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115 lines (79 loc) · 3.89 KB


To build Qwik for local development, first npm (or yarn) install the dev dependencies:

yarn install

Next the start command will:

  • Build the source files
  • Begin the watch process so any changes will rebuild
  • Run the type checking watch process with tsc
  • Run the unit test (Jest) watch process
yarn start

Running All Tests

To run all Unit tests (Jest) and E2E tests Playwright, run:

yarn test

The test command will also ensure a build was completed.

Unit Tests Only

Unit tests use Jest.

yarn test.unit

To keep Jest open with the watch mode, run:


Note that the command isn't necessary if you're running the npm start command, since start will also concurrently run the Jest watch process.

E2E Tests Only

E2E tests use Playwright.

To run the Playwright tests headless, from start to finish, run:

yarn test.e2e

Production Build

The npm start command will run development builds, type check, watch unit tests, and watch the files for changes.

A full production build will:

  • Builds each submodule
  • Generates bundled .d.ts files for each submodule with API Extractor
  • Checks the public API hasn't changed
  • Builds a minified core.min.mjs file
  • Generates the publishing package.json
yarn build

The build output will be written to packages/qwik/dist, which will be the directory that is published to


  1. Run yarn release.prepare, which will test, lint and build.
  2. Use the interactive UI to select the next version, which will update the package.json version property, add the git change, and start a commit message.
  3. Create a PR with the package.json change to merge to main.
  4. After the package.json with the updated version is in main, click the Run Workflow button from the "Qwik CI" Github Action workflow.
  5. Select the NPM dist-tag that should be used for this version, then click "Run Workflow".
  6. The Github Action will dispatch the workflow to build and each of the submodules, build WASM and native bindings, combine them into one package, and validate the package before publishing to NPM.
  7. If the build is successful and all tests and validation passes, the workflow will automatically publish to NPM, commit a git tag to the repo, and create a Github release.
  8. 🚀


  1. Run yarn release.prepare.qwik-city, which will test and build.
  2. Use the interactive UI to select the next version, which will update the package.json version property, add the git change, and start a commit message.
  3. Create a PR with the package.json change to merge to main.
  4. After the package.json with the updated version is in main, click the Run Workflow button from the "Release Qwik City" Github Action workflow.
  5. The Github Action will dispatch the workflow to build and publish
  6. If the build is successful and all tests and validation passes, the workflow will automatically publish to NPM.
  7. ⚡️

Starter CLI create-qwik

Pre-submit hooks

The project has pre-submit hooks, which ensure that your code is correctly formatted. You can run them manually like so:

yarn lint
yarn buildifier-check
yarn prettier-check

Some of the issues can be fixed automatically by using:

yarn buildifier-fix
yarn prettier-fix