Training Engineer @ CloudBees
Docker & Apple fanboy. Sorry
Human stack focused
Rock climber
Twitter: @DamienDuportal
Github: dduportal
Google: [email protected]
Software at the Speed of Ideas
Hub of "Enterprise Jenkins and DevOps"
We provide:
Jenkins "Enterprise" Distribution
Services around Jenkins
VirtualBox >= 5.1.18
Vagrant >= 1.9.1
From a Terminal, download the VM (1 time, ~1Gb):
vagrant box add {box-name} \ https://github.com/oufti-playground/lab-vm/releases/download/mixit-2017/jenkins-lab-demo.box
Initialize the VM project:
mkdir {box-name} cd {box-name} vagrant init -m -f {box-name}
Start the VM from the {box-name} folder:
$ ls Vagrantfile $ pwd .../{box-name} $ vagrant up
Access your instance homepage: