Mutation testing for erlang. It makes small changes to your source code and checks if tests are passing. If they pass -- mutation is reported. The idea behind this kind of testing is to check tests quality.
Supported mutators:
- clause remove
- logic change
- constant change
Rebar-style configurable. Create muterl.config with erlang terms in your project folder.
Default options are:
{files, "src/*.erl"}.
{mutants, 100}.
{runner, "rebar3 eunit"}.
{report, ""}.
{backup_folder, "muterl.backup"}.
To disable remove_clause
, logic_inverse
or constant_change
, please
specify {<mutation_name>, disable}.
at your config.
To selectively enable or disable mutations for a set of functions please specify
{functions, "some?hing.*"}
or {functions_skip, ".*test"}
. Function names matched with regexp. Both can be used at a time.
To use, run from your project folder, don't forget to backup everything!
Example below starts mutations for jsx:
git clone
git clone
cd jsx
If files can't be parsed due to compicated macros or parser bug - they are skipped.
While running, it creates a report for survived mutants, for example:
Mutant survived, affected file: src/jsx_decoder.erl
*** muterl.backup/src/jsx_decoder.erl 2016-12-24 17:18:56.000000000 +0100
--- src/jsx_decoder.erl 2016-12-24 17:30:57.000000000 +0100
*** 1114,1121 ****
done(<<?space, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [], Config) ->
done(Rest, Handler, [], Config);
- done(<<?newline, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [], Config) ->
- done(Rest, Handler, [], Config);
done(<<?tab, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [], Config) ->
done(Rest, Handler, [], Config);
done(<<?cr, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [], Config) ->
--- 1114,1119 ----
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