For replicability, we provide detailed instructions for generating the exports on the main page with Anserini.
The source index was constructed with the following command, based on Anserini v0.7.2 (as tagged in the repo):
sh target/appassembler/bin/IndexCollection -collection ClueWeb12Collection \
-input /tuna1/collections/web/ClueWeb12-B13/ -index lucene-index-ciff.cw12b.20200309 \
-generator JsoupGenerator -threads 8 -optimize
Note that -optimize
must be specified to merge the index down to a single segment.
The follow two invocations created the exports:
target/appassembler/bin/ExportAnseriniLuceneIndex -output robust04-complete-20200306.ciff \
-index lucene-index-ciff.robust04.20200306 -description "Anserini v0.7.2, Robust04 regression"
target/appassembler/bin/ExportAnseriniLuceneIndex -index lucene-index-ciff.robust04.20200306 \
-output robust04-queries-20200306.ciff -termsFile src/main/resources/robust04-tokens.lucene-analyzed.txt \
-description "Anserini v0.7.2, Robust04 regression"
The source index was constructed with the following command, based on Anserini v0.7.2 (as tagged in the repo):
sh target/appassembler/bin/IndexCollection -collection ClueWeb12Collection \
-input /tuna1/collections/web/ClueWeb12-B13/ -index lucene-index-ciff.cw12b.20200309 \
-generator JsoupGenerator -threads 8 -optimize
Note that -optimize
must be specified to merge the index down to a single segment.
The follow two invocations created the exports:
target/appassembler/bin/ExportAnseriniLuceneIndex -output cw12b-complete-20200309.ciff.gz
-index lucene-index-ciff.cw12b.20200309 -description "Anserini v0.7.2, ClueWeb12-B13 regression"
target/appassembler/bin/ExportAnseriniLuceneIndex -output cw12b-queries-20200309.ciff.gz \
-index lucene-index-ciff.cw12b.20200309 -description "Anserini v0.7.2, ClueWeb12-B13 regression" \
-termsFile src/main/resources/cw12b-tokens.lucene-analyzed.txt \
On a modern desktop with an SSD, the complete export takes a bit less than 3 hours to complete. The export with queries only takes about 10 minutes.