iI.Analogously to the previous point, the evaluation time of a bill can be extended to a maximum of 2 years by the High Councils with simple majority consensus if it is considered necessary a more thorough study of the socio-economic impacts of the policy proposal, bill, or the capacity to execute accordingly is in question.
( article 6 )
Political calendar
Once several bills have been approved the impossibility may arise either due to financial limitations or lack of manpower to execute all the approved policies at one same time, thus the necessity of establishing a political calendar.
I.The High Councils have the responsibility to propose a schedule for the high impact bills; Inter-regional Councils are to propose a schedule for medium impact bills; Regional Councils are to schedule ordinary bills and the Local Councils low impact bills.
II. The various calendarizations can be customized and ratified by each party member on a specific view on the on-line platform. The final and official calendar to be used on the PP’s electoral programs is to be calculated by automatically merging over all proposals.
( article 7 )
Scientific-economic and legal analysis
Law projects must be evaluated from the point of view of their technical and economical viability. By way of example, it is not enough for a party member to suggest the construction of a new hospital in a given region. It is necessary to ascertain the real need for the proposal, for example; the number of potential users, the medical services already existing in the region, the financing of the project etc.. It is necessary to evaluate the costs, the execution timelines, and compare them because the available resources and time is always limited. The analysis of the policy proposals consists of 4 parts:
I.The first part must present the original policy proposal and a comment issued by the Legal Committee regarding the conformity of the proposal with the constitutional law and possible conflicts in the use of legal terms.
II.The second part, which is a feasibility study, should contain the various technical analyses necessary to carry out the project, such as availability and costs raw materials, estimates for the number and qualifications of technicians, establishment of deadlines, etc., and is to be prepared by the Scientific Committee.
III.Thirdly. an economic analysis comparing the various possibilities of achieving it, summarizing the respective advantages and disadvantages prepared by the Economic Committee.
IV.Lastly, an execution plan should be proposed.
V.The analysis must be completed within a reasonable period after the adjudication to the work groups established by the SELC. Should points II, III and IV require financial resources to be accomplished, Chapter V specifies the requirements and procedures.
( article 8 )
Eco-econometric report
It is a report drawn up by the Economic Committee in collaboration with the Scientific Committee in which monetary, financial and environmental statistics, pollution indicators, existing mineral resources in the national territory, etc., are presented.
I.Presents macro economical data such as the PIB, wealth distribution, the state public spending by sector of the economy, taxation, etc..
II.Ecological data relative to the quality of the air, electromagnetic radiation at various altitude levels and geographical points across the country, concentration of heavy metals, the PH of rivers, etc..
III.This information is to be presented and updated in real-time as much as possible and summarized with the use of graphics or other forms of visual presentation synthesized in a specific view in the on-line platform.
( article 9 )
Vote delegation
Any party member can delegate his/her vote on any specific policy proposal or bill, or even delegate all votes for a given political category, through the on-line platform.
I.The party members to whom has been delegated the right to vote in behalf of other members on a certain policy or on a certain category of policies can again delegate the vote to other members. The vote expressed by the last element of the chain propagates back to all the connected members.
II.The delegation of the vote is considered direct when the delegation of the vote is for a specific policy. It’s considered indirect when the delegation is based on its nature as established in Article 4-e, Chapter III or when the vote is made by second or higher order in the chain of delegations as described in the previous point I.
( article 10 )
Participatory electoral program
The electoral program presented by the PP for both national and local elections is composed exclusively of contributions from all party members, who contribute in an egalitarian and free manner, according to the criteria established in Chapter III of this document.
I.Bills with a global approval rate higher than 60% should be automatically included in the electoral program for legislative elections.
II.Bills with a global approval rate of less than 60% but with a local approval rate higher than 60% must be included in the electoral program for the local elections.
( article 1 )
Parliamentary eligibility
All party members not elected to roles in the main or secondary bodies of the party are eligible to represent the PP in the NATIONAL PARLIAMENT, and it is the responsibility of the Political Commission to draw up the list of deputies by plurinominal vote.
( article 2 )
Declaration of interests
Elected deputies in the name of PP are to sign a Declaration of Interest wherein they declare any relationship that may exist with private for profit organizations.
( article 3 )
Vote orientation
The vote of the deputies representing the party in the parliament must be the same as the vote expressed by consensus by the party members through the on-line platform. Otherwise representatives of the PP can voice their personal opinions but must abstain when voting.
( article 4 )
Consciousness objection
Elected deputies may vote against the wishes of the members of the PP, as established in Article 10, Chapter III, alleging conscientious objection. If this happens, the deputy in question must voluntarily resign his/her position as a representative of the PP.
( article 5 )
On any topic under discussion in parliament, PP deputies, when asked to participate in the debate, must select and read publications made by party members on the on-line platform that have the greatest number of supporters.
( article 6 )
All members of the party who exercise governmental functions must follow exclusively what is included in the party's electoral program. Failure to do so may result in the expulsion from the party. The list of members of the PP proposed to take the ministerial seats is put forward by the Political Commission.
( article 7 )
The lists chosen to represent PP must choose half of the members from both sexes.
( article 1 )
The PP has in its genesis the principle of transparency, that is, all decision-making, debates and internal procedures are to be made public either on the on-line platform or in physical format through the party’s yearbook and the PP Digital magazine.
( article 2 )
Financing of PP’s activities must conform to the LAW OF FINANCING OF POLITICAL PARTIES.
( article 2-b )
Membership and participation in the PP’s bodies is always free of charges. However, party members are welcomed to give contributions by sending cryptocurrency to the party’s wallet address. These contributions are to be publicly announced on the party’s official website and a special badge is given under the forum’s avatar of the donator in the on-line platform for a period.
( article 2-c )
Each time a party member votes, a blockchain transaction is done. This entails a GAS FEE that must be paid in cryptocurrency even if the transacted value is in fact 0.
The main source for revenue for the PP is a fixed PRICE for each vote that is cast. The total cost for each vote is then calculated by the gas fee plus the price of the vote. The price is established by democratic consensus and enforced by a smart contract.
( article 3 )
Members of the SCs and the ECs offer their expertise in order to improve the quality of the policies put forward by other members. In contrast to other bodies of the party, the work done by the SCs and the ECs often demands considerable human and financial resources in order to be well executed, and, in a timely manner. The on-line platform, because of its software architecture, allows for secure and transparent crowdfunding operations thanks to its blockchain implementation. Crowdfunding sessions are run automatically for each policy proposal that meet the minimum consensus requirements to be considered for an eco-economical analysis.
Additionally, members of the Central, Local Administrations and the Press at all levels are to also be remunerated with a salary between the minimum and 2x the minimum wage. These payments are also to be done automatically by a smart contract and the exact value can be defined by consensus.The price and the particular SCs and ECs who are to receive these funds is decided by democratic consensus.
I.The price for the elaboration of these eco-economical analyses is established by evaluating proposed budgets by the respective SCs and the ECs, independently. These budgets are then re-evaluated by party members who may suggest a different price. Finally, it’s fixed by calculating the median from all the contributions.
iI. SCs and the ECs may by their own initiative accept or reject the proposed price for a project.
iiI. The different SCs and ECs that accepted a proposal, are afterwards ratified by the SELC by simple consensus and lastly, party members officialize the adjudication of the work again by consensus.
iv. The money is to come directly from the PP’s funds or from members of the party exclusively who may want to contribute voluntarily and directly, always by transacting cryptocurrencies and making use of the transparency of smart contracts.
( article 4 )
The cryptocurrency that is to be used by the PP is eth, the native cryptocurrency supported by Ethereum 2’s main-net.
( article 5 )
Fixed costs
I.Mortgages from all headquarters and their maintenance: electricity, water, telecommunications such as internet, telephone line, cleaning material and various office objects such as papers, clips, pens.
Ii.Minimum wage for all the members of the Central and Local Administrations.
( article 6 )
Financial report
It is the responsibility of the PP’s treasurer to prepare an annual report with the capital movements as established in LAW:
I.Provisional trial balance.
Ii.Real trial balance carried out monthly and published on the official website of PP and through the on-line platform.
Iii.These documents are to be sent in a physical format to the CDIE at all levels.
( article 7 )
If by the end of the fiscal year the party is found to have monetary surplus at least 25% of those are to be donated to a list of charities chosen by plurinominal consensus through the on-line platform.
( article 8 )
Choice for the location of the headquarters is made by plurinominal consensus on the on-line platform.
( article 8-b )
National headquarters
The NHQ must have 4 independent spaces: a reception hall, an archive, an auditorium with 200 seats and the CA’s office.
( article 8-c )
Inter-regional headquarters
The headquarters for the inter-regional councils must consist of 5 independent spaces: a reception hall, an archive, an auditorium with 100 seats to be used by the ISELC, the inter-regional CDIE’s office room and the PP’s press workspace.
( article 8-d )
Regional level headquarters
The headquarters to support the Regional Councils must be composed of 5 independent spaces: a reception hall, an archive, a meeting room, a meeting room with 50 seats to be used by the RSELC and the regional level CDIE’s office room.
( article 8-d )
Local headquarters
LHQ are composed of 5 independent spaces: a reception, an archive, a meeting room with 50 seats to be used by the LSELC, an office room for the LA and an office room for the LCDIE.
( article 9 )
Human resources
I.Receptionist responsible for welcoming visitors which are interested to know the PP, informing them about the party's activities. Must make sure that recent party documentation is always updated and available. the public and managing administrative mail and e-mail.
II. The NHQ and the LHQ are to have a permanent administrator present in the administration’s office.
IIi.Cleaning services for the maintenance of hygiene.
( article 10 )
Typology of party’s headquarters
The dimension of the spaces must be proportional to the population that they are serving:
(Auditorium space can be located in independent buildings)
( article 1 )
1st national congress
Its objective is to present the PP to the public and this document (unratified statutes), discuss the genesis of the party, assign the first 7500 passphrases to be used for the first members signing up on the on-line platform. Establishing a provisional Presidency and a provisional Political Commission. It’ll take place during **DATE **in VENUE.
( article 2 )
Provisional Political Commission
Before the PP launchs and is fully operational, a provisional Political Commission is to be established. While having the same mission, convocation and work order statutes, to the exclusion of lines 3 and 7 of the article article 9-d, the composition changes to consisting of a number of elements equal to the number of inter-regions as defined by NUTS 2 and whom are proposed by the provisional Presidency of the PP.
( article 3 )
Provisional Presidency
A provisional presidency is to be established; while having the same mission and work order statutes, with exception to the exclusion of line 1 and 2 in article 3-c, the composition changes to 2 members of different sexes elected by plurinominal consensus on the on-line platform.
( article ? )
adicionar coordenacao etica provisoria
adicionar coordenacao etica provisoria
( article 4 )
2nd national congress
Its objective is to approve the final party statutes as well as to formalize the creation of the party. It’ll also be used to create a temporary composition for the High Councils, Press and at least 1 temporary instance of a Local Council. The 2nd National Congress of the party will take place on a day and place to be defined during the 1st National Congress.
( article 5 )
3rd national congress
Establishes at least 1 provisional instance of the following bodies; Regional Council, an Inter-regional Council, CDIE and SELC at all levels correspondingly. Place and venue to be defined during the 2nd National Congress.
( article 6 )
4th national congress
Hindsight of the path walked. Celebration. Place and venue to be defined during the 3rd National Congress.